I-1 | Estant
assis de nuict secret estude, Seul reposé sus la selle d'aerain: Flambe exigue sortant de solitude, Faict prosperer qui n'est à croire vain. |
seated by night in secret study, alone resting on the brass stool: A slight flame coming forth from the solitude, that which is not believed in vain is made to succeed. |
I-2 | La verge en main mise au millieu de branches, De l'onde il moulle & le limbe & le pied: Un peur & voix tremissent par les manche Splendeur divine Le Divin pres s'assied. |
With rod in hand set in the midst of Branchus, with the water he wets both limb and foot: Fearful, voice trembling through his sleeves: Divine splendor. The divine seats himself near by. |
I-3 | Quant la lictiere du tourbillon versée Et seront faces de leurs manteaux couvers: La republique par gens nouveaux vexée, Lors blancs & roges jugeront à l'envers. |
When the litter is overturned by the whirlwind, and faces will be covered by their cloaks, the republic will be vexed by new people, then whites and reds will judge in contrary ways. |
I-4 | Par l'univers sera faict un monarque, Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement: Lors se perdra la piscature barque, Sera [regie] en plus grand detriment. |
In the world there will be one Monarch who will not long be in peace or alive: Then the fishing bark will be lost, it will be ruled to its greater detriment. |
I-5 | Chassés seront [pour] faire long combat, Par le pays seront plus fort grevés: Bourg & cité auront plus grand debat, Carcas. Narbonne auront cœurs esprouvés. |
They will be driven away without much fighting, they will be very much harried in the country: Town and city will have a greater debate: Carcassonne and Narbonne will have their hearts tried. |
I-6 | L'œil de Ravenne sera destitué, Quand à ses piedz les aelles failliront: Les deux de Bresse auront constitué, Turin, Verseil que Gaulois fouleront. |
The eye of Ravenna will be forsaken, when the wings give way at its feet: The two of Bresse will have made arrangements in Turin and Vercelli, which the Gauls will trample. |
I-7 | Tard arrivé l'execution faicte, Le vent contraire lettres au chemin prinses: Les conjures xiiij. d'une secte: Par le Rousseau senez les entreprinse[s]. |
The arrival late, the execution completed, the wind contrary, the letters seized en route: The conspirators fourteen of a sect, the enterprises by the wise Red-haired One. |
I-8 | Combien de foys prinse cité solaire, Seras, changeant les loys barbares & veines Ton mal s'aproche: Plus seras tributaire, La grand Hadrie reovrira tes vaines. |
How many times will you be taken, solar city, changing the barbarian and vain laws: Your evil approaches: You will be more tributary, the great Adria will re-cover your veins. |
I-9 | De l'Orient viendra le cœur punique, Fascher Hadrie & les hoirs Romulides: Acompaigné de la classe Libyque, Trembler Mellites: et proches isles vuides, |
From the Orient will come the Punic heart to vex Adria and the heirs of Romulus, accompanied by the Libyan fleet, Malta trembling and the neighboring isles empty. |
I-10 | Serpens transmis dans la caige de fer, Ou les enfans septains du roy son pris: Les vieux & pere sortiront bas de l'enfer Ains mourir voir de suict mort & cris. |
The serpent conveyed in the iron cage where the seven children of the King are taken: Their progenitors will come out from their underworld below, before dying seeing of their offspring death and cries. îòïðûñê |
I-11 | Le movement de sens cœur piedz, & mains Seront d'acord Naples, Leon, Secille: Glaifues, feus, eaux, puis aux nobles Romains, Plongés tués morts par cerveau debile. |
The motion of sense, heart, feet and hands will be in accord. Naples, Leon, Sicily: Swords, fires, waters, then the noble Romans submerged, killed, dead because of weak brain. |
I-12 | Dans peu dira faulce brute fragile, De bas en hault eslevé promptement: Puis en instant desloyale & labile, Qui de Veronne aura gouvernement. |
In a short time a false, frail brute will lead, elevated quickly from low to high: Then in an instant disloyal and labile, he who will have the government of Verona. |
I-13 | Les exilés par ire, haine intestine, Feront au roy grand conjuration: Secret mettront ennemis par la mine, Et ses vieux siens contre eux sedition. |
The exiles because of anger and intestine hatred will bring a great conspiracy to bear against the King: Secretly they will place enemies as a threat, and his own old ones against them sedition. |
I-14 | De gent esclave chansons, chantz & requestes Captifz par princes & seigneur aux prisons: A l'advenir par idiotz sans testes, Seront receuz par divins oraisons. |
From the slavish people songs, chants and requests, for Princes and Lords captives in the prisons: In the future such by headless idiots will be received as divine utterances. |
I-15 | Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique, Septante foys fera le sang espandre: Auge & ruyne de l'Ecclesiastique, Et plus ceux p deux rien voudront entendre. |
Mars menaces us with his warlike force, seventy times will he cause blood to flow: Rise and fall for the clergy and more for those who will want to hear nothing from them. |
I-16 | Faulx à l'estan joinct vers le Sagitaire, Et son hault AUGE de l'exaltation: Peste famine, mort de main militaire, Le siecle approche de renovation. |
The scythe joined with the pond towards Sagittarius at the high point of its ascendant, Plague, famine, death by military hand, the century approaches its renewal. |
I-17 | Par quarante ans l'Iris n'aparoistra, Par quarante ans tous les jours sera veu: La terre aride en siccité croistra, Et grans deluges quand sera aperceu. |
For forty years the rainbow will not appear, for forty years it will be seen every day: The parched earth will wax more dry, and great floods will accompany its appearance. |
I-18 | Par la discorde negligence Gauloise, Sera passaige à Mahommet ouvert: De sang trempé la terre & mer Senoise, Le port Phoce[n] de voilles & nefz couvert. |
Because of the Gallic discord and negligence a passage will be opened to Mahomet: The land and sea of Siena soaked in blood, the Phocaean port covered with sails and ships. |
I-19 | Lors que serpens viendront circuir l'are, Le sang Troyen vexé par les Espaignes: Par eulx grand nombre en sera faicte tare, Chef fuit, caché aux mares dans les saignes |
When the serpents will come to encompass the altar, the Trojan blood will be vexed by the Spaniards: Because of them a great number will be made to suffer for it, the chief flees óáåæèò, hidden in the marshes. áîëîòàõ |
I-20 | Tours, Orleans, Bloys, Angiers, Reims, & Nantes, Cités vexées par subit changement: Par langues estranges seront tendues tentes, Fleues, dars Renes, terre, & mer tremblement |
Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes, cities vexed through sudden change: Tents will be pitched by those of foreign tongues, rivers, darts at Rennes trembling of the land and sea. |
I-21 | Profonde argille blanche nourir rochier Qui dun abisme istra lacticineuse: En vain troubles l'oseront toucher, Ignorans estre au fond terre argilleuse, |
Deep white clay nourishes the rock, which from an abyss will go forth milky, needlessly troubled they will not dare touch it, unaware that the earth at the bottom is clayish. |
I-22 | Ce qui vivra & n'ayant aucun sens, Viendra à leser à mort son artifice: Austun Chalon, Langres & les deux Sens, La gresse & glace fera grand malefice. |
That which will live without having any sense, its artifice will come to be fatally injured: For Autun, Chalon, Langres and the two Sens, hail and ice will cause much evil. |
I-23 | Au mois troisiesme se levant le Soleil. Sanglier, Liepard, au champ Mars pour combatre. Liepard laissé, au ciel extend son œil, Un aigle autour du Soleil voit s'esbatre. |
In the third month the Sun rising, the Boar and Leopard on the field of Mars to fight: The tired Leopard raises its eye to the heavens, sees an Eagle playing around the Sun. |
I-24 | Acité neufue pensif pour condemner, Loisel de proye au ciel se vient offrir: Apres victoire à captifz pardonner, Cremo. & Mant. grands maulx aura souffert. |
At the new city contemplating a condemnation, the bird of prey comes to offer itself to the heavens: after victory pardon to captives, Cremona and Mantua will have suffered great evils. |
I-25 | Perdu trouvé, caché de long siecle, Sera pasteur demy Dieu honoré. Ains que la Lune acheve son grand siecle Par autres veutz sera deshonore. |
Lost, found, hidden for so long a time, the pastor will be honored as a demigod: Before the Moon finishes its full period he will be dishonored by other winds. |
I-26 | Le grand du foudre tumbe d'heure diurne Mal & predict par porteur postulaire: Suivant presaige tube d'heure nocturne, Conflict Reims Londres, Etrusque pestifere. |
The great one of the lighting falls in the daytime, evil predicted by the bearer of demands: According to the prediction he falls in the nighttime. Conflict at Reims, London, Tuscan plague. |
I-27 | Dessoubz de chaine Guien du ciel frappé, Non loing [de] la est caché le tresor: Qui pour longs siecles avoit esté grappé, Trouvé mourra, l'œil crevé de ressort. |
Under the oak tree of Guienne struck from the sky, not far from there is the treasure hidden: He who for long centuries had been gathered, found he will perish, his eye put out by a spring. |
I-28 | La tour de Bouq craindra fuste Barbare, Un temps, long temps apres barque hesperique: Bestial, gens meubles tous deux feront grant tare, Taurus & Libra quelle mortelle picque? |
The tower of Bouc will fear the Barbarian foist, then much later, the Hesperian bark: Cattle[bestial], people, chattels, both cause great waste, bull and balance, what a mortal quarrel! |
I-29 | Quand le poisson terrestre [&] aquatique, Par forte vague au gravier sera mis: Sa forme estrange suave & horrifique, Par mer aux murs bien tost les ennemis. |
When the terrestrial and aquatic fish will be put upon the beach by a strong wave, its form strange, attractive and frightful, by sea the enemies very soon at the walls. |
I-30 | La nef estrange par le tourment marin, Abourdera pres de port incongneu: Nonobstant signes de rameau palmerin, Apres mort pille, bon avistard venu. |
Because of the stormy seas the strange ship will approach an unknown port, notwithstanding the signals from the branch of palm, after death, pillage: good advice given late. |
I-31 | Tant d'ans les guerres en Gaule dureront, Oultre la corse du Castulon monarque: Victoire incerte trois grands couronneront, Aigle, coq, lune, lyon, soleil, en marque. |
The wars in Gaul will last for many years, beyond the course of the monarch of Castulo: uncertain victory will crown three great ones, the Eagle, Cock, Moon, Lion, Sun engraved. |
I-32 | Le grand empire sera tost translaté, En lieu petit qui bien tost viendra croistre: Lieu bien infime d'exigue comté, Ou au milieu viendra poser son sceptre.[!] |
The great empire will soon be transferred to a little place which will very soon come to grow: a very lowly place in a petty country in the middle of which he will come to lay down his sceptre. |
I-33 | Près d'un grand pont de plaine spatieuse, Le grand lyon par force Cesarées: Fera abbatre hors cité rigorouse. Par effoy portes luy seront reserées. |
Near a great bridge of a spacious plain, the great Lion with Imperial forces, he will cause a felling outside the austere city, because of fear the gates will be opened to him. |
I-34 | L'oyseau de proye volant à la fenestre, Avant conflit faict aux Francoys, pareure L'un bon prendra, l'un ambigue sinistre, La partie foyble tiendra par bon augure. |
The bird of prey flying to the left side, before the conflict preparation made by the French: One will take it for good, another for ambiguous, the weak party will hold it as a good omen. |
I-35 | Le lyon jeune le vieux surmontera. En champ bellique par singulier duelle: Dans caige d'or les yeulx luy crevera, Deux classes une puis mourir mort cruele |
The young lion will overcome the old one on the field of battle in single combat: He will put out his eyes in a cage of gold: Two fleets one, then to die a cruel death. |
I-36 | Tard le monarque se viendra repentir, De n'avoir mis à mort son adversaire: Mais viendra bien à plus hault consentir. Que tout son sang par mort fera deffaire. |
Too late the monarch will repent of not having put to death his adversary: but he will come to consent to a much greater thing, that of killing off all his blood. |
I-37 | Unpeu devant que le soleil s'esconce, Conflit doné grand peuple dubieux: Proffligés, port marin ne faict responce, Pont & sepulchre en deux estranges lieux. |
Shortly before the sun sets, battle is given a great people in doubt: Ruined, the marine port makes no reply, bridge and sepulchre in two strange places. |
I-38 | Le Sol & l'aigle au victeur paroistront, Responce vaine au vaincu l'on asseure: Par cor ne crys harnois n'arresteront, Vindicte, paix p mort si acheve à l'heure. |
The Sun and the Eagle will appear as victor, the vanquished is reassured with a vain reply: with hue and cry they will not cease arming, revenge, because of death peace made right on schedule. |
I-39 | De nuict dans lict le supreme estrangle, Pour trop avoir subjourné blond eslue: Par troys l'empire subroge exancle, A mort mettra carte, pacquet ne leu. |
By night the highest one strangled in bed because the blond elect had tarried to long. the Empire enslaved by three in substitution, put to death with document and packet unread. |
I-40 | La trombe faulse dissimulant folie, Fera Bisance un changement de loix: Hystra d'Egypte qui veult que l'on deslie Edict changeant monnoyes & aloys. |
The false trumpet concealing madness will bear Byzantium a change of laws: from Egypt there will go forth one who wants withdrawl of Edicts debasing the quality of coins. |
I-41 | Siege en cité est de nuict assallie, Peu eschapés: no loing de mer conflict; Femme de joye, retours filz defaillie, Poison & lettres cachées dans le plic. |
City besieged, and assaulted by night, few escaped: conflict not far from the sea: on the return of her son a woman fainting from joy, poison and letters hidden in the fold. |
I-42 | Le dix Kalende d'Avril le faict Gotique, Resuscité encor par gens malins: Le feu estainct, assemblée diabolique, Cherchant les os du d'Amant & Prelin, |
The tenth of the Calends of April of Gothic count revived again by wicked folk: the fire put out, diabolic assembly searching for the bones of the Demon of Psellus. |
I-43 | Avant qu'advienne le changement d'empire, Il adviendra un cas bien merveilleux: Le champ mué, le pillier de porphire, Mis, translaté sus le rocher noilleux. |
Before the change of Empire occurs, a very marvelous event will take place: the field moved, the pillar of porphyry placed, transferred onto the knotty rock. |
I-44 | En bref seront de retour sacrifices, Contrevenans seront mis à martire: Plus ne seront moines, abbés, novices, Le miel sera beaucoup pl' cher que cire. |
In short sacrifices will be resumed, transgressors will be put to martyrdom: no longer will there be monks, abbots or novices: honey will be much more expensive than wax. |
I-45 | Secteur de sectes grand peine au delatur, Beste en theatre, dressé le jeu scenique : Du faict antique ennobly l'inventeur, Par sectes monde confus & scismatique. |
Founder of sects much grief to the accuser: Beast in the theater, the pantomine prepared: the inventor exalted by the ancient fact, the world confused and schismatic because of sects. |
I-46 | Tout aupres d'Aux, de Lestore & Mirande Grand feu du ciel en trois nuictz tumbera: Cause adviendra bien stupende & mirande, Bien peu apres le terre tremblera. |
Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande great fire will fall from the sky for three nights: a very stupendous and marvelous event will occur: very soon after the earth will tremble. |
I-47 | Du lac Leman les sermons fascheront, Des jour[s] seront reduicts par les sepmaines: Puis moys puis an[s], puis tous deffailliront, Les magistratz damneront leurs loix vaines. |
The sermons from the Lake of Geneva annoying, from days they will grow into weeks, then months, then years, then all will fail, the Magistrates will damn their useless laws. |
I-48 | Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passés, Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie: Quand le Soleil prendra ses jours lassés, Lors accomplit & mine ma prophetie. |
Twenty years of the reign of the Moon passed, Seven thousand years another will hold its monarchy: when the Sun will take its tired days then is accomplished and finished my prophecy. |
I-49 | Beaucoup [, beaucoup] avant telles menées, Ceux d'orient par la vertu lunaire: L'an mil sept cens feront grands emmenées Subjugant presque le coing Aquilonaire. |
Very much before such intrigues those of the East by virtue of the Moon: the year 1700 they will cause great ones to be carried off, almost subjugating the Aquilon corner. |
I-50 | De l'aquatique triplicité naistra, D'un qui fera le jeudy pour sa faste: Son bruit, loz, regne sa puissance croistra, Par terre & mer aux Oriens tempeste. |
Of the aquatic triplicity there will be born one who will make of Thursday his holiday: his fame, praise, rule and power will grow, by land and sea a tempest to the East. |
I-51 | Chef d'Aries, Jupiter, & Saturne, Dieu eternel quelles mutations? Puis par long siecle son malin temps retorne Gaule, & Italie quelles esmoutions? |
Jupiter and Saturn in the head of Aries, Eternal God, what changes! Then for a long age his wicked time returns, Gaul and Italy, what disturbance. |
I-52 | Les deux malins de Scorpion conjoinct, Le grand seigneur meurtry dedans sa salle Peste à l'eglise par le nouveau roy joinct, L'Europe basse & Septentrionale. |
The two wicked ones conjoined in Scorpio, the Grand Seignior murdered in his hall: Plague to the Church by the King newly joined, Europe low and northerly. |
I-53 | Las qu'on verra grand peuple tourmenté Et la Loy saincte en totale ruïne: Par autres loix toute Chrestienté, Quand d'or, dargent trouve nouvelle mine. |
Alas! a great people will one see tormented and the holy law in utter ruin, other laws throughout all Christendom, when a new mine of gold and silver is discovered. |
I-54 | Deux revoltz faictz du maling
falcigere, De regne & siencles faict permutation: Le mobil signe Ta son endroict si ingere, Aux deux egaux & d'inclination. |
Two revolutions made by the wicked
scythe-bearer, change made in realm and centuries: the movable sign so intrusive in its place to the two equal and like-minded. |
I-55 | Soubz l'opposite climat Babylonique, Grande sera de sang effusion: Que terre & mer, air, ciel sera inique, Sectes, faim, regnes, pestes, confusion |
Under the climate opposite to the Babylonian their will be great effusion of blood, the unrighteous will be on land and sea, in air and sky, Sects, famine, realms, plagues, confusion. |
I-56 | Vous verrés tost & tard faire grands change, Horreurs extremes & vindications: Que si la lune conduicte par son ange, Le ciel s'approche des inclinations. |
You will see great change made soon and late, extreme horrors and vengeances. Because as the Moon is conducted by its angel, the Sun is approaching its inclinations. |
I-57 | Par grand discord la trombe tremblera, Accord rompu dressent la teste au ciel: Bouche sanglante dans le sang nagera, Au sol la face ointe de laict & miel. |
Through great dissension the earth will tremble, harmony broken lifting its head to heaven: the bloody mouth will swim in the blood, on the ground the face anointed with milk and honey. |
I-58 | Tranché le ventre, naistra avec deux testes, Et quatre bras: quelques ans entier vivra: Jour qui Aquilloye celebrera ses festes, Fossen, Turin, chief Ferrare fuyra. |
The belly cut, it will be born with two heads and four arms: several years it will live intact: the day on which Aquileia will celebrate its feasts, Fossano, Turin, the chief of Ferrara will follow. |
I-59 | Les exilés deportés dans les isles, Au changement d'un plus cruel monarque Seront meurtrys: & mis deux les scintilles, Qui de parler ne seront estés parques. |
The exiles transported to the isles, at the advent of a more cruel monarch, will be murdered, and burnt two who had not been sparing with their speech. |
I-60 | Un Empereur naistra pres d'Italie, Qui à l'Empire sera vendu bien cher: Diront avec quelz gens ilz se ralie, Qu'on trouvera moins prince que boucher. |
An Emperor will be born near Italy, one who will cost his Empire a high price: they will say that from the sort of people who surround him he is to be found less prince than butcher. |
I-61 | La republique miserable infelice, Sera vastée du nouveau magistrat: Leur grand amas de l'exil maligne, Fera Sueve ravir leur grand contract. |
The miserable unhappy republic will be ruined by the new magistrate: their great accumulation in wicked exile will cause the Suevi to tear up their great contract. |
I-62 | La grande perte las que feront les lettres, Avant le cicle de Latona parfaict: Feu grand deluge plus par ignares sceptes Que de long siecle ne se verra refaict. |
Alas! What a great loss will letters suffer, before the cycle of Latona is completed: fire, great deluge more through ignorant rulers than will be seen made up for a long time. |
I-63 | Les fleaux pasées diminue le monde, Long temps la paix terres inhabitées: Seur marchera par ciel, terre, mer & onde Puis de nouveau les guerres suscitées. |
The scourges passed the world shrinks, for a long time peace and populated lands: one will travel safely by air, land, sea and wave, then the wars stirred up anew. |
I-64 | De nuict soleil peu seront avoir veu, Quand le pourceau demy homme on verra: Bruict, chant, bataille au ciel batre aperceu Et bestes brutes à parler lon orra. |
They will think they have seen the Sun at night when they will see the pig half-man: noise, song, battle, fighting in the sky perceived, and one will hear brute beasts talking. |
I-65 | Enfant sans mains jamais veu sigrand foudre, L'enfant royal au jeu d'oesteuf blessé; Au puy brises: fulgures allant mouldre, Trois soubz les chaines par le millieu troussés. |
Child without hands never was so great a thunderbolt seen: the royal child wounded at the game of tennis. On the hill fractures: lightning going to grind: Three under the oaks trussed up in the middle. |
I-66 | Ceulx qui lors portera les novelles, Apres un peu il viendra respirer: Viviers, Tournon, Montserrant & Pradelle Grexle & tempeste les fera souspirer. |
He who then will bear the news, he will shortly after come to rest. Viviers, Tournon, Montferrand and Pradelles, hail and storms will make them sigh. |
I-67 | La grand famine que je sens approcher, Souvent tourner, puis estre universelle: Si grande & longue qu'on viendra arracher Du bois racine & l'enfant de mammelle. |
The great famine that I sense approaching, often turning, then becoming universal, so great and long that one will come to pull out roots from woods, and babe from breast. |
I-68 | O quel horrible & malheureux tourment, Trois innocens qu'on viendra à livrer: Poyson suspecte, mal gardé tradiment, Mis en horreur par bourreaux enyvrés. |
Oh, what a horrible and miserable torment, three innocent ones whom one will come to deliver. Poison suspected, poorly guarded betrayal: delivered to horror by drunken executioners. |
I-69 | La grand montaige ronde de sept estades Apres paix, guerre, faim, inondation: Roulera loing abismant grans contrades, Mesmes antiques, & grand fondation. |
The great round mountain of seven stades, after peace, war, famine, flood, it will roll far sinking great countries, even the ancient ones, and of great foundation. |
I-70 | Pluie, faim, guerre en Perse non cessée. La foy trop grand trahira le monarque: Par la finie en Gaule commencée, Secret augure pour à un estre parque. |
Rain, famine, war in Persia not over, the too great faith will betray the monarch, finished there begun in Gaul: secret sign for one to be moderate. (òàéíûé àâãóð) |
I-71 | La tour marine trois fois prise & reprise, Par Hespaignolz, Barbares, Ligurins: Marseille & Aix, Arles par ceulx de Pise, Vast, feu, fer, pillée Avignon des Thurins. |
The marine tower thrice taken and retaken by Spaniards, Barbarians and Ligurians: Marseilles and Aix, Arles by those of Pisa. Devastation, fire, swords, Avignon pillaged by Turinese. |
I-72 | Du tout Marseille des habitans changée, Course & poursuitte jusques au pres de lyon: Narbon. Tholoze par Bordeaux oultragée, Tués captifz presque d'un million. |
The inhabitants of Marseilles completely changed, flight and pursuit up to near Lyons. Narbonne, Toulouse wronged by Bordeaux: Killed and captives nearly a million. |
I-73 | France à cinq pars par neglect assaillie, Tunys Argel esmeux par Persiens: Leon, Seville, Barcelonne faillie, N'aura la classe par les Venitiens. |
France because of negligence assailed on five sides, Tunis, Algiers stirred up by Persians: Leon, Seville, Barcelona having failed, for the Venetians there will be no fleet. |
I-74 | Apres sejourné vogueront en Epire, Le grand secours viendra vers Antioche: Le noir poil crespe tendra fort à l'Empire, Barbe d'aerain se roustira en broche. |
After having tarried they will wander into Epirus: The great relief will come towards Antioch, the black frizzled hair will strive strongly for the Empire: Bronzebeard will roast him on a spit. |
I-75 | Le tyran Sienne occupera Savone, Le fort gaigné tiendra classe marine: Les deux armées par la marque d'Ancone Par effaieur le chef s'en examine. |
The tyrant of Siena will occupy Savona: The fort won he will hold the marine fleet: The two armies for the march of Ancona, because of terror the chief examines his conscience about it. |
I-76 | D'un nom farouche tel proferé sera, Que les trois seurs auront fato le nom: Puis grand peuple par langue & faict dira Plus que nul autre aura bruit & renom. |
With a name so wild will he be brought forth that the three sisters will have the name for destiny: Then he will lead a great people by tongue and deed, more than any other will he have fame and renown. |
I-77 | Entre deux mers dressera promontoires, Que puis mourra par les mords du cheval Le sien Neptune pliera voille noire, Par Calpre & classe aupres du Rocheval. |
Between two seas he will erect a promontory he who will then die by the bite of a horse: The proud Neptune will fold the black sail, through Gibraltar and the fleet near Rocheval. |
I-78 | D'un chef vieillard n'aistra sens hebeté, Degenerant par savoir & par armes: Le chef de France par sa sœur redoubté, Champs divisés, concedés aux gensdarmes. |
He will be born of an old chief with dulled senses, degenerating in knowledge and in arms: The chief of France feared by his sister, fields divided, granted to the troops. |
I-79 | Bazaz, lestore, Condon, Ausch, Agine, Esmeus par loix, querelle & monopole: Car Bourd. Tholo Bay. mettra en ruine, Renouveller voulant leut tauropole: |
Bazas, Lectoure, Condom, Auch, Agen moved by laws, quarrel and monopoly: For Bordeaux Toulous Bayonne will ruin: Wishing to renew their bull-sacrifice. |
I-80 | De la sixiesme claire splendeur celeste, Viendra tonner si fort la bourgongne: Puis naistra monstre de treshideuse beste Mars, Apvril, May, Juin, grand charpin & rongne.(year 2003??) |
From the sixth bright celestial splendor it will come to thunder very fiercely in Burgundy: Then of a very hideous beast will be born a monster. March, April, May, June great tearing and clipping. |
I-81 | D'humain troupeau neuf seront mis à part, De jugement & conseil separés: Leur sort sera divisé en depart, Kappa, Thita, Lambda mors, bannis esgarés. |
Nine will be set aside from the human flock, removed from judgment and counsel: Their fate will be determined on departure, Kappa, Thita, Lambda, dead, banished, astray. |
I-82 | Quand les colonnes de bois grande tremblée, D'auster conduicte couverte de rubriche: Tant vuidera dehors grand assemblé, Trembler Vienne & le pays d'Austriche. |
When the columns of wood trembling greatly, led by the South Wind, covered with red ochre: A very great assembly will empty outside, Vienna and the land of Austria will tremble. |
I-83 | La gent estrange divisera butins, Saturne en Mars son regard furieux, Horrible estrange aux Tosquans & latins, Grecs, qui seront à frapper curieux. |
The strange nation will divide spoils, Saturn in Mars his aspect furious: Horrible slaughter of the Tuscans and Latins, Greeks, who will desire to strike. |
I-84 | Lune obscurcie aux profondes tenebres, Son frere passe de couleur ferrugine: Le grand caché long temps soubs les tenebres Tiedera fer dans la plaie sanguine. |
The Moon hidden in deep shadows, her brother passes with rusty color: The great one hidden for a long time under the eclipses, iron will cool in the bloody wound. |
I-85 | Par la resdonce de dame, roy troublé, Ambassadeurs mespriseront leur vie: Le grand ses freres contrefera doublé, Par deux mourront ire, haine, envie. |
Because of the lady's reply, the King troubled: Ambassadors will take their lives in their hands: The great one doubly will imitate his brothers, two who will die through anger, hatred and envy. |
I-86 | La grande royne quant se verra vaincu, Fera exces de masculin couraige: Sus cheval, fleuve passera toute nue, Suite par fer: à foy fera oultrage. |
The great Queen when she shall see herself vanquished
(ïîáåæäàòü) will act with an excess of masculine courage: On horseback, she will pass over the river entirely naked, pursued by the sword: it will mark an outrage to faith. |
I-87 | Envosigée feu du centre de terre, Fera trembler autour de cité neufue: Deux grans rochers long temps feront la guerre Puis Arethusa rougira nouveau fleuve. |
Volcanic fire from the center of the earth will cause trembling around the new city: Two great rocks will make war for a long time. Then Arethusa will redden a new river. |
I-88 | Le divin mal surprendra le grand prince, Un peu devant aura femme espousée: Son puy & credit à un coup viendra mince Conseil mourra pour la teste rasée. |
The divine sickness will surprise the great Prince shortly before he will have married a woman, his support and credit will suddenly become slim, counsel will perish for the shaven head. |
I-89 | Tous ceux de Ilerde seront dedans Moselle, Mettants à mort to' ceux de loyre & Seine: Secour marin viendra pres d'haulte velle, Quand Hespaignolz ouvrira toute vaine. |
All those from Lerida will be in Moselle, putting to death all those from the Loire and Seine: Marine relief will come near the high wall when the Spaniards open every vein. |
I-90 | Bourdeaux, Poitiers, au son de la campane A grande classe ira jusques à l'Angon: Contre Gaulois sera leur tramontane, Quand monstres hydeux naistra pres de Orgon. |
Bordeaux, Poitiers at the sound of the tocsin, with a great fleet one will go as far as Langon, their north wind will be against the Gauls, when a hideous monster will be born near Orgon. |
I-91 | Les dieux feront aux humains apparence Ce qu'ilz seront auteurs de grand conflict Avant ciel veu serain espée & lance, Que vers main gauche sera pl' grand afflit. |
The Gods will make it appear to the mortals that they will be the authors of the great conflict: Sword and lance before the sky is seen serene, so that there will be a greater affliction to the left hand. |
I-92 | Soubz un la paix par tourt sera clamée, Main mon long temps pillé & rebellion: Par refus ville terre & mer entamée, Mors & captifz le tiers d'un million. |
Under one peace will be proclaimed everywhere, but not long after pillage and rebellion, because of a refusal town, land and sea encroached upon, dead and captives one third of a million. |
I-93 | Terre Italique pres des monts tremblera Lyon & coq non trop confederés: En lieu de peur l'un l'autre s'aidera, Seul Castulon & Celtes moderés. |
The land of Italy will tremble near the mountains, Lion and Cock not too well confederated, in place of fear they will help each other, only Castulo and the Celts moderate. |
I-94 | Au port Selin le tyran mis à mort, La liberté non pourtant recouvrée: Le nouveau Mars par vindicte remort, Dame par force de frayeur honorée. |
At Port Selin the tyrant put to death liberty nevertheless not recovered: The new Mars because of vengeance and remorse, the Lady honored through force of terror. |
I-95 | Devant monstier trouvé enfant besson, D'heroic sang de moine & vestutisque: Son bruit par secte langue & puissance son Qu'on dira fort eslevé le vobisque. |
A twin child found before the monastery one of the ancient and heroic blood of a monk: His fame, renown and power through sect and tongue Such that one will say the perfect twin has been well raised. |
I-96 | Celuy qu'aura la charge de destruire, Temples, & sectes changés par fantasie: Pl' aux rochers qu'aulx vivans viendra nuire Par langue ornée d'oreilles ressasies. |
He who will have charge of destroying temples and sects, changed through fantasy: He will come to do more harm to rocks than to living people because of the din in his ears of a polished tongue. |
I-97 | Ce que fer flamme n'a sceu parachever, La doulce langue au conseil viendra faire: Par repos, songe, le roy fera resver, Plus l'ennemy en feu sang militaire. |
That which fire and sword did not know how to accomplish, the smooth tongue in council will come to achieve: Through repose, a dream, the King will be made to meditate, the enemy more in fire and military blood. |
I-98 | Le chef
qu'aura conduit peuple infiny, Loing de son ciel, de meurs & langue estrange: Cinq mil en Crete & Thessalie finy, Le chef fuyant sauvé en marine grange. |
The chief who will have led an infinite people far from skies of their own, of customs and tongue strange: Five thousand finished in Crete and Thessaly, the chief fleeing saved in a marine barn. |
I-99 | Le grand monarque que fera compaignie Avec deux roys unis par amitié: O quel souspir fera la grand mesgnie, Enfans Narbon, à l'entour quel pitié. |
The great monarch who will make company with two Kings united by friendship: Oh, what a sigh will the great host make, children around Narbonne, what a pity. |
I-100 | Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oiseau. Aupres de Dole & de Toscane terre: Tenant au bec un verdoyant rameau, Mourra tost grand & finera la guerre. |
For a long time a gray bird will be seen in the sky near Dole and Tuscan land: (Çåìëÿ Ãîðÿ è Òîñêè) Holding in its beak a verdant sprig, soon the great one will die and the war will end. |