1 | A 1555 D'esprit divin l'ame presage atteinte Trouble, famine, peste, guerre courir, Eauz, siccitez, terre mer de sang teinte, Paix, tresve, a naistre Prelats, Princes mourir. |
The soul touched from a
distance by the divine spirit presages, Trouble, famine, plague, war to hasten: Water, droughts, land and sea stained with blood, Peace, truce, prelates to be born, princes to die. |
2 | P A 1555 La mer Tyrrhene, l'Ocean par la garde Du grand Neptun & ses tridens soldats. Provence seure par la main du grand Tende. Plus Mars, Narbon l'heroiq de Vilars. |
The Tyrrhenian Sea, the
Ocean for the defense, The great Neptune and his trident soldiers: Provence secure because of the hand of the great Tende, More Mars Narbonne the heroic de Villars. |
3 | J 1555 Le gros airain qui les heures ordonne, Sur le trespas du Tyran cassera: Pleurs, plaintes, & cris. eaux, glace pain ne donne. V.S.C. paix. l'amée passera. |
The big bronze one which
regulates the time of day, Upon the death of the Tyrant it will be dismissed: Tears, laments and cries, waters, ice bread does not give, V.S.C. peace, the army will pass away. |
4 | F 1555 Prés du Leman [la] frayeur sera grande Par le conseil, cela ne peut faillir. Le nouveau Roy fait apprester sa bande, Le jeune meurt, faim, peur fera saillir. |
Near Geneva terror will be
great, Through the counsel, that cannot fail: The new King has his league prepare, The young one dies, famine, fear will cause failure. |
5 | M 1555 O Mars cruel, que tu sera à craindre, Plus est la Faux avec l'Argent conjoint Classe, copiee, au, vent, l'ombriche, craindre. Mer, terre tresve, L'amy à L.V. s'est joint. |
O cruel Mars, how you
should be feared, More is the scythe with the silver conjoined: Fleet, forces, water, wind of shadow to fear, Sea and land in a truce. The friends has joined L.V. |
6 | A 1555 De n'avoir garde seras plus offensé. Le foible fort, l'inquiet pacifique. La fain on crie, le peuple est oppressé. La mer rougir, le Long fier & inique. |
For not having a guard you
will be more offended, The weak fort, Pinquiet uneasy and pacific: They cry "famine," the people are oppressed, The sea reddens, the Long one proud and iniquitous. |
7 | M 1555 Le cinq, six, quinze, tard & tost l'on se journe. Le né sang fin: les citez revoltées. L'heraut de paix vint & trois s en retourne. L'ouvert cinq serre. nouvelles inventées. |
The five, six, fifteen,
late and soon they remain, The heir’s bloodline ended: the cities revolted: The herald of peace twenty and three return, The open-hearted five locked up, news invented. |
8 | J 1555 Loin prés de l'Urne le malin tourne arriere. Qu'au grand Mars feu donra empeschement Vers l'Aquilon au midy la grand fiere. FLORA tiendra la porte en pensement. |
At a distance, near the
Aquarius, Saturn turns back, That year great Mars will give a fire opposition, Towards the North to the south the great proud female, Florida in contemplation will hold the port. |
9 | J 1555 Huit, quinze & cinq quelle desloyauté Viendra permettre l'explorateur malin. Feu du Ciel, foudre, peur, frayeur Papauté, L'occident tremble, trop serre vin Salin. |
Eight, fifteen, and five
what disloyalty The evil spy will come to be permitted: Fire in the sky, lightning, fear, Papal terror, The west trembles, pressing too hard the Salty wine. |
10 | A 1555 Six, douze, treize, vint parlera la Dame. Laisné sera par femme corrompu, Dijon, Guyenne gresle, foudre l'entame. L'insatiable de sang & vin repu, |
Six, twelve, thirteen,
twenty will speak to the Lady, The older one by a woman will be corrupted: Dijon, Guienne hail, lightning makes the first cut into it, The insatiable one of blood and wine satisfied. |
11 | S 1555 Pleurer le Ciel, à t-il cela fait faire? La mer s'apreste. Annibal fait ses ruses. Denys moüille. classe tarde, ne taire N a sçeu secret, & à quoy tu t amuses? |
The sky to weep for him,
made to do that! The sea is being prepared, Hannibal to plan his ruse: Denis [drops anchor], fleet delays, does not remain silent, Has not known the secret, and by which you are amused! |
12 | O 1555 Venus Neptune poursuivra l'entreprise, Serrez pensifs, troublez les opposans. Classe en Adrie, citez vers la Tamise. Le quart bruit blesse de nuict les reposans. |
Venus Neptune will pursue
the enterprise, Pensive one imprisoned, adversaries troubled: Fleet in the Adriatic, cities towards the Thames, The fourth clamor, by night, the reposing ones wounded. |
13 | N 1555 Le grand du Ciel sous la Cape donra Secours. Adrie à la porte fait offre. Se sauvera des dangers qui pourra. La nuit le Grand blessé poursuit le coffre. |
The great one of the sky
the cape will give, Relief, Adriatic makes an offer to the port: He who will be able will save himself from dangers, By night the Great One wounded pursues. |
14 | D 1555 La porte exclame trop frauduleuse & feinte La gueule ouverte, condition de paix. Rhosne au cristal, eau, neige, glace teinte. La mort, mort, vent, par pluye cassé faix. |
The port protests too
fraudulently and false, The maw opened, condition of peace: Rhone in crystal, water, snow, ice stained, The death, death, wind, through rain the burden broken. |
15 | J 1557 L'indigne orné craindra la grand fornaise. L'esleu premier, des captifs n'en retourne. Grand bas du monde, l'Itale non a laise Barb. Ister, Malte. Et le Buy ne retourne. |
The shocking and infamous
armed one will fear the great furnace, First the chosen one, the captives not returning: The world’s lowest crime, the Angry Female Irale not at east, Barb, Hister, Malta. And the Empty One does not return. |
16 | M 1557 (F? M? A?) Conjoint icy, au Ciel appert dépesche. Prise, laissé, mortalité non seure. Peu pluye, entrée, le Ciel la terre seche. De fait, mort, pris, arrivé à mal heure. |
Conjoined here, in the sky
the dispatch opened, Taken, left behind, mortality not certain: Little rain, entry, the sky and earth dries, Undone, death, caught, arrived at a bad hour. |
17 | J 1557 Victor naval, à Houche, Anvers divorce. Né grand du Ciel feu, tremblement haut brule Sardaigne bois, Malte Palerme, Corse. Prelat mourir, l'un frape sur la Mule. |
Naval victor at Hoek,
Antwerp divorce, Great heir, from the sky fire, trembling high woods: Sardinian wood, Malta, Palermo, Corsica, Prelate to die, strikes the one on the Mule. |
18 | J 1557 L'heraut errant du chien au Lion tourne. Feu ville ardra, pille, prise nouvelle. Decouvrir fustes. Princes pris. on retourne. Explor. pris Gall. au grand jointe pucelle. |
The errant herald turns
from the dog to the Lion, Fire will burn the town, pillage, new prize: To discover foists, Princes taken, they return, Spy taken Gaul, to the great one joined to the virgin. |
19 | A 1557 De la grand Cour banni - conflit, blessé Esleu, renduë, accusé, mat. mutins. En feu cité Pyr. eaux venins, pressé Ne voguer onde, ne facher les latins. |
From the great court
banished, conflict, wounded, Elected, delivered, accused, cunning mutineers: And fire on the Pyrenees city, water, venoms, pressed, Not to travel by water, not to anger the Latins. |
20 | S 1557 Mer, terre aller, foy, loyauté rompuë Pille, naufrage, à la cité tumulte. Fier, cruel acte, ambition repeuë, Foible offensé: le chef de fait inulte. |
Sea, land to go, faith,
loyalty broken, Pillage, wreck, tumult in the city: Proud, cruel act, ambition sated, Weakling offended: the perpetrator of the deed unpunished. |
21 | O 1557 Froid, grand deluge, de regne dechassé Niez, discord. Trion, Orient mine. Septentrion Poison, mis siege, de la Cité chassé. Retour felice, neuve secte en ruine. |
Cold, great flood, expelled
from the kingdom, Idiot, discord, Ursa Major and Minor, source in the East: Poison, siege laid, expelled out of the city, Happy return, new sect in ruins. |
22 | N 1557 Mer close, monde ouvert, cité renduë, Faillir le Grand, esleu nouveau, grand brume Floram patere entrer camp. foy rompuë. Effort sera severe à blanche plume. |
Sea closed, world opened,
city exhausted, The Great One to fail, the newly elected, great mist: Florence to be open, campus to enter, faith broken, Stress will be severe to the white plume. |
23 | D 1557 Tutelle à Veste, guerre meurt, translatée, Combat naval, honneur, mort, prelature. Entrée, decez. France fort augmentée, Esleu passé, venu à la mal heure. |
Tutelage on Vesta, war
dies, transferred, Naval combat, honor, death, prelacy: Death come in, France greatly augmented, Elected one passed, come to a bad end. |
24 | J 1558 Puisné Roy fait, funebre epithalame, Sacrez esmueus, festins, iceux, soupi Mars. Nuit larme on crie, hors on conduit la Dame, L'arrest & pache rompu de toutes pars. |
The young King makes a
funeral wedding soon, Holy one stirred up, feasts, of the said, Mars dormant: Night tears they cry, they conduct the lady outside, The arrest and peace broken on all sides. |
25 | M 1558 (F?) Vaine rumeur dedans la hierarchie. Rebeller Gennes: courses, insults, tumultes, Au plus grand Roy sera la monarchie, Election, conflit, couverts, sepultes. |
Vain rumor within the
Hierarchy, Genoa to rebel: courses, offenses, tumults: For the greater King will be the monarchy, Election, conflict, covert burials. |
26 | A 1558 Par la discorde defaillir au defaut: Un tout à coup le remettra au sus. Vers l'Aquilon seront les bruits si haut, Lesions, pointes à travers, par dessus. |
Through discord in the
absence to fail, One suddenly will put him back on top: Towards the North will be noises so loud, Lesions, points to travel, above. |
27 | M 1558 La mer thyrrhene, de differente voile. Par l'Ocean seront divers asaults. Peste, poison, sang en maison de toile. Presults, Legate esmeus marcher mer haut. |
On the Tyrrhenian Sea, of
different sail, On the Ocean there will be diverse assaults: Plague, poison, blood in the house of canvas, Prefects, Legates stirred up to march high seas. |
28 | J 1558 Là où la foy estoit sera rompuë: Les ennemis les ennemis paistront. Feu Ciel pleuvra, ardra, interrompuë Nuit entreprise. Chefs querelles mettront. |
There where the faith was
it will be broken, The enemies will feed upon the enemies: Fire rains [from the] Sky, it will burn, interrupted, Enterprise by night. Chief will make quarrels. |
29 | J 1558 Guerre, tonnerre, mains champs depopulez, Frayeur & bruit, assault à la frontiere. Grand Grand failli, pardon aux Exilez. Germains, Hispans, par mer Barba, banniere. |
War, thunder, forces
fields, depopulated, Terror and noise, assault on the frontier: Great Great One fallen, pardon for the exiles, Germans, Spaniards, by the sea the Barbarian banner. |
30 | A 1558 Bruit sera vain, les defaillans troussez: Les Razes pris: esleu le Pempotan: Faillir deux Rouges & quatre bien croisez. Pluye empeschable au Monarque potent. |
The noise will be vain, the
faltering ones bundled up, The Shaven Ones captured: the all-powerful One elected: The two Reds and four true crusaders to fail, Rain troublesome to the powerful Monarch. |
31 | O 1558 (S?) Pluye, vent, classe Barbare Ister. Tyrrhene Passer holcades Ceres, soldats munies. Refuits bienfaits par Flor. franchie Siene. Les deux seront morts, amitiez unies. |
Rain, wind, forces,
Barbarossa Hister, the Tyrrhenian Sea, Vessels to pass Orkneys and beyond Gibraltar, grain and soldiers provided: Retreats too well executed by Florence, Siena crossed, The two will be dead, friendships joined. |
32 | N 1558 Venus la belle entera dedans FLORE. Les Exilez secrets lairront la place. Vefues beaucoup, mort de Grand on deplore. Oster du regne, le Grand Grand ne menace. |
Venus the beautiful will
enter Florence. The secret exiles will leave the place behind: Many widows, they deplore the death of the Great One, To remove from the realm, the Great Great one does not threaten. |
33 | D 1558 Jeux, festins, nopces, mort Prelat de renom. Bruit, paix de trefue, pendant l'ennemy mine. Mer, terre & ciel bruit, fait du grand Brennon. Cris or, argent, l'ennemy l'on ruine. |
Games, feasts, nuptials,
dead Prelate of renown. Noise, peace of truce while the enemy threatens: Sea, land and sky noise, deed of the great Brennus, Cries gold, silver, the enemy they ruin. |
34 | A 1559 Peur, glas, grand pille, passer mer, croistre regne. Sectes, Sacrez outre mer plus polis. Peste, chaut, feu. Roy d'Aquilon l'enseigne. Dresser trophée, cité d'HENRIPOLIS. |
Lament, knell, great
pillage, to pass the sea, the realm to increase, Sects, holy ones more polite beyond the sea: Plague, warmth, fire, banner of the King of Aquilon [the North], To erect a trophy, city of Henripolis. |
35 | J 1559 Plus le Grand n'estre, pluye au char le cristal. Tumulte esmeu de tous biens abondance. Razez, Sacrez, neufs, vieux espouvental. Esleu ingrat, mort, plaint, joye, alliance. |
The Great One to be no
longer, rain, in the chariot, the crystal, Tumult stirred up, abundance of all goods: Shaven ones, Holy ones, new ones, old ones frightful, Elected ingrate, death, lament, joy, alliance. |
36 | F 1559 Grain corrompu, air pestilent, locustes. Subit cherra, noue nouvelle naistre. Captifs ferrez, legers, haut bas, onustes, Par ses os mal qu'a Roy n'a voulu estre. |
Grain corrupted, air
pestilent, locusts, Suddenly it will fall, new pasturage to be born: Captives put in irons, light ones, high-low, loaded, Through his bones evil which he had not wished to be the King. |
37 | M 1559 Saisis au temple, par sectes longue brigue. Esleu ravi, au bois forme querelle. Septante pars naistre nouvelle ligue. De la leur mort. Roy appaisé nouvelle. |
Seized in the temple,
through a sect’s long intrigue, Elected, ravished in the woods, forms a quarrel: Seventy pairs new league to be born, From there their death, King appeased, news. |
38 | A 1559 Roy salué Victeur, Imperateur. La foy faussée, le Royal fait cogneu, Sang Mathien, Roy fait superateur De gent superbe, humble par pleurs venu. |
King hailed as Victor, and
Emperor, The faith broken, the Royal deed known: Macedonian blood, King made conqueror, The arrogant people come to humility through tears. |
39 | M 1559 Par le despit nopces, epithalame. Par les trois parts Rouges, Razez partis, Au jeune noir remis par flamme l'ame, Au grand Neptune Ogmius convertis. |
Through spite nuptials,
wedding song, For the three parts Reds, Shaven ones divided: For the young black/king through fire the soul is restored. To the great Neptune Ogmios converted. |
40 | J 1559 De maison sept par mort mortelle suite. Gresle, tempeste, pestilent mal, fureurs. Roy d'Orient, d'Occident tous en fuite Subjuguera ses jadis conquereurs. |
From the house seven
through death in mortal succession, Hail, tempest, pestilent evil, furies: King of the East all the West in flight, He will subjugate his former conquerors. |
41 | J 1559 Predons pillez, chaleur, grand seicheresse: Par trop non estre, cas non veu, inouy. A l'estranger la trop grande caresse. Neuf pays Roy l'Orient esblouy. |
Pirates pillaged, heat,
great drought, Through too much not being, event not seen, unheard of: For the foreigner the too great endearment, New country King, the East fascinated. |
42 | A 1559 L'Urne trouvée, la cité tributaire. Champs divisez, nouvelle tromperie. L'Hispan blessé, faim, peste militaire. Moq. obstivé, confus, mal, resverie. |
The Urn found, the city
tributary, Fields divided, new delusion: Spain wounded famine, military plaque, Mockery obstinate, confused, evil, reverie. |
43 | S 1559 Vierges & vesves, vostre bon temps s'aproche. Point ne sera ce que l'on pretendra. Loin s'en faudra que soit nouvelle approche. Bien aisez pris, bien remis, pis tiendra. |
Virgins and widows, your
good time approaches, Not at all will it be that which they will pretend: Far it will be necessary that the approach for it be new, Very agreeable situation taken, completely restored, it will hold worse. |
44 | O 1559 Icy dedans se parachevera. Les 3. Grands hors le BON-BOURG sera loin. Encontre deux l'un d'eux conspirera. Au bout du mois on verra le besoin. |
Here within it will be
completed, The three Great one outside, the Bourbon will be far: Against the other two one of them will conspire, At the end of the month they will see the necessity. |
45 | N 1559 Propos tenus nopces recommencées. La Grande Grande sortira hors de France. Voix à Romagne de crier uon lassée. Reçoit la paix par trop feinte asseurance. |
Talks held, nuptials
recommenced, The Great Great woman will go out of France: Voice in Rome not fatigued from crying out, Receives the peace through too false assurance. |
46 | D 1559 La joye en larmes viendra captiver Mars. Devant le Grand seront esmeus Divins: Sans sonner mot entreront par trois pars. Mars assoupi, dessus glas troutent vins. |
Joy in tears will come to
captivate Mars, Before the Great one the Divines will be stirred up: Without uttering a word they will enter from three sides, Mars made drowsy, upon ice run the wines. |
47 | J. 1560 Journée, diete, interim, ne concile. L'an paix prepare, peste, faim, schismatique. Mis hors dedans changer Ciel, domicile. Fin du congé, revolte hierarchique. |
Day’s journey, diet,
interim, no council, The year peace is being prepared, plague, schismatic famine: Put outside inside, sky to change, domicile, End of holiday, hierarchical revolt. |
48 | F 1560 Rompre diete, l'antiq sacré ravoir Dessous les deux, feu par pardon s ensuivre. Hors d'armes Sacre long Rouge voudra avoir. Paix du neglect. l'Esleu le Vefve vivre. |
Diet to break up, the
ancient sacred one to recover, Under the two, fire through pardon to result: Consecration without arms: the tall Red will want to have, Peace of neglect, the Elected One, the Widower, to live. |
49 | M 1560 Fera paroir esleu de nouveauté Lieu de journée sortir hors des limites. La bonté feinte de changer cruautee. Du lieu suspect sortiront trestous vistes. |
To be made to appear
elected with novelty, Place of day-labor to go beyond the boundaries: The feigned goodness to change to cruelty, From the suspected place quickly will they all go out. |
50 | A 1560 Du lieu esleu Razes n estre contens: Du lac Leman conduite non prouvée, Renouveller on fera le vieil temps. Espeüillera la trame tant couvée. |
With the place chosen, the
Shaved Ones will not be contented, Led from Lake Geneva, unproven, They will cause the old times to be renewed: They will expose the frighten off the plot so well hatched. |
51 | M 1560 Pache Allobrox sera interrompu. Derniere main sera forte levée. Grand conjuré ne sera corrompu. Et la nouvelle alliance approuvée. |
Savoy peace will be
broken, The last hand will cause a strong levy: The great conspirator will not be corrupted, And the new alliance approved. |
52 | J (?) 1560 Longue crinite lesér Gouverneur, Faim, fiévré ardante, feu & de sang fumée, A tous estats Joviaux grand honneur. Sedition par Razes allumée. |
A long comet to wrong the
Governor, Hunger, burning fever, fire and reek of blood: To all estates Jovial Ones in great honor, Sedition by the Shaven ones, ignited. |
53 | A 1560 Peste, faim, feu & ardeur non cessée. Foudre, grand gresle, temple du ciel frapée. L'Edict, Arrest, & grieve loy cassée. Chef inventeur ses gens & luy hapé: |
Plague, famine, fire and
ardor incessant, Lightning, great hail, temple struck from the sky: The Edict, arrest, and grievous law broken, The chief inventor his people and himself snatched up. |
54 | S 1560 Privez seront Razes de leurs harnois: Augmentera leur plus grande querelle. Pere Liber deceu fulg. Albanois. Seront rongeees sectes à la moelle. |
Deprived will be the Shaven
Ones of their arms, It will augment their quarrel much: Father Liber deceived lightning Albanians, Sects will be gnawed to the marrow. |
55 | O 1560 Sera receuë la requeste decente. Seront chassez & puis remis au sus. La Grande Grande se trouvera contente. Aveugles, sourds seront mis au dessus. |
The modest request will be
received, They will be driven out and then restored on top: The Great Great woman will be found content, Blind ones, deaf ones will be put uppermost. |
56 | N
1560 Ne sera mis, les Nouveau dechassez, Nouveaux Noir & de LOIN & le Grand tiendra fort. Lion Lyon Recourir armes. Exilez plus chassez Chanter victoire, non libres reconfort. |
He will not be placed, the
New Ones expelled, Black king and the Great One will hold hard: To have recourse to arms. Exiles expelled further, To sing of victory, not free, consolation. |
57 | D
1560 Les deuls laissez, supremes alliances. Razes Grand mort, refus fait à l'entrée: De retour estre, bien fait en oubliance La mort du juste à banquet perpetrée. |
The mourning left behind,
supreme alliances, Great Shaven One dead, refusal given at the entrance: Upon return kindness to be in oblivion, The death of the just one perpetrated at a banquet. |
58 | A
1561 Le Roy Roy n estre, du Doux la pernicie L'an pestilent, les esmeus nubileux. Tien, qui tiendra, des grands non leticie. Et passera terme de cavilleux. |
The King, King not to be, destruction
by the Clement one, The year pestilent, the beclouded stirred up: For the great nobles every man for himself, no joy: And the term of the mockers will pass. |
59 | M 1561 (J, F?) Au pied du mur le cendré cordigere, L'enclos livré foulant cavalerie. Du temple hors Mars & le Falcigere Hors. mis, demis. & sus la resverie. |
At the foot of the wall the
shy Franciscan, The enclosure delivered, the cavalry trampling: Outside the temple Mars and the Scythe of Saturn, Outside, to divide the friends and upon the reverie. |
60 | A 1561 Le temps purgé, pestilente tempeste. Barbare insult. fureur, invasion. Maux infinis par ce mois nous appreste Et les plus Grands, deux moins, d'irrison. |
The times purged,
pestilential tempest, Barbarian insult, fury, invasion: Infinite evils for this month are prepared for us, And the Greatest Ones, two less, of mockery. |
61 | M 1561 Joye non longue, abandonné des siens. L'an pestilent, le plus Grand assailli. La Dame bonne aux champs Elysiens, Et la plus part des biens froid non cueilly. |
Joy not long, abandoned by
his followers, The year pestilent, the Greatest One assailed: The good Lady in the Elysian Fields, And the greater part of the cold goods not gathered. |
62 | J 1561 Courses de LOIN, ne s apprester conflicts. Lion Lyon Triste entreprise, l'air pestilent, hideux. De toutes parts les Grands seront afflicts. Et dix & sept assaillir vint & deux. |
Incursions of the Lion, not
to prepare for conflicts, Sad enterprise, the air pestilent, hideous: From all sides the Great Ones will be afflicted, And ten and seven to assail twenty and two. |
63 | J 1561 Repris, rendu, espouvanté du mal, Le sang par bas, & les faces hideuses. Aux plus sçavans l'ignare espouvental: Perte, haine, horreur, tomber bas la piteuse. |
Retaken, surrendered,
terror-stricken by the evil, The blood far inferior, and the faces hideous: To the most knowledgeable ones the ignorant one frightful, Plague, hatred, horror, the piteous female will fall low. |
64 | A 1561 Mort & saisi des nonchalans le change S'eslogngnera en s'approchant plus fort. Serrez unis en la ruine, grange. Par secours long estonné le plus fort. |
Dead and seized, the
nonchalant ones of the exchange, They will go far away in approaching more strongly: United ones locked up in the ruin, barn, Through long help the strongest one astonished. |
65 | O 1561 (S?) Gris, blancs & noirs, enfumez & froquez, Seront remis, demis, mis en leurs sieges, Les ravasseurs se trouveront mocquez: Et les Vestales serrées en fortes rieges. |
Gray, whites and blacks,
hidden, and broken, They will be put off, divided, put in their sieges: The ravishers will find themselves mocked, And the Vestals confined behind strong bars. |
66 | A 1562 (1561 N? D?) Saison d'hiver, ver bon, sain, mal esté. Pernicieux auton, sec, froment rare. Du vin assez, mal yeux, faits, molesté Guerre, mutin, seditieuse tare. |
Season of winter, good
spring, sound, bad summer, Pernicious autumn, dry, wheat rare: Of wine enough, bad eyes, deeds, molested, War, mutiny, seditious waste. |
67 | J 1562 Desir occulte pour le bon parviendra. Religion, paix, amour & concorde. L'epitalame de tout ne s'accordra. Les haut qui bas & haut mis a la corde. |
The hidden desire for the
good will succeed, Religion, peace, love and concord: The nuptial song will not be completely in accord, The high ones, who are low, and high, put to the rope. |
68 | F 1562 Pour Razes Chef ne parviendra à bout. Edicts changez, les serrez mis au large. Mort Grand trouvé, moins de foy, bas debout. Dissimulé, transi frappé à bauge. |
For the Shaven Ones the
Chief will not reach the end, Edicts changed, the secret ones set at large: Great One found dead, less of faith, low standing, Dissimulated, shuddering, wounded in the boar’s lair. |
69 | M 1562 Esmeu de LOIN, de LOIN prés minera. Lion lyon Pris, captivé, pacifié par femme. Tant ne tiendra comme on barginera. Mis non passez, oster de rage l'ame. |
Moved by Lion, near Lion he
will undermine, Taken, captive, pacified by a woman: He will not hold as well as they will waver, Placed unpassed, to oust the soul from rage. |
70 | A 1562 De LOIN viendra susciter pour mouvoir. Vain descouvert contre peuple infini. De nul cogneu le mal pour le devoir. En la cuisine trouvé mort & fini. |
From Lion he will come to
arouse to move, Vain discovery against infinite people: Known by none the evil for the duty, In the kitchen found dead and finished. |
71 | M 1562 Rien d'accordé, pire plus fort & trouble. Comme il estoit, terre & mer tranquiller. Tout arresté ne vaudra pas un double. Dira l'iniq, Conseil d'anichiler. |
Nothing in accord, worse
and more severe trouble, As it was, land and sea to quieten: All arrested, it will not be worth a double, The iniquitous one will speak, Counsel of annihilation. |
72 | J 1562 Portenteux fait, horrible & incroyables! Typhon fera esmouvoir les meschans: Qui puis apres soustenus par le cable, Et la pluspart exilez sur les champs. |
Portentous deed, horrible
and incredible, Typhoon will make the wicked ones move: Those who then afterwards supported by the cable, And the greater part exiled on the fields. |
73 | J 1562 Droit mis au throsne du ciel venu en France Pacifié par Vertu l'Univers. Plus sang espandre, bien tost tourner chance Par les oyseaux, par feu, & non par vers. |
Right put on the throne
come into France from the sky, The whole world pacified by Virtue: Much blood to scatter, sooner change to come, By the birds, and by fire, and not by vers. |
74 | A 1562 Les colorez, les Sacres malcontens: Puis tout à coup par Androgyns alegres. De la pluspart voir, non venu le temps, Plusieurs d'entr'eux feront leurs soupes maigres. |
The colored ones, the
Sacred malcontents, Then suddenly through the happy Androgynes: Of the great part to see, the time not come, Several amongst them will make their soups weak. |
75 | S 1562 Remis seront en leur pleine puissance, D'un point d'accord conjonts, non accordez. Tous defiez, plus aux Razes fiance. Plusieurs d'entr eux a bande debordez. |
They will be returned to
their full power, Conjoined at one point of the accord, not in accord: All defied, more promised to the Shaven Ones, Several amongst them outflanked in a band. |
76 | O 1562 Par le legat du terrestre & matin. La grande Cape à tout s accommoder, Estre à l'escoute tacite LORVARIN, Qu'à son advis ne voudra accorder. |
For the legate of
terrestrial and dawn, The great Cape will accommodate himself to all: Tacit LORRAINE, to be listening, He whose advice they will not want to agree with. |
77 | N 1562 D'ennemi vent empeschera la troupe. Le plus grand point mis avant difficil. Vin de poison se mettra dans la couppe Passer sans mal de cheval gros foussil. |
The enemy wind will impede
the troop, For the greatest one advance put in difficulty: Wine with poison will be put in the cup, To pass the great gun without horse-power. |
78 | D 1562 Par le cristal l'entreprise rompuë. Jeux & festins, de LOIN plus reposer. Plus ne fera prés des Grands sa repuë. Subit catarrhe l'eau beniste arrouser. |
Through crystal the
enterprise is broken, Games and feats, in LYONS to repose more: No longer will he take his repast with the Great Ones, Sudden catarrh, blessed water, to bathe him. |
79 | A 1563 Le ver sain, sang, mais esmeu, rien d'accord Infinis meurtres, captifs, morts, prevenus. Tant d'eau & peste, peur de tout, sonnez cors. Pris, morts, fuits, grands devenir, venus. |
80 | J 1563 Tant d'eau, tant morts, tant d'armes émouvoir. Rien d'accordé, le Grand tenu captif Que sang humain, rage, fureur n avoir. Tard penitent, peste, guerre, motif, |
81 | F 1563 Des ennemis mort de langue s approche. Le Debonnaire en paix voudra reduire. Les obstinez voudront perdre la proche. Surpris, captifs, & suspects fureur nuire. |
The bit of the enemy's
tongue approaches, The Debonair one to peace will want to reduce: The obstinate ones will want to lose the kinswoman, Surprised, Captives, and suspects fury to injure. |
82 | M 1563 Peres & meres morts de deuls infinis. Femmes à deul, la pestilente monstre. Le Grand plus n'estre tout le monde finir. Soubs paix, repos, & trestous a l'encontre. |
Fathers and mothers dead of
infinite sorrows, Women in mourning, the pestilent she-monster: The Great One to be no more, all the world to end, Under peace, repose and every single one in opposition. |
83 | A 1563 En debats Princes & Chrestienté esmuë. Gentils estranges, siege à Christ molesté. Venu tresmal, prou bien, mortelle veuë. Mort Orient peste, faim, mal traité. |
Princes and Christendom
stirred up in debates, Foreign nobles, Christ's See molested: Become very evil, much good, mortal sight. Death in the East, plague, famine, evil treaty. |
84 | M 1563 Terre trembler, tué, prodige, monstre: Captifs sans nombre, faire defaite, faite. D'aller sur mer adviendra malencontre, Fier contre fier mal fait de contrefaire. |
Land to tremble, killed,
wasteful, monster, Captives without number, to do, undone, done: To go over the sea misfortune will occur, Proud against the proud evil done in disguise. |
85 | J 1563 L'injuste bas fort l'on molestera. Gresle, inonder, thresor, & gravé marbre. Chef de suard peuple à mort tuera. Et attachée sera la lame à l'arbre. |
The unjust one lowered,
they will molest him fiercely, Hail, to flood, treasure, and engraved marble: Chief of Persuasion people will kill to death, And attached will be the blade to the tree. |
86 | J 1563 De quel non mal? inexcusable suite. Le feu non deul, le Legat hors confus. Au plus blessé ne sera faite luite. La fin de Juin le fil coupé du fus. |
Of what not evil?
inexcusable result, The fire not double, the Legate outside confused: Against the worse wounded the fight will not be made, The end of June the thread cut by firing. |
87 | A 1563 Bons finements affoiblis par accords. Mars & Prelats unis n'arresteront. Les Grands confus par dons incidez corps. Dignes, indignes, biens indeus saisiront. |
Fine bonds enfeebled by
accords, Mars and Prelates united will not stop: The great ones confused by gifts of mutilated bodies, Dignified ones, undignified ones will seize the well endowed. |
88 | S 1563 De bien en mal le temps se changera. Le pache d'Aust, des plus Grands esperance. Des Grands deul, LVUIS trop plus, trebuchera. Louis Congnus Razez pouvoir ni congnoissance. |
From good to the evil times
will change, The peace in the South, the expectation of the Greatest Ones: The Great Ones grieving Louis too much more will stumble, Well-known Shaven Ones have neither power not understanding. |
89 | O 1563 Voicy le mois par maux tant à doubter. Morts, tous, saigner, peste, faim, quereller Ceux du rebours d'exil viendront noter. Grands, secrets, morts, non de contreroller. |
This is the month for evils
so many as to be doubled, Deaths, plague to drain all, famine, to quarrel: Those of the reverse of exile will come to note, Great Ones, secrets, deaths, not to censure. |
90 | N 1563 Par mort mort mordre, conseil, vol, pestifere, On n'osera Marius assaillir. Deucalion en dernier trouble faire. Peu de gens jeunes: demis morts tressaillir. |
Through death, death to
bite, counsel, robbery, pestiferous, They will not dare to attack the Marines: Deucalion a final trouble to make, Few young people: half-dead to give a start. |
91 | D 1563 Mort par despit fera les autres Juire: Et en haut lieu de grands maux advenir. Tristes concepts à chacun viendront nuire, Temporel digne, la Messe parvenir. |
Dead through spite he will
cause the others to shine, And in an exalted place some great evils to occur: Sad concepts will come to harm each one, Temporal dignified, the Mass to succeed. |
92 | A 1564 L'an sextil pluyes, froment abonder, haines. Aux hommes joye. Princes, Rois en divorce, Troupeau perir, mutations humains. Peuple affoulé: & poison sous l'escorce. |
The sextile year rains,
wheat to abound, hatreds, Joy to men, Princes, King divorced: Herd to perish, human mutations, People oppressed and poison under the surface. |
93 | J 1564 Temps fort divers, discorde descouverte. Conseil belliq, changement pris, changé. La Grande n'estre, conjurez par eau perte. Grand simulté, tous au plus Grand rangé. |
Times very diverse, discord
discovered, Council of war, change taken in, changed: The Great Woman must not be, conspirators through water lost, Great hostility, for the great one all steady. |
94 | F 1564 Deluge grand, bruit de mort conspirée. Renoüé siecle, trois Grands en grand discord Par boutefeux la concorde empirée. Pluye empeschant, conseils malins d'accord. |
95 | M 1564 Entre Rois haines on verra apparoistre, Dissensions & Guerres commencer. Grand Changement, nouveau tumulte croistre L'ordre plebée on viendra offenser. |
96 | A 1564 Secret conjur. conspirer populaire. La decouverte en machine esmouvoir. Contre les Grands . . . Puis trucidée & mise sans pouvoir. |
97 | M 1564 Temps inconstant, fievres, peste, langueurs, Guerres debats, temps desolé sans feindre. Submerrions, Prince a mineurs rigueurs. Felices Rois & Grands, autre mort craindre. |
98 | J 1564 Du lieu feu mis la peste & fuite naistre. Temps variant, vent, la mort de trois Grands: De ciel grand foudres estat des Razes paistre. Vieil pres de mort, bois peu dedans vergans. |
99 | J 1564 En peril monde & Rois feliciter. Razes esmeu, par conseil ce qu'estoit: L'Eglise Rois pour eux peuple irriter. Un monstrera apres ce qu'il n'estoit. |
100 | A 1564 Deluge prés. peste bouive, neuve Secte fléchir, aux hommes joye vaine. De loy sans loy, mis au devant pour preuve, Apast, embusche: & deceus couper veine. |
101 | S 1564 Tout inonder, à la Razée perte. Vol de mur, mort, de tous biens abondance. Eschapera par manteau decouverte. Des neuf & vieux sera tournée chançe. |
102 | O 1564 La bouche & gorge en fervides pustules, De sept Grands cinq. toux distillante nuire. Pluye si longe, à non mort tournent bulles. Le Grand mourir, qui trestous faisoit luire. |
103 | N 1564 Par bruit de feu Grands & Vieux defaillir. Peste assoupie, une plus grande naistre, Peste de l'Ara, foin caché, peu cueillir. Mourir troupeau fertil, joye hors prestre. |
104 | D 1564 Alegre point, douce fureur au Sacre. Enflez trois quatre & au costé mourir. Voye defaillir, n estre à demy au sacre: Par sept & trois, & par quinte courir. |
105 | A 1565 Pire cent fois cest an que l'an passé. Même au plus Grands du regne & de l'Eglise Maux infinis, mort. exil, ruine, cassé. A mort Grande estre, peste, playes & bille. |
A hundred times worse this
year than the year passed, Even for the Greatest Ones of the realm and of the Church: Infinite evils, death, exile, ruin, smashed, To death great woman to be, pestilence, plague sores, and bile. |
106 | J 1565 Neiges, roüilleures, pluyes & playës grandes. Au plus Grand joye, pestilence insopie. Semences, grains beaucoup, & plus de bandes, S'appresteront, simulte n'amortie. |
Snow, rustiness, rains and
great rains, Even for the Greatest One joy, pestilence, sleepless: Seeds, plentiful grains, and more the bands, They will prepare themselves, enmity unallayed. |
107 | F 1565 Entre les Grands naistre grande discorde, Le Clerc procere un grand cas brassera: Nouvelles sectes mettre en haine & discorde, Tout peuple guerre & change offensera. |
Between the Great Ones a
great discord will arise, The noble Cleric will plot a great event: New sects to place in hatred and discord, All people will strive for war and change. |
108 | m 1565 Secret conjur. changement perilleux. Secrettement conspirer [les] factions. Pluyes grands vents, playes par orgueilleux, Inonder fleuves, pestifere actions. |
Secret conspiracy, perilous
change, Factions to conspire secretly: Rains, great winds, for arrogant ones, Rivers to overflow, pernicious actions. |
109 | A 1565 Pulluler peste, les Sectes s entrebatre. Temps moderé, l'hyver peu de retour. De messe & presche grievement soy debatre. Inonder fleuves, maux, mortels tout autour. |
Plague to multiply, the
Sects to quarrel with each other, Times moderated, winter, little return: Of mass and meeting house grievously to debate, Rivers to overflow, evils, deadly all around. |
110 | M 1565 Au menu peuple par debats & querelles, Et par les femmes & defunts grande guerre. Mort d'une Grande, celebrer escroüelles. Plus grandes Dames expulsées de terre. |
To the people of lower
class in debates and quarrels, And through the women and defunct ones great war: Death of a Great Woman, to celebrate the scrofula, More great Ladies expelled from the land. |
111 | J 1565 Viduité tant masles que femelles. De grands Monarques la vie periclitér. Peste, fer, faim, grand peril pesle mesle. Troubles par changes, petits Grands concitér. |
In widowhood as many males
as females, The life of great monarchs to be in jeopardy: Plague, steel, famine, great peril, pell-mell, Troubles through changes, lesser nobility to incite. |
112 | J 1565 Gresle, roüilleure, pluyes & grandes playes, Preserver femmes, seront cause du bruit, Mort de plusieurs, peste, fer, faim par hayes, Ciel sera veu quoy dire qu'il reluit. |
Hail, rust, rains, and
great plagues, To preserve women, they will be the cause of the noise: Death of several through plague, steel, famine, through hatreds, The heavens will be seen, which is to say that it will be relit. |
113 | A 1565 Point ne sera le grain à suffisance. La mort s'approche à neiger plus que blanc Sterilité, grain pourri, d'eau bondance. Le grand blessé, plusieurs de mort de flanc. |
Not at all sufficient will
be the grain, The death approaches to snow more than white: Sterility, grain rotted, the water abundant, The great one wounded, several put to death on the flank. |
114 | S 1565 Guere de fruits, ni grain, arbres & arbrisseaux. Grand volataille, procere stimuler. Tant temporel que prelat leonceaux. TOLANDAD vaincre, proceres reculer. |
War, of fruits nor grain,
trees and scrub-brush, Great volatility, noble to spur on: As temporal as the young-lion-like prelate, D’ANDELOT to conquer, noble ones to draw back. |
115 | O 1565 Du tout changé, persecuter l'un quatre. Hors maladie, bien loin mortalité. Des quatre deux plus ne viendront debatre. Exil, ruine, mort, faim, perplexité |
Everything changed, one to
persecute four, Outside malady, morality very far: Of the four two more will not come to debate, Exile, ruin, death, famine, perplexity. |
116 | N 1565 Des grands le nombre plus grands ne sera tant, Grands changements, commotions, fer, peste, Le peu devis: pressez, payez contant. Mois opposite gelée fort moleste. |
Of the great ones the
greater number will not be so many, Great changes, commotions, steel, plague: The small estimate: lent, paid, content, Opposite month frost molests severely. |
117 | (D) 1565 Forte gelée, glace plus que concorde. Vesves matrones, feu, deploration. Jeux, esbats. joye. Mars citera discorde. Par mariages bonne expectation. |
Severe frost, ice more than
concord, Widows, matrons, fire, lament: Games, frolic, joy, Mars to incite discord, Through marriage good expectations. |
118 | A 1566 (t > 1566 A.) x
12!! Aux plus grands mort, jacture d'honneur & violence, Professeurs de la foy, leur estat & leur secte Aux deux grandes Eglises divers bruit decadence Maux, voisins querellans, serfs d'Eglise sans teste. |
For the greatest ones
death, loss of honor and violence, Professors of the faith, their estate and their sect: For the two great Churches diverse noise, decadence, Evil neighbors quarreling serfs of the Church without a head. |
119 | J 1566 Perte, jacture grande, & non sans violance Tous ceux de la foy, plus à religion. Les plus Grands perdront vie, leur honneur & chevance Toutes les deux Eglises, la coulpe à leur faction. |
Waste, great loss, and not
without violence, All those of the faith, more for religion, The Greatest Ones will lose their lives, their honor and fortunes Both the two Churches, the sin in their faction. |
120 | F 1566 A deux fort grande naistre perte pernitieuse. Les plus Grands feront perte, biens, d'honneur, & de vie. Tant grands bruits couriront, l'une trop odieuse Grands maladies estre, presche, messe en envie. |
For the two very Great Ones
pernicious loss to arise, The Greatest Ones will cause loss, goods, of honor, and of life, As much great noises will run, the urn very odious, Great maladies to be, meeting-house, mass in envy. |
121 | M 1566 Les servant des Eglises leurs Seigneurs trahiront. D'autre Seigneurs aussi par l'indivis des champs. Voisins de preche & messe entre eux querelleront. Rumeurs, bruits augmenter, à mort plusieurs couchans. |
The servants of the
Churches will betray their Lords, Of other Lords also by the undivided of the fields: Neighbors of meeting-house and mass will quarrel amongst them, Rumors, noises to augment, to death are several lying. |
122 | A 1566 De tous biens abondance terre nous produira: Nul bruit de Guerre en France, ormi seditions: hors mi Homicides, voleurs par voye on trouvera: Peu de foy: fievre ardente: peuple en esmotion. |
Of all blessings abundance,
the earth will produce for us, No din of war in France, sedition put outside: Man-slayers, robbers one will find on the highway, Little faith, burning fever, people in commotion. |
123 | M 1566 Entre peuple discorde inimitié brutale Geurre, mort de grands princes, plusieurs pars d'Italie: Universelle playe, plus fort occidentale: Tempore bonne & pleine, mais fort seiche tarie. |
Between people discord,
brutal enmity, War, death of great Princes, several parts: Universal plague, stronger in the West, Times good and full, but very dry and exhausted. |
124 | J 1566 Les bleds trop n'abonder de tous autres fruits force L'estè printemps humides, hyver long, neige, glace: L'orient mis en armes: la France se renforce: Mort de bestail, prou miel: aux assiegés la place. |
The grains not to be
plentiful, in all other fruits, plenty, The Summer, spring humid, winter long, snow, ice: The East in arms, France reinforces herself, Death of beasts much honey, the place to be besieged. |
125 | J 1566 Par pestilence & feu, fruits d'arbres periront: Signe d'huile abonder: pere Denis non gueres: Des grands mourir mais peu estrangers sailliront: Insult marin barbare: & dangers de frontieres. |
Through pestilence and fire
fruits of trees will perish, Signs of oil to abound. Father Denis not scarce: Some great ones to die, but few foreigners will sally forth in attack, Offense, Barbarian marines, and dangers at the frontiers. |
126 | A 1566 Pluies fort excessives, & de biens abondance: De bestail pris just estre: femmes hors de danger: Gresles, pluyes, tonnerres: peuple abatu en France: Part mort travailleront: mort peuple corriger. |
Rains very excessive, and
of blessings abundance, The cattle price to be just, women outside of danger: Hail, rain, thunder: people depressed in France, Through death they will work, death to reprove people. |
127 | S 1566 Armes, plaies cesser: mort de seditieux: Le pere Liber grand, non trop abondera: Malins seront saisis par plus malicieux: France plus que jamais victrix triomphera. |
Arms, plagues to cease,
death of the seditious ones, Great Father Liber will not much abound: Evil ones will be seized by more malicious ones, France more than ever victorious will triumph. |
128 | O 1566 Jusqu'à ce mois durer la seicheresse grande, A l'Itale & Provence: des fruits tous à demy: Le grand moins d'ennemis: prisonnier de leur bande: Aux escumeurs pyrates, mourir l'ennemy. |
Up to this month the great
drought will endure, For Italy and Provence all fruits to half: The Great One less of enemies prisoner of their band, For the scroungers, Pirates, and the enemy to die. |
129 | N 1566 L'ennemy tant à craindre retirer en Thracie Laissant cris hurlemens, & pille desolée: Cesser bruit mer & terre, religion Murtie: Joviaux unis en route: toute ceste affolée. |
The enemy so much to be
feared to retire into Thrace, Leaving cries, howls, and pillage desolated: To leave noise on sea and land, religion murdered, Jovial Ones put on the road, every sect to become angry. |
130 | A 1567 Mort, maladie aux jeunes femmes, rhumes De teste aux yeux, malheur marchands de terre De mer infault, femmes mal, vin par brumes. Prou huile, trop de pluye, aux fruits moleste guerre. |
Death, malady for young
women, head colds, From the head to the eyes a wretched deal of land: By sea misfortune, seeds bad, wine in mists, Much oil too much rain, molests the fruits, war. |
131 | J 1567 Prisons, secrets, ennuis, entre proches discorde. La vie on donnera, par mal divers catarrhes, La mort s'en ensuivra, poison fera concorde. Frayeur, peur crainte grande, voyageant lairra d'arres. |
Prisons, secrets:
annoyances, discord between neighbors, They will give life, through evil diverse catarrhs: Death will ensue, poison will cause concord, Terror, fear, great dread traveling will release from guarantees. |
132 | F 1567 Prisons par ennemis occults & manifestes. Voyage ne tiendra, inimitié mortelle. L'amour trois, simultez, secret, publiques festes. Le rompu ruiné, l'eaü rompra la querelle. |
Prisons for enemies hidden
and manifested, Travel will not hold, mortal enmity: Love three, secret hostility, public festival, The broken ruined, the water will break the quarrel. |
133 | M 1567 Les ennemis publics, nopces & mariages: La mort après, l'enrichi par les morts. Les grands amis se montrer au passage. Deux sectes jargonner, de surpris tards remords. |
The public enemies,
nuptials and marriages, Death after, he grown rich through the deaths: The great friends will show themselves in the passage, Two sects to jabber, from surprise remorse later. |
134 | A 1567 Par grandes maladies religion fachée, Par les enfans & legats d'Ambassade Don donné d`indign. nouvelle loy laschée; Bien de vieux peres, Roy en bonne contrade. |
Through great maladies,
religion offended, Through the infants and gifts of the Embassy: Gift given to worthless one, new law relaxed, Goods of old fathers, King in good country. |
135 | 1567 Du pere au fils s'approche, Magistrats dits severes. Les grandes nopces, ennemis garbelans. De latens mis avant, par la foy d'improperes: Les bons amis & femmes contre tels groumelans. |
From the father it
approaches the son: Magistrates called severe, The great nuptials, enemies mangling: The concealed put in front, through the faith of reproaches, The good friends and women against such grumblings. |
136 | J 1567 Par le thresor, trouvé l'heritage du pere. Les Roys & Magistrats, les nopces, ennemis. Le public mal vueillant, les Juges & le Maire La mort, pœur & frayeur, & trois Grands à mort mis. |
Through the treasure, found
-- the heritage of the father, The Kings and Magistrates, the nuptials, enemies: The public malevolent, the Judge and Mayor, The death, fear and terror: and three Great Ones put to death. |
137 | J 1567 Encor la mort s approche, don Royal & Legat. On dressera ce qu'est, par veillesse en ruine. Les Jeunes hoirs, de soupçon nul legat. Thresor trouvé en plastres & cuisine. |
Again the death approaches,
Royal gift and Legacy, He will prepare what is, through old age in decay: The young heirs in suspicion of no legacy, Treasure found in plasters and kitchen cookery. |
138 | A 1567 Les Ennemis secrets seront emprisonnez: Les Rois & Magistrats y tiendront la main seure. La vie de plusieurs, santé, maladie yeux, nez. Les deux grands s en iront bien loin à la male heure. |
The secret enemies will be
imprisoned, The Kings and Magistrates will hold there a sure hand: The life of several, healthiness, malady in eyes and nose, The two great ones will go away very far at the bad hour. |
139 | S 1567 Longues langueurs de teste nopce, ennemy Par Prelat & voyage, songe du Grand terreur, Feu & ruine grande trouvé en lieu oblique, Par torrent descouvert sortir noves erreurs, |
Long debility in the head,
nuptial, enemy, Through Prelate and journey, dream of the Great One terror: Fire and ruin, great one found in the oblique place, By torrent discovered, new error to come out. |
140 | O 1567 Les Rois & Magistrats par les morts la main mettre, Jeunes filles malades, & des Grands corps enflé Tout par langueurs & nopces, ennemis serfs au maistre. Les publiques douleurs, le composent tout enflé. |
The Kings and Magistrates
through the deaths, the hand to place, Young girls sick, and of the Great Ones the body swells: All through languors and nuptials, enemy serfs for the master, The public sad, the Composer all swelled up. |
141 | N 1567 (1605?) Du retour d'Ambassade, don de Roy, mis au lieu, Plus n en fera, Sera allé à Dieu, Parens plus proches, amis, freres du sang, Trouvé tout mort prez du lict & du banc. |
On his return from the
Embassy, the King’s gift put in place. He will do nothing more. He will be gone to God. Close relatives, friends, brothers by blood, [Will find him] Completely dead near the bed and the bench. |