III-1 | Apres
combat & bataille navale, Le grant neptune à son pl' haut befroy Rouge adversaire de peur viendra passe, Mettant le grand ocean en effroy. |
After combat and naval battle, the great Neptune in his highest belfry: Red adversary will become pale with fear, putting the great Ocean in dread. |
III-2 | Le divin verbe pourra à la substance, Comprins ciel terre, or occult au fait mystique Corps, ame, esprit ayant toute puissance, Tant soubz ses piedz, comme au siege celique. |
The divine word will give to the substance, including heaven, earth, gold hidden in the mystic milk: Body, soul, spirit having all power, as much under its feet as the Heavenly see. |
III-3 | Mars & Mercure & l'argent joint ensemble, Vers le midy extreme siccité: Au fond d'Asie on dira terre tremble, Corinthe,, Ephese lors en perplexité. |
Mars and Mercury, and the silver joined together, towards the south extreme drought: In the depths of Asia one will say the earth trembles, Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity. |
III-4 | Quand seront spches le default des
lunaires, De l'un à l'autre ne distant grandement: Froit siccité, dangier vers les frontieres, Mesmes ou l'oracle à prins commencement. |
When they will be close the lunar ones
will fail, from one another not greatly distant, cold, dryness, danger towards the frontiers, even where the oracle has had its beginning. |
III-5 | Pres loin default de deux grands luminaires Qui surviendra entre [l']Avril & Mars: O quel cherté mais deux grands debonnaires Par terre & mer secourront toutes pars. |
Near, far the failure of the great luminaries which will occur between April and March. Oh, what a loss! but two great good-natured ones by land and sea will relieve all parts. |
III-6 | Dans temples clos le foudre y entrera, Les citadins dedans leur fors grevés: Chevaux, beufs hommes, londe leur touchera Par faim, soif soubz les pl' foibles armés. |
Within the closed temple the lighting will enter, the citizens within their fort injured: Horses, cattle, men, the wave will touch the wall, through famine, drought, under the weakest armed. |
III-7 | Les fugitifs, feu du ciel sus les piques, Conflict prochain des courbeaux s'esbatant[s] De terre on crie aide secours celiques, Quand pres des murs seront les combatans. |
The fugitives, fire from the sky on the pikes: Conflict near the ravens frolicking, from land they cry for aid and heavenly relief, when the combatants will be near the walls. |
III-8 | Les Cimbres joints avecques leurs voisins. Depopuler viendront presque l'Hespaigne Gens amassés Guienne & Limosins. Seront en ligue & leur feront compaigne. |
The Cimbri joined with their neighbors will come to ravage almost Spain: People gathered in Guienne and Limousin will be in league, and will bear them company. |
III-9 | Bourdeaux, Rouan, & la Rochele jointe, Tiendront autour la grand mer Oceane: Anglois, Bretons, & les Flamans conjoints, Les chasseront jusques aupres de Roane. |
Bordeaux, Rouen and La Rochelle joined will hold around the great Ocean sea, English, Bretons and the Flemings allied will chase them as far as Roanne. |
III-10 | De sang & faim plus grande calamité, Sept fois s'appreste à la marine plage: Monech de faim lieu pris captivité, Le grand mené croc en ferree caige. |
Greater calamity of blood and famine, seven times it approaches the marine shore: Monaco from hunger, place captured, captivity, the great one led crunching in a metaled cage. |
III-11 | Les armes battre au ciel longue saison, L'arbre au millieu de la cité tombé: Vermine, rogne, glaive en face tyson, Lors le Monarque d'Hadrie succombé. |
The arms to fight in the sky a long time, the tree in the middle of the city fallen: Sacred bough clipped, steel, in the face of the firebrand, then the monarch of Adria fallen. |
III-12 | Par la tumeur de Hebro, Po, Tag, Timbre, & Rome, Et [par] l'estang Leman, & Aretin: Les deux grans chef, & cités de Garonne, Prins mors noyés, partir humain butin. |
Because of the swelling Ebro, Po, Tagus, Tiber and Rhone and because of the pond of Geneva and Arezzo, the two great chiefs and cities of the Garonne, taken, dead, drowned: human booty divided. |
III-13 | Par fouldre en l'arche or, & argent fondu, Des deux captifz l'un l'autre mangera, De la cité le plus grand estendu, Quand submergee la classe nagera. |
Through lightning in the arch gold and silver melted, of two captives one will eat the other: The greatest one of the city stretched out, when submerged the fleet will swim. |
III-14 | Par le rameau du vaillant personage, De France infime par le pere infelice: Honneur, richesses travail en son vieil aage Pour avoir creu le conseil d'homme nice. |
Through the branch of the valiant personage of lowest France: because of the unhappy father honors, riches, travail in his old age, for having believed the advice of a simple man. |
III-15 | Cœur, vigueur, gloire le regne changera, De tous pointz contre ayant son adversaire: Lors France enfance par mort subjuguera, Un grand regent sera lors plus contraire. |
The realm will change in heart, vigor and glory, in all points having its adversary opposed: Then through death France an infancy will subjugate, A great Regent will then be more contrary. |
III-16 | Un prince anglois Mars à son cœur de ciel Vouldra poursuivre sa fortnue prospere: Des deux duelles l'un percera le fiel, Hay de luy bien aymé de sa mere. |
An English prince Mars in his heavenly heart Will want to pursue his prosperous fortune, Of the two duels one will pierce his gall: Hated by him well loved by his mother. |
III-17 | Mont Aventine brusler nuict sera veu, Le ciel obscur tout à un coup en Flandres Quand le Monarque chassera son neveu, Leurs gens d'eglise commettront les esclandres. |
Mount Aventine will be seen to burn at night: The sky very suddenly dark in Flanders: When the monarch will chase his nephew, Then Church people will commit scandals. |
III-18 | Apres la pluie [de] laict assés longuete, En plusieurs lieux de Reims le ciel touché O Quel conflit de sang pres d'eux s'apreste, Peres & filz roys n'oseront approcher. |
After the rather long rain milk, In several places in Reims the sky touched: Alas, what a bloody murder is prepared near them, Fathers and sons Kings will not dare approach. |
III-19 | En luques
sang & laict viendra plouvoir, Un peu devant changement de preteur Grand peste & guerre, faim & soif fera voir Loing [d']ou mourra leur prince [& grand] recteur. |
In Lucca it
will come to rain blood and milk, Shortly before a change of praetor: Great plague and war, famine and drought will be visible Far away where their prince and rector will die. |
III-20 | Par les contrees du grand fleuve Betique, Loing d'Ibere au royaume de Grenade: Croix repoulsees par gens Mahometiques, Un de Cordube trahira la contrade. |
Through the regions of the great river Guadalquivir Deep in Iberia to the Kingdom of Grenada Crosses beaten back by the Mahometan peoples One of Cordova will betray his country. |
III-21 | Au crustamin par mer Hadriatique. Appraroistra un horrible poisson, De face humaine & la fin aquatique, Qui se prendra dehors de l'amecon. |
In the Conca by the Adriatic Sea There will appear a horrible fish, With face human and its end aquatic, Which will be taken without the hook. |
III-22 | Six jours l'assault devant cité donné, Livree sera forte & aspre bataile: Trois la rendront, & à [eux] pardonnés, Le reste à feu & sang [l'on] tranche [&] traille. |
Six days the attack made before the city: Battle will be given strong and harsh: Three will surrender it, and to them pardon: The rest to fire and to bloody slicing and cutting. |
III-23 | Si France passe oultre mer Ligustique, Tu te verras en isles & mers enclos: Mahommet contraire plus mer Hadriatique Chevaulx & d'Asnes tu rongeras les os. |
If, France, you pass beyond the Ligurian Sea, You will see yourself shut up in islands and seas: Mahomet contrary, more so the Adriatic Sea: You will gnaw the bones of horses and asses. |
III-24 | De l'entreprinse grande confusion, Perte de gens tresor innumerable: Tu n'y dois faire encore tension, France à mon dire fais que sois recordable. |
Great confusion in the enterprise, Loss of people, countless treasure: You ought not to extend further there. France, let what I say be remembered. |
III-25 | Qui au royaume Navarrois parviendra, Quand de Secile & Naples seront joint: Bigorre & landes par foix l'oron tiendra, D'un qui d'espaigne sera par trop conjoint. |
He who will attain to the Kingdom of Navarre When Sicily and Naples will be joined: He will hold Bigorre and Landes through Foix and Oloron From one who will be too closely allied with Spain. |
III-26 | Des roys & princes dresseront simulacres, Augures creuz, eslevez aruspices: Corne victime doree, & d'azur d'Acre, Interpretés seront les extipices. |
They will prepare idols{?} of Kings and Princes, Soothsayers and empty prophets elevated: Horn, victim of gold, and azure, dazzling, The soothsayers will be interpreted. |
III-27 | Prinse libinique puissant en Occident. Francois d'Arabe viendra tant enflammee Scavans aux lettres [sera] condescendent, La langue Arabe en Francois translater. |
Libyan Prince powerful in the West Will come to inflame very much French with Arabian. Learned in letters condescending he will Translate the Arabian language into French. |
III-28 | De terre foible & pouvre parentele, Par bout & paix parviendra dans l'empire: Long temps regner une jeune femelle, Qu'onc en regne n'en survint un si pire. |
Of land weak and parentage poor, Through piece and peace he will attain to the empire. For a long time a young female to reign, Never has one so bad come upon the Kingdom. |
III-29 | Les deux neveux en divers lieux nourris, Navale pugne, terre peres tombés: Viendront si hault eslevé enguerris, Venger l'injure ennemis succombés. |
The two nephews brought up in diverse places: Naval battle, land, fathers fallen: They will come to be elevated very high in making war To avenge the injury, enemies succumbed. |
III-30 | Celuy qu'en luitte & fer au fait bellique, Aura porté plus grand que luy le pris: De niuct au lict six luy feront la pique, Nud sans harnois subit sera surpris. |
He who during the struggle with steel in the deed of war Will have carried off the prize from one greater than he: By night six will carry the grudge to his bed, Without armor he will be surprised suddenly. |
III-31 | Aux champs de Mede, d'Arabe & d'Armenie, Deux grands copies trois fois s'assembleront: Pres du rivaige d'Araxes la mesgnie, Du grand Soliman en terre tomberont. |
On the fields of Media, of Arabia and of Armenia Two great armies will assemble thrice: The host near the bank of the Araxes, They will fall in the land of the great Suleiman. |
III-32 | Le grand sepulcre du peuple Aquitanique, S'approchera aupres de la Toscane: Quand Mars sera pres du coing germanique, Et au terroir de la gent Mantuane. |
The great tomb of the people of Aquitaine Will approach near to Tuscany, When Mars will be in the corner of Germany And in the land of the Mantuan people. |
III-33 | En la cité ou le loup entrera, Bien pres de là les enemmis seront: Copie estrange grand pays gastera, Aux murs & Alpes les amis passeront. |
In the city where the wolf will enter, Very near there will the enemies be: Foreign army will spoil a great country. The friends will pass at the walls and Alps. |
III-34 | Quand le deffault du Soleil lors sera, Sur le plain jour le monstre sera veu: Tout autrement on l'interpretera, Cherté n'a garde nul n'y aura pourveu. |
When the eclipse of the Sun will then be, The monster will be seen in full day: Quite otherwise will one interpret it, High price unguarded: none will have foreseen it. |
III-35 | Du plus profond de l'Occident d'Europe, De pouvres gens un jeune enfant naistra: Quie par sa langue seduira grande troupe, Son bruit au regne d'Orient plus croistra. |
From the very depths of the West of Europe, A young child will be born of poor people, He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop: His fame will increase towards the realm of the East. |
III-36 | Ensevely non mort apopletique, Sera trouvé avoir les mains mangees: Quand la cité damnera l'heretique, Qu'avoit leur loix se leur sembloit changees. |
Buried apoplectic not dead, He will be found to have his hands eaten: When the city will condemn the heretic, He who it seemed to them had changed their laws. |
III-37 | Avant l'assault [l']oraison prononcee, Milan prins d'aigle par embusches deceuz Muraille antique par canons enfoncee, Par feu & sang à mercy peu receuz. |
The speech delivered before the attack, Milan taken by Eagle through deceptive ambushes: Ancient wall driven in by cannons, Through fire and blood few given quarter. |
III-38 | La gent Gauloise & nation estrange Oultre les monts mors prins & profligés: Au moys contraire & proche de vendange Par les seigneurs en accord redigés. |
The Gallic
people and a foreign nation Beyond the mountains, dead, captured and killed: In the contrary month and near vintage time, Through the Lords drawn up in accord. |
III-39 | Les sept en trois moys en concorde, Pour subjuguer des alpes Apennines: Mais le tempeste & ligure couarde, Les profligeant en subites ruynes. |
The seven in three months in agreement To subjugate the Apennine Alps: But the tempest and cowardly Ligurian, Destroys them in sudden ruins. |
III-40 | Le grand theatre se viendra
redresser, Le dez getté & les retz ja tendus: Trop le premier en glaz viendra lasser, Par arcz prostrais de long temps ja fendus. |
The great theater will come to be set up
again: The dice cast and the snares already laid. Too much the first one will come to tire in the death knell, Prostrated by arches already a long time split. |
III-41 | Bossu sera esleu par le conseil, Plus hideux monstre en terre n'apperceu: Le coup volant Prelat crevera l'œil, Le traistre au roy pour fidelle receu. |
Hunchback will be elected by the council, A more hideous monster not seen on earth, The willing blow will put out his eye: The traitor to King received as faithful. |
III-42 | L'enfant naistra à deux dents en la gorge, Pierre en Tuscie par pluie tomberont. Peu d'ans apres ne sera bled ne orge, Pour saouler ceulx qui de faim failliront: |
The child will be born with two teeth in his mouth, Stones will fall during the rain in Tuscany: A few years after there will be neither wheat nor barley, To satiate those who will faint from hunger. |
III-43 | Gents d'alentour de Tarn, Loth, & Garonne Gardés les monts Apennines passer: Vostre tombeau pres de Rome & d'Anconne, Le noir poil crespe fera trophee dresser. |
People from around the Tarn, Lot and Garonne Beware of passing the Apennine mountains: Your tomb near Rome and Ancona, The black frizzled beard will have a trophy set up. |
III-44 | Quand l'animal à l'homme domestique. Apres grans peines & saults viendra parler: De fouldre à vierge sera si malefique, De terre prinse & suspendre en l'air. |
When the animal domesticated by man After great pains and leaps will come to speak: The lightning to virgin will be very harmful, Taken from earth and suspended in the air. |
III-45 | Les cinq estranges entrees dedans le temple, Leur sang viendra la terre prophaner: Aix Tholosains sera bien dur exemple, D'un qui viendra ses loix exterminer. |
The five strangers entered in the temple, Their blood will come to pollute the land: To the Toulousans it will be a very hard example Of one who will come to exterminate their laws. |
III-46 | Le ciel (de Plaucus la cité) nous presaige, Par clers insignes & par estoilles fixes: Que de son change subit s'aproche l'aage Ne pour son bien ne pour ses malefices. |
The sky ( of Plancus' city ) forebodes to us Through clear signs and fixed stars, That the time of its sudden change is approaching, Neither for its good, nor for its evils. |
III-47 | Le vieulx monarque dechassé de son regne, Aux Orients son secours ira querre: Pour peur des croix ploiera son enseigne, En Mitilene ira par port & terre. |
The old monarch chased out of his realm Will go to the East asking for its help: For fear of the crosses he will fold his banner: To Mitylene he will go through port and by land. |
III-48 | Sept cens captifz estachés rudement, Pour la moitié murtrir, donne le sort: Le proche espoir viendra si promptement, Mais non si tost qu'une quinziesme mort. |
Seven hundred captives bound roughly, Lots drawn for the half to be murdered: The hope at hand will come very promptly But not as soon as the fifteenth death. |
III-49 | Regne Gaulois tu seras bien changé, En lieu estrange est translaté l'Empire: En autres mœurs & loix sera rangé, Rouan, & Chartres te feront bien du pire. |
Gallic realm, you will be much changed: To a foreign place is the empire transferred: You will be set up amidst other customs and laws: Rouen and Chartres will do much of the worst to you. |
III-50 | La republique de la grande cité, A grand rigueur ne vouldra consentir: Roy sortir hors par trompette cité, L'eschelle au mur, la cité repentir. |
The republic of the great city Will not want to consent to the great severity: King summoned by trumpet to go out, The ladder at the wall, the city will repent. |
III-51 | Paris conjure va grand murtre
commettre, Bloys le fera sortir en plain effet: Ceulx d'Orl[éans] vouldront leur chef remettre, Ang. Troye, Langres leur feront un meffait. |
Paris conspires to commit a great
murder Blois will cause it to be fully carried out: Those of Orleans will want to replace their chief, Angers, Troyes, Langres will commit a misdeed against them. |
III-52 | En la Champaigne sera si longue pluye, Et en la Pouille si grande siccité: Coq verra l'Aigle, l'aesle mal accomplie, Par Lyon mise sera en extremité. |
In Campania there will be a very long rain, In Apulia very great drought. The Cock will see the Eagle, its wing poorly finished, By the Lion will it be put into extremity. |
III-53 | Quand le plus grand emportera le pris, De Nuremberg, d'Auspurg & ceux de Basle Par Agripine chef Frankfort repris Traverseront par Flamans jusques en Galle. |
When the greatest one will carry off the prize Of Nuremberg, of Augsburg, and those of Bale Through Cologne the chief Frankfort retaken They will cross through Flanders right into Gaul. |
III-54 | L'un des plus grans fuira aux Espaignes, Qu'en longue playe apres viendra saigner: Passant copies par les haultes montaignes, Devastant tout & puis en paix regner. |
One of the greatest ones will flee to Spain Which will thereafter come to bleed in a long wound: Armies passing over the high mountains, Devastating all, and then to reign in peace. |
III-55 | En l'an qu'un œil en France regnera, La court sera à un bien fascheux trouble: Le grand de Bloys son amy tuera, Le regne mis en mal & doubte double. |
In the year that one eye will reign in France, The court will be in very unpleasant trouble: The great on of Blois will kill his friend: The realm placed in harm and double doubt. |
III-56 | Montauban, Nismes, Avignon, & Besier, Peste, tonnerre, & gresle à fin de Mars: De Paris pont, Lyon murs, Montpellier, Depuis six cens & sept. xxiij. pars. |
Montauban, Nimes, Avigon and Beziers, Plague, thunder and hail in the wake of Mars: Of Paris bridge, Lyons wall, Montpellier, After six hundreds and seven score three pairs. |
III-57 | Sept fois changer verrés gent Britannique, Taintz en sang en deux cens nonante ans: France non point par apuy Germanique, Aries doubte son pole Bastarnan. |
Seven times will you see the British nation change, Steeped in blood in 290 years: Free not at all its support Germanic. Aries doubts his Bastarnian pole. |
III-58 | Aupres du Rhin des montaignes Noriques, Naistra un grand de gens trop tard venu: Qui deffendra Saurome & Pannoniques, Qu'on ne scaura qu'il sera devenu. |
Near the Rhine from the Noric mountains Will be born a great one of people come too late, One who will defend Sarmatia and the Pannonians, One will not know what will have become of him. |
III-59 | Barbare empire par le tiers usurpé, La pl' grand part de so[n] sa[n]g mettra à mort: Par mort senile par luy le quart frapé, Pour peur que sang, par le sang ne soit mort. |
Barbarian empire usurped by the third, The greater part of his blood he will put to death: Through senile death the fourth struck by him, For fear that the blood through the blood be not dead. |
III-60 | Par toute Asie grande proscription, Mesmes en Mysie, Lysie, & Pamphylie: Sang versera par absolution, D'un jeune noir remply de felonnie. |
Throughout all Asia great proscription, Even in Mysia, Lycia and Pamphilia. Blood will be shed because of the absolution Of a young black one filled with felony. |
III-61 | La grande bende & secte crucigere, Se dressera en Mesopotamie: Du proche fleuve compagnie legiere, Que telle loy tiendra pour ennemie. |
The great band and sect of crusaders Will be arrayed in Mesopotamia: Light company of the nearby river, That such law will hold for an enemy. |
III-62 | Proche del duero par mer Tyrrene close, Viendra percer les grans monts Pyrenees: La main plus courte & sa percee gloze, A Carcassonne conduira ses menees. |
Near the Douro by the closed Tyrian sea, He will come to pierce the great Pyrenees mountains. One hand shorter and his opening glosses, He will lead his traces to Carcassonne. |
III-63 | Romain pouvoir sera du tout abas, Son grand voisin imiter les vestiges: Occultes haines civiles & debats, Retarderont aux bouffons leurs folies, |
The Roman power will be thoroughly abased, Following in the footsteps of its great neighbor: Hidden civil hatreds and debates Will delay their follies for the buffoons. |
III-64 | Le chef de Perse remplira grande
Olchade, Classe trireme contre gent Mahometique: De sparte & Mede, & piller les ciclades, Repos long temps au grand port Ionique. |
The chief of Persia will occupy great Olchades, The trireme fleet against the Mahometan people From Parthia, and Media: and the Cyclades pillaged: Long rest at the great Ionian port. |
III-65 | Quand le sepulcre du grand Romain trouvé, Le jour apres sera esleu pontife: Du senat guieres il ne sera prouvé, Empoisonné, son sang au sacré sciphe. |
When the sepulchre of the great Roman is found, The day after a Pontiff will be elected: Scarcely will he be approved by the Senate Poisoned, his blood in the sacred chalice. |
III-66 | Le grand baillifz d'Orleans mis à mort, Sera par un de sang vindicatif: De mort merite ne mourra ne par sort, Des pieds & mains mal le faisoit captif. |
The great Bailiff of Orleans put to death Will be by one of blood revengeful: Of death deserved he will not die, nor by chance: He made captive poorly by his feet and hands. |
III-67 | Une nouvelle secte de Philosophes, Meprisant mort, or, honneurs & richesses Des mots Germains ne seront limitrophes A les ensuivre auront appuy & presses. |
A new sect of Philosophers Despising death, gold, honors and riches Will not be bordering upon the German mountains: To follow them they will have power and crowds. |
III-68 | Peuple sans chef d'Espaigne & d'Italie, Mors profligés dedans le Cheirenesse: Leur dict trahy par legiere folie, Le sang nager par tout à la traverse. |
Leaderless people of Spain and Italy Dead, overcome within the Peninsula: Their dictator betrayed by irresponsible folly, Swimming in blood everywhere in the latitude. |
III-69 | Grand exercite conduict par jouvenceau, Se viendra rendre aux mains des ennemis Mais le vieillart nay au demy porceau, Fera Chaalon & Mascon estre amis. |
The great army led by a young man, It will come to surrender itself to its enemies: But the old one born to the half-pig, He will cause Chalon and Macon to be friends. |
III-70 | La grand Bretagne coprinse l'Angleterre Viendra par eaues si hault à inonder: La ligue neufue d'Asonne fera guerre, Que contre eulx ilz se viendront bender. |
The great Britain including England Will come to be flooded very high by waters The new League of Ausonia will make war, So that they will come to strive against them. |
III-71 | Ceulz dans les isles de long temps assiegés, Prendront vigueur [&] force contre ennemis: Ceulx par dehors mort de faim prodigés, En plus grand faim que jamais seront mis. |
Those in the isles long besieged Will take vigor and force against their enemies: Those outside dead overcome by hunger, They will be put in greater hunger than ever before. |
III-72 | Le bon vieillart tout vif ensevely, Pres du grand fleuve par faulse souspecon Le nouveau vieulx de richesse ennobly, Prins à chemin tout l'or de sa rancon. |
The good old man buried quite alive, Near the great river through false suspicion: The new old man ennobled by riches, Captured on the road all his gold for ransom. |
III-73 | Quand dans le regne parviendra le boiteux Competiteur aura proche bastard: Luy & le regne viendront si fort rogneux Avant qu'il guerisse son faict sera bien tard. |
When the cripple will attain to the realm, For his competitor he will have a near bastard: He and the realm will become so very mangy That before he recovers, it will be too late. |
III-74 | Naples, Florence, Favence, & Imole, Seront en termes de telle fascherie: Que pour complaire aux malheur[eux] de Nolle Plainct d'avoir faict à son chef moquerie. |
Naples, Florence, Faenza and Imola, They will be on terms of such disagreement As to delight in the wretches of Nola Complaining of having mocked its chief. |
III-75 | Pau, Verone, Vicence, Sarragousse, De glaives loings terroirs de sang humides: Peste si grande viendra à la grand gousse, Proche secours, & bien loing les remedes. |
Pau, Verona, Vicenza, Saragossa, From distant swords lands wet with blood: Very great plague will come with the great shell, Relief near, and the remedies very far. |
III-76 | En Germanie naistront diverses sectes, S'approchant fort de l'heureux paganisme: Le cœur captif & petites receptes, Feront retour à payer le fray disme. |
In Germany will be born diverse sects, Coming very near happy paganism, The heart captive and returns small, They will return to paying the true tithe. |
III-77 | Le tiers climat soubz Aries comprins, L'an mil sept cents vingt & sept en Octobre Le roy de Perse par ceulx d'Egipte prins: Conflit, mort, perte: à la croix grand ospbre. |
The third climate included under Aries The year 1727 in October, The King of Persia captured by those of Egypt: Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great Shame. |
III-78 | Le chef d'Ecosse avec six d'Alemaigne, Par gens de mer Orientaulx captif: Traverseront la Calpre & Hespaigne, Present en Perse au nouveau roy craintif. |
The chief of Scotland, with six of Germany Captive of the Eastern seamen: They will pass Gibraltar and Spain, Present in Persia for the fearful new King. |
III-79 | The chief of Scotland, with six of Germany Captive of the Eastern seamen: They will pass Gibraltar and Spain, Present in Persia for the fearful new King. |
The fatal everlasting order through the chain Will come to turn through consistent order: The chain of Marseilles will be broken: The city taken, the enemy at the same time. |
III-80 | Du regne Anglois l'indigne dechasse, Le conseiller par ire mis à feu: Ses ahderans iront si bas tracer, Que le bastard sera demi receu. |
The worthy one chased out of English realm, The adviser through anger put to the fire: His adherents will go so low to efface themselves That the bastard will be half received. |
III-81 | Le grand criart sans honte audacieux. Sera esleu gouverneur de l'armee: La hardiesse de son contentieux, Le pont rompu, cité de peur pasmee. |
The great shameless, audacious bawler, He will be elected governor of the army: The boldness of his contention, The bridge broken, the city faint from fear. |
III-82 | Freins, Antibol, villes autour de Nice, Seront vastees fort, par mer & par terre: Les sauterelles terre & mer vent propice, Prins, mors, trossés pillés sas loz de beurre. |
Frejus, Antibes, towns around Nice, They will be thoroughly devastated by sea and by land: The locusts by land and by sea the wind propitious, Captured, dead, bound, pillaged without law of war. |
III-83 | Les longz cheveulx de la gaule Celtique, Accompaignés d'estranges nations: Mettront captif la gent Aquitanique, Pour succomber a internitions. |
The long hairs of Celtic Gaul Accompanied by foreign nations, They will make captives the people of Aquitaine, For succumbing to their designs. |
III-84 | La grand cité sera bien desolee, Des habitans un seul n'y demourra: Mur, sexe temple, & vierge violee, Par fer, feu, peste, canon peuple mourra. |
The great city will be thoroughly desolated, Of the inhabitants not a single one will remain there: Wall, sex, temple and virgin violated, Through sword, fire, plague, cannon people will die. |
III-85 | La cité prinse par tromperie & fraude, Par le moyen d'un beau jeune attrapé: Assault donné Roubine pres de l'Aude, L[']uy & tous mors pour avoir bien trompé. |
The city taken through deceit and guile, Taken in by means of a handsome youth: Assault given by the Robine near the Aude, He and all dead for having thoroughly deceived. |
III-86 | Un chef d'Ausonne aux Espaignes ira, Par mer fera arrest dedans Marseille: Avant sa mort un long temps languira, Apres sa mort on verra grand merveille. |
A chief of Ausonia will go to Spain By sea, he will make a stop in Marseilles: Before his death he will linger a long time: After his death one will see a great marvel. (÷óäî, äèâî) |
III-87 | Classe gauloise n'approche de
Corsegue, Moins de Sardaigne tu t'en repentiras: Tresto' morrez frustrés de l'aide grogne Sang nagera, captifz ne me croiras. |
Gallic fleet, do not approach Corsica, Less Sardinia, you will rue it: Every one of you will die frustrated of the help of the cape: You will swim in blood, captive you will not believe me. |
III-88 | De Barcelonne par mer si grand armee, Toute Marseille de frayeur tremblera: Isles saisies de mer ayde fermee, Ton traditeur en terre nagera. |
From Barcelona a very great army by sea, All Marseilles will tremble with terror: Isles seized help shut off by sea, Your traitor will swim on land. |
III-89 | En ce temps la sera frustree Cypres, De son secours de ceux de mer Egee: Vieux trucidés mais par masles & lyphres Seduict leur roy, royne plus oultragee. |
At that time Cyprus will be frustrated Of its relief by those of the Aegean Sea: Old ones slaughtered: but by speeches and supplications Their King seduced, Queen outraged more. |
III-90 | Le grand Satyre & Tygre de Hyrcanie, Don presenté à ceulx de l'Ocean: Un chef de classe istra de Germanie, Qui prendra terre au Tyrren Phocean. |
The great Satyr and Tiger of Hyrcania, Gift presented to those of the Ocean: A fleet's chief will set out from Carmania, One who will take land at the Tyrren Phocaean. |
III-91 | L'arbre qu'estoit par long temps mort seché, Dans une nuict viendra à reverdir: Cron roy malade, prince pied estaché, Craint d'ennemis fera voille bondir. |
The tree which had long been dead and withered, In one night it will come to grow green again: The Cronian King sick, Prince with club foot, Feared by his enemies he will make his sail bound. |
III-92 | Le monde proche du dernier periode, Saturne encor tard sera de retour: Translat empire devers nation Brodde, L'œil arraché à Narbon par Autour. |
The world near the last period, Saturn will come back again late: Empire transferred towards the Dusky nation, The eye plucked out by the Goshawk at Narbonne. |
III-93 | Dans Avignon tout le chef de l'Empire, Fera arrest pour Paris desolé: Tricast tiendra l'Annibalique ire, Lyon par change sera mal consolé. |
In Avignon the chief of the whole empire will make a stop on the way to desolated Paris: Tricast will hold the anger of Hannibal: Lyons will be poorly consoled for the change. |
III-94 | De cinq cens ans plus compte [l']on tiendra, Celuy qu'estoit l'aornement de son temps: Puis à un coup grande clarté donra, Que par ce siecle les rendra trescontens. |
For five hundred years more one will keep count of him Who was the ornament of his time: Then suddenly great light will he give, He who for this century will render them very satisfied. |
III-95 | La loy Moricque on verra defaillir, Apres un autre beaucoup plus seductive, Boristhenes premier viendra faillir, Par dons & langue une plus attractive. |
The law of More will be seen to decline: After another much more seductive: Dnieper first will come to give way: Through gifts and tongue another more attractive. |
III-96 | Chef de Fossan aura gorge coppee, Par le ducteur du limier & levrier: Le faict patré par ceulx du mont Tarpee, Saturne en Leo. xiij de Fevrier. |
The Chief of Fossano will have his throat cut By the leader of the bloodhound and greyhound: The deed executed by those of the Tarpeian Rock, Saturn in Leo February 13. |
III-97 | Nouvelle loy terre neufue occuper, Vers la Syrie, Judee, & Palestine: Le grand Empire barbare corruer, Avant que Phebés son siecle determine. |
New law to occupy the new land Towards Syria, Judea and Palestine: The great barbarian empire to decay, Before the Moon completes it cycle. |
III-98 | Deux royalz freres si fort guerroyeront. Qu'entre eulx sera la guerre si mortelle: Qu'un chascun places fortes occuperont, De regne & vie sera leur grand querelle. |
Two royal brothers will wage war so fiercely That between them the war will be so mortal That both will occupy the strong places: Their great quarrel will fill realm and life. |
III-99 | Aux
champs herbeux d'Alein & du Varneigne, Dumont Lebron proche de la Durance, Camp des deux parts conflit sera si aigre, Mesopotamie deffaillira en la France. |
In the grassy fields of Alleins and Vern觵es Of the Lub鲯n range near the Durance, The conflict will be very sharp for both armies, Mesopotamia will fail in France. |
III-100 | Entre
Gaulois le dernier honoré, D'homme ennemy sera victorieux: Force & terroir en moment exploré, D'vn coup de trait quand mourra l'enuieux. |
The last one honored amongst the Gauls, Over the enemy man will he be victorious: Force and land in a moment explored, When the envious one will die from an arrow shot. |