IX-1 | Dans la
maison du traducteur de
Bourc Seront les lettres trouvees sus la table, Bourgne, roux, blanc, chanu tiendra de cours, Qui changera au nouveau connestable. |
In the
house of the translator
of Bourg, The letters will be found on the table, One-eyed, red-haired, white, hoary-headed will hold the course, Which will change for the new Constable. |
IX-2 | Du hault du mont Aventin voix ouye, Vuydez vuydez de tous les deux costez, Du sang des rouges sera l'ire assomye, D'Arimin Prato, Columna debotez. |
From the top of the Aventine hill a voice heard, Be gone, be gone all of you on both sides: The anger will be appeased by the blood of the red ones,(óòîëèòü, óñïîêîèòü) From Rimini and Prato, the Colonna expelled. |
IX-3 | La magna vaqua à Ravenne grand trouble, Conduitz par quinze enserrez à Fornase A Romme naistre deux monstres à teste double Sang, feu, deluge, les plus grands à l'espase. |
The "great cow" at Racenna in great trouble, Led by fifteen shut up at Fornase: At Rome there will be born two double-headed monsters, Blood, fire, flood, the greatest ones in space. |
IX-4 | L’an ensuyvant descouvertz par deluge, Deux chefs esleuz le premier ne tiendra De fuyr umbre à l'un d'eux le refuge, Saccagee case qui premier maintiendra. |
The following year discoveries through flood, Two chiefs elected, the first one will not hold: The refuge for the one of them fleeing a shadow, The house of which will maintain the first une plundered. |
IX-5 | Tiers doibt du pied au premier semblera. A un nouveau monarque de bas hault Qui Pyse & Lucques Tyran occupera Du precedant corriger le deffault. |
The third toe will seem first To a new monarch from low high, He who will possess himself as a Tyrant of Pisa and Lucca, To correct the fault of his predecessor. |
IX-6 | Par la Guyenne infinité d'Anglois Occuperont par nom d'Anglaquitaine De Languedoc Ispalme Bourdeloys. Qu'ilz nommeront apres Barboxitaine. |
An infinity of Englishmen in Guienne Will settle under the name of Anglaquitaine: In Languedoc, "Ispalme," Bordelais, Which they will name after "Barboxitaine." |
IX-7 | Qui ouvrira le monument trouvé, Et ne viendra le serrer promptement. Mal lui viendra & ne pourra prouvé, Si mieux doit estre roy Breton ou Normand. |
He who will open the tomb found, And will come to close it promptly, Evil will come to him, and one will be unable to prove, If it would be better to be a Breton or Norman King. |
IX-8 | Puisnay Roy fait son pere mettre à mort, Apres conflit de mort tres inhoneste: Escrit trouvé soubson donra remort, Quand loup chassé pose sus la couchette. |
The younger son made King will put his father to death, After the conflict ver dishonest death: Inscription found, suspicion will bring remore, When the wolf driven out lies down ion the bedstead. |
IX-9 | Quand lampe ardente de feu inextinguible Sera trouvé au temple des Vestales, Enfant trouvé feu, eau passant par trible: Perir eau Nymes, Tholose cheoir les halles. |
When the lamp burning with inextinguishable fire Will be found in the temple of the Vestals: Child found in fire, water passing through the sieve: To peish in water Nîmes, Toulouse the markets to fall. |
IX-10 | Moyne moynesse d'enfant mort exposé, Mourir par ourse & ravy par verrier. Par Fois & Pamyes le camp sera posé. Contre Tholose Carcas dresser forrier. |
The child of a monk and nun exposed to death, To die through a she-bear, and carried off by a boar, The army will be camped by Foix and Pamiers, Against Toulouse Carcassonne the harbinger to form. |
IX-11 | Le juste à tort à mort lon viendra mettre Publiquement & due millieu estaint: Si grande peste en ce lieu viendra naistre, Que les jugeans fouyr seront constraint.l'on |
Wrongly will they come to put the just one to death, In public and in the middle extinguished: So great a pestilence will come to arise in this place, That the judges will be forced to flee. |
IX-12 | Le tant d'argent de Diane & Mercure Les simulachres au lac seront trouvez, Le figulier cherchant argille neufue Luy & les siens d'or seront abbrevez. |
So much silver of Diana and Mercury, The images will be found in the lake: The sculptor looking for new clay, He and his followers will be steeped in gold. |
IX-13 | Les exilez autour de la Soulongne Conduis de nuit pour marcher à Lauxois, Deux de Modene truculent de Bologne, Mys descouvers par feu de Burançoys. |
The exiles around Sologne, Led by night to march into Auxois, Two of Modena for Bologna cruel, Placed discovered by the fire of Buzanais. |
IX-14 | Mys en planure chaulderons d'infecteurs, Vin, miel & huyle, & bastis sur forneaulx Seront plongez sans mal dit mal facteurs Sept, fum. extaint au canon des borneaux. |
Dyers' caldrons put on the flat surface, Wine, honey and oil, and built over furnaces: They will be immersed, innocent, pronounced malefactors, Seven of Borneaux smoke still in the cannon. |
IX-15 | Pres de Parpan les rouges detenus, Ceux du milieu parfondrez menez loing: Trois mis en pieces & cinq mal soustenus, Pour le Seigneur & Prelat de Bourb[g]oing. |
Near Perpignan the red ones detained, Those of the middle completely ruined led far off: Three cut in pieces, and five badly supported, For the Lord and Prelate of Burgundy. |
IX-16 | De castel Franco sortira l'assemblee, L ambassadeur non plaisant fera scisme: Ceux de Ribiere seront en la meslee, Et au grand goulphre desnieront l'entree. |
Out of Castelfranco will come the assembly, The ambassador not agreeable will cause a schism: Those of Riviera will be in the squabble, And they will refuse entry to the great gulf. |
IX-17 | Le tiers premier pys que ne feit Neron, Vuidez vaillant que sang humain respandre: Redifier sera le forneron, Siecle d'or, mort, nouveau roy esclandre. |
The third one first does worse than Nero, How much human blood to flow, valiant, be gone: He will cause the furnace to be rebuilt, Golden Age dead, new King great scandal. |
IX-18 | Le lys Dauffois portera dans Nansy Jusques en Flandres electeur de l'empire, Neufue obturee au grand Montmorency, Hors lieux prouvez delivre a clere peyne. |
The lily of the Dauphin will reach into Nancy, As far as Flanders the Elector of the Empire: New confinement for the great Montmorency, Outside proven places delivered to celebrated punishment. |
IX-19 | Dans le millieu de la forest Mayenne, Sol au lyon la fouldre tombera, Le grand bastard yssu du gran du Maine, Ce jour Fougeres pointe en sang entrera. |
In the middle of the forest of Mayenne, Lightning will fall, the Sun in Leo: The great bastard issued from the great one Maine, On this day a point will enter the blood of Fougères. |
IX-20 | De nuict viendra par la forest de Reines, Deux pars vaultorte Herne la pierre blanche, Le moine noir en gris dedans Varennes Esleu cap. cause tempeste feu, sang tranche. |
By night will come through the forest of
"Reines," Two couples roundabout route Queen the white stone, The monk king in gray in Varennes: Elected Capet causes tempest, fire, blood, slice. |
IX-21 | Au temple hault de Bloys sacre Solonne, Nuict pont de Loyre, prelat, roy pernicant Curseur victoire aux maretz de la lone Dou prelature de blancs à bormeant. |
At the tall temple of Saint-Solenne at Blois, Night Loire bridge, Prelate, King killing outright: Crushing victory in the marshes of the pond, Whence prelacy of whites miscarrying. |
IX-22 | Roy & sa court au lieu de langue halbe, Dedans le temple vis à vis du palais Dans le jardin Duc de Mantor & d'Albe, Albe & Mantor poignard langue & palais. |
The King and his court in the place of cunning tongue, Within the temple facing the palace: In the garden the Duke of Mantue and Alba, Alba and Mantua dagger tongue and palace. |
IX-23 | Puisnay jouant au fresch dessouz la tonne, Le hault du toict du milieu sur la teste, Le pere roy au temple saint Solonne, Sacrifiant sacrera fum de feste. |
The younger son playing outdoors under the arbor, The top of the roof in the middle on his head, The father King in the temple of Saint-Solonne, Sacrificing he will consecrate festival smoke. |
IX-24 | Sur le palais au rochier des fenestres Seront ravis les deux petits royaux Passer aurelle Luthece Denis cloistres, Nonain, mallods avaller verts noyaulx. |
Upon the palace at the balcony of the windows, The two little royal ones will be carried off: To pass Orléans, Paris, abbey of Saint-Denis, Nun, wicked ones to swallow green pits. |
IX-25 | Passant les pontz venir pres des rosiers, Tard arrivé plustost qu il cuydera, Viendront les noves espaignolz à Besiers, Qui icelle chasse emprinse cassera. |
Crossing the bridges to come near the Roisiers, Sooner than he thought, he arrived late. The new Spaniards will come to Béziers, So that this chase will break the enterprise. |
IX-26 | Nice sortie sur nom des letres aspres, La grande cappe fera present non sien Proche de vultry aux murs de vertes capres Voltri, Italy Apres plombin le vent à bon essien. |
Departed by the bitter letters the surname of Nice, The great Cappe will present something, not his own; Near Voltai at the wall of the green columns, After Piombino the wind in good earnest. |
IX-27 | De bois la garde vent cloz rond pont sera, Hault le receu frappera le Daulphin, Le vieux teccon bois unis passera, Passant plus oultre du duc le droit confin. |
The forester, the wind will be close around the bridge, Received highly, he will strike the Dauphin. The old craftsman will pass through the woods in a company, Going far beyond the right borders of the Duke. |
IX-28 | Voille Symacle port Massiliolique, Dans Venise port marcher aux Pannons: Partir du goulfre & sinus Illirique Vast à Socile, Ligurs coups de canons. |
The Allied fleet from the port of Marseilles, In Venice harbour to march against Hungary. To leave from the gulf and the bay of Illyria, Devastation in Sicily, for the Ligurians, cannon shot. |
IX-29 | Lors qu celuy qu à nul ne donne lieu, Abandonner vouldra lieu prins non prins: Feu nef par saignes, bitument à Charlieu, Seront Quintin Balez reprins. |
When the man will give way to none, Will wish to abandon a place taken, yet not taken; Ship afire through the swamps, bitumen at Charlieu, St. Quintin and Calais will be recaptured. |
IX-30 | Au port de POULA et de saint Nicolas, Pula, Croatia Perir Normande au goulfre Phanaticque, Cap. de Bisance raues crier helas, Secors de Gaddes & du grand Philipique. |
At the port of Pola and of San Nicolo, A Normand will punish in the Gulf of Quarnero: Capet to cry alas in the streets of Byzantium, Help from Cadiz and the great Philip. |
IX-31 | Le tremblement de terre à Mortara, Cassich saint George à demy perfondrez, Paix assoupie, la guerre esveillera, Dans temple à Pasques absysmes enfondrez. |
The trembling of the earth at Mortara The tin island of St. George half sunk; Drowsy with peace, war will arise, At Easter in the temple abysses opened. |
IX-32 | De fin porphire profond collon trouvee Dessoubz la laze escriptz capitolin. Os poil retors Romain force prouvee, Classe agiter au port de Methelin. |
A deep column of fine porphyry is found, Inscriptions of the Capitol under the base; Bones, twisted hair, the Roman strength tried, The fleet is stirred at the harbour of Mitylene. |
IX-33 | Hercule Roy de Romme & d'Annemarc, Dannemarc De Gaule trois Guion surnommé, Trembler l'Itale & l'unde de sainct Marc Premier sur tous monarque renommé. |
Hercules King of Rome and of "Annemark," With the surname of the chief of triple Gaul, Italy and the one of St. Mark to tremble, First monarch renowned above all. |
IX-34 | Le part soluz mary sera mittré, Retour conflict passera sur la thuille: Par cinq cens un trahyr sera tiltré, Narbon & Saulce par coutaux avons d'huille. |
The single part afflicted will be mitred, Return conflict to pass over the tile: For five hundred one to betray will be titled Narbonne and Salces we have oil for knives. |
IX-35 | Et Ferdinand blonde sera descorte, Quitter la fleur suyvre le Macedon. Au grand besoing defaillira sa routte, Et marchera contre le Myrmidon. |
And fair Ferdinand will be detached, To abandon the flower, to follow the Macedonian: In the great pinch his course will fail, And he will march against the Myrmidons. |
IX-36 | Un grand Roy prins entre les mains d'un Joyne Non loing de Pasque confusion coup cultre: Perpet. captifs temps que fouldre en la husne, Lors que trois freres se blesseront & murtre. |
A great King taken by the hands of a young man, Not far from Easter confusion knife thrust: Everlasting captive times what lightning on the top, When three brothers will wound each other and murder. |
IX-37 | Pont & molins en Decembre versez, En si haut lieu montera la Garonne: Murs, edifices, Tholose renversez, Qu'on ne sçaura son lieu autant matronne. |
Bridge and mills overturned in December, The Garonne will rise to a very high place: Walls, edifices, Toulouse overturned, So that none will know his place like a matron. |
IX-38 | L'entree de Blaye par Rochelle & l'Anglois, Passera outre le grand Aemathien, Non loing d'Agen attendra le Gaulois, Secours Narbonne deceu par entretien. |
The entry at Blaye for La Rochelle and the English, The great Macedonian will pass beyond: Not far from Agen will wait the Gaul, Narbonne help beguiled through conversation. |
IX-39 | En Arbissel à Veront & Carcari, De nuict conduitz pour Savonne atrapper, Le vif Gascon Turbi, & la Scerry Derrier mur vieux & neuf palais gripper. |
In Albisola to "Veront" and Carcara, Led by night to seize Savona: The guick Gascon La Turbie and L'Escarène: Behind the wall old and new palace to seize. |
IX-40 | Pres de Quintin dans la forest bourlis, Dans l'abbaye seront Flamens ranches, Les deux puisnais de coups my estourdis Suitte oppressee & garde tous aches. |
Near Saint-Quintin in the forest deceived, In the Abbey the Flemish will be cut up: The two younger sons half-stunned by blows, The rest crushed and the guard all cut to pieces. |
IX-41 | Le grand Chyren soy saisir d'Avignon, De Romme letres en miel plein d'amertume Letre ambassade partir de Chanignon, Carpentra pris par duc noir rouge plume. |
The great "Chyren" will seize Avignon, From Rome letters in honey full of bitterness: Letter and embassy to leave from "Chanignon," Carpentras taken by a black duke with a red feather. |
IX-42 | De Barsellonne, de Gennes & Venise, De la Secille peste Monet unis, Monech Monaco Contre Barbare classe prendront la vise, Barbar, poulsé bien loing jusqu à Thunis. |
From Barcelona, from Genoa and Venice, From Sicily pestilence Monaco joined: They will take their aim against the Barbarian fleet, Barbarian driven 'way back as far as Tunis. |
IX-43 | Proche à descendre l'armee Crucigere Sera guettee par les Ismaëlites De tous cottez batus par nef Raviere, Prompt assaillis de dix galeres eslites. |
On the point of landing the Crusader army Will be ambushed by the Ishmaelites, Struck from all sides by the ship Impetuosity, Rapidly attacked by ten elite galleys. |
IX-44 | Migres, migre de Genesve trestous Saturne d'or en fer se changera, Le contre RAYPOZ exterminera tous, Avant l'a ruent le ciel signes fera. |
Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you, Saturn will be converted from gold to iron, "Raypoz" will exterminate all who oppose him, Before the coming the sky will show signs. |
IX-45 | Ne sera soul jamais de demander, Grand Mendosus obtiendra son empire Loing de la cour fera contremander, Pymond, Picard, Paris, Tyron le pire. |
None will remain to ask, Great "Mendosus" will obtian his dominion: Far from the court he will cause to be countermanded Piedmont, Picardy, Paris, Tuscany the worst. |
IX-46 | Vuydez, fuyez de Tholose les rouges Du sacrifice faire expiation, Le chef du mal dessouz l'umbre des courges Mort estrangler carne omination. |
Be gone, flee from Toulouse ye red ones, For the sacrifice to make expiation: The chief cause of the evil under the shade of pumpkins: Dead to strangle carnal prognostication. |
IX-47 | Les soulz signes d'indigne delivrance, Et de la multe auront contre advis, Change monarque mis en perille pence, Serrez en caige se verront vis à vis. |
The undersigned to an infamous deliverance, And having contrary advice from the multitude: Monarch changes put in danger over thought, Shut up in a cage they will see each other face to face. |
IX-48 | La grand cité d'occean maritime, Environee de maretz en cristal: Dans le solstice hiemal & la prime, Sera temptee de vent espouvantal. |
The great city of the maritime Ocean, Surrounded by a crystalline swamp: In the winter solstice and the spring, It will be tried by frightful wind. |
IX-49 | Gand & Bruceles marcheront contre Envers Senat de Londres mettront à mort leur roy Le sel & vin luy seront à l'envers, Pour eux avoir le regne en desarroy. |
Ghent and Brussels will march against Antwerp, The Senate of London will put to death their King: Salt and wine will overthrow him, To have them the realm turned upside down. |
IX-50 | Mandosus tost viendra a son hault regne Mendosus Mettant arriere un peu de Norlaris: Le rouge blaisme, le masle à l'interregne, Le jeune crainte & frayeur Barbaris. |
Mendosus will soon come to his high realm, Putting behind a little the Lorrainers: The pale red one, the male in the interregnum, (ìåæäóöàðñòâèå?) The fearful youth and Barbaric terror. |
IX-51 | Contre les rouges sectes se banderont, Feu, eau, fer, corde par paix se minera, Au pont mourir ceux qui machineront, Fors un que monde sur tout ruynera. |
Against the red ones sects will conspire, Fire, water, steel, rope through peace will weaken: On the point of dying those who will plot, Except one who above all the world will ruin. |
IX-52 | La paix s approche d'un costé, & la guerre Oncques ne feut la poursuitte si grande, Plaindre homme, femme, sang innocent par terre Et ce sera de France a toute bande. |
Peace is nigh on one side, and war, Never was the pursuit of it so great: To bemoan men, women innocent blood on the land, And this will be throughout all France. |
IX-53 | Le Neron
jeune dans les trois cheminees Fera de paiges vifz pour ardoir getter Heureux qui loing sera de telz menees, Trois de son sang le feront mort guetter. |
The young Nero in the three chimneys Will cause live pages to be thrown to burn: Happy those who will be far away from such practices, Three of his blood will have him ambushed to death. |
IX-54 | Arrivera au port de Corsibonne Pres de Ravenne qui pillera la dame, En mer profonde legat de la Vlisbonne Lisbonne Souz roc cachez raviront septante ames. |
There will arrive at Porto Corsini, Near Ravenna, he who will plunder the lady: In the deep sea legate from Lisbon, Hidden under a rock they will carry off seventy souls. |
IX-55 | L'horrible guerre qu en l'occident s apreste L an ensuivant viendra la pestilence Si fort horrible que jeune, vieulx, ne beste, Sang, feu, Mercure, Mars, Jupiter en France. |
The horrible war which is being prepared in the West, The following year will come the pestilence So very horrible that young, old, nor beast, Blood, fire, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France. |
IX-56 | Camp pres de Noudam passera Goussan ville Et a Maiotes laissera son enseigne, Convertira en instant plus de mille, Cherchant les deux remettre en chaine & legne. |
The army near Houdan will pass Goussainville, And at "Maiotes" it will leave its mark: In an instant more than a thousand will be converted, Looking for the two to put them back in chain and firewood. |
IX-57 | Au lieu de DRUX un Roy reposera Et cherchera loy changeant d'Anatheme Pendant le ciel si tres fort tonnera, Portee neufue Roy tuera soymesme. |
In the place of "Drux" a King will rest, And will look for a law changing Anathema: While the sky will thunder so very loudly, New entry the King will kill himself. |
IX-58 | Au costé gauche a l'endroit de Vitry Seront guettez les trois rouges de France, Tous assoumez rouge, noir non murdry, Par les Bretons remis en asseurance. |
On the left side at the spot of Vitry, The three red ones of France will be awaited: All felled red, black one not murdered, By the Bretons restored to safety. |
IX-59 | A la Ferté prendra la Vidame la Ferté-Vidame Nicol tenu rouge qu avoit produit la vie. La grand Loyse maistra que fera clame. Donnant Bourgongne à Bretons par envie. |
At La Ferté-Vidame he will seize, […] Nicholas held red who had produced his life: The great Louise who will act secretly one will be born, Giving Burgundy to the Bretons through envy. |
IX-60 | Conflict Barbar en la Cornere noire. Sang espandu trembler la d'Almatie, Dalmatie Grand Ismaël mettra son promontoire Ranes trembler secours Lusitanie. |
Conflict Barbarian in the black Headdress, Blood shed, Dalmatia to tremble: Great Ishmael will set up his promontory, Frogs to tremble Lusitania aid. |
IX-61 | La pille faite à la coste marine, La cita nova & parentz amenez Plusieurs de Malte par le fait de Messie, Estroit serrez seront mal guerdonnez. |
The plunder made upon the marine coast, In Cittanova and relatives brought forward: Several of Malta through the deed of Messina Will be closely confined poorly rewarded. |
IX-62 | Au grand de Cheramon agora Seront croisez par ranc tous attachez, Le pertinax Oppi, & Mandragora, Raugon d'Octobre le tiers seront laschez. |
To the great one of Ceramon-agora, The crusaders will all be attached by rank, The long-lasting Opium and Mandrake, The "Raugon" will be released on the third of October. |
IX-63 | Plainctes & pleurs crys & grands urlemens Pres de Narbon à Bayonne & en Foix O quel horrible calamitez changemens, Avant que Mars revolue quelques foys. |
Complaints and tears, cries and great howls, Near Narbonne at Bayonne and in Foix: Oh, what horrible calamities and changes, Before Mars has made several revolutions. |
IX-64 | L'Aemathion passer montz Pyrenees, En Mars Narbon ne fera resistance, Par mer & terre fera si grand menee. Cap. n ayant terre seure pour demeurance. |
The Macedonian to pass the Pyrenees mountains, In March Narbonne will not offer resistance: By land and sea he will carry on very great intrigue, Capetian having no land safe for residence. |
IX-65 | Dedans le coing de luna viendra rendre Ou sera prins & mys en terre estrange, Les fruitz immeurs seront à grand esclandre Grand vitupere à l'un grande louange. |
He will come to go into the corner of "Luna," Where he will be captured and put in a strange land: The unripe fruits will be the subject of great scandal, Great blame, to one great praise. |
IX-66 | Paix, union sera & changement, Estatz, offices bas hault, & hault bien bas, Dresser voiage le fruict premier torment, Guerre cesser, civil proces debatz. |
There will be peace, union and change, Estates, offices, low high and high very low: To prepare a trip, the first offspring torment, War to cease, civil process, debates. |
IX-67 | Du hault des montz à l'entour de Lizer Port à la roche Valen, cent assemblez De chasteau neuf pierre late en donzere, Contre le crest Romans soy assemblez. |
From the height of the mountains around the Isère, One hundred assembled at the haven in the rock Valence: From Châteauneuf, Pierrelatte, in Donzère, Against Crest, Romans, faith assembled. |
IX-68 | Du mont Aymar sera noble obscurcie, Le mal viendra au joinct de sonne & rosne Dans bois caichez soldatz jour de Lucie, Qui ne fut onc un si horrible throsne. |
The noble of "Mount Aymar" will be made obscure, The evil will come at the junction of the Saône and Rhône: Soldiers hidden in the woods on Lucy's day, Never was there so horrible a throne. |
IX-69 | Sur le mont de Bailly & la Bresle Seront caichez de Grenoble les fiers, Oultre Lyon, Vien. eulx si grande gresle, Languoult en terre n en restera un tiers. |
One the mountain of Sain-Bel and L'Arbresle The proud one of Grenoble will be hidden: Beyond Lyons and Vienne on them a very great hail, Lobster on the land not a third thereof will remain. |
IX-70 | Harnois trenchant dans les flambeaux cachez Dedans Lyon le jour du Sacrement Ceux de Vienne seront trestout hachez Par les cantons Latins Mascon ne ment. ----- |
Sharp weapons hidden in the torches. In Lyons, the day of the Sacrament, Those of Vienne will all be cut to pieces, By the Latin Cantons Mâcon does not lie. |
IX-71 | Aux lieux sacrez animaux veu à trixe, Avec celuy qui n osera le jour: A Carcassonne pour disgrace propice, Sera posé pour plus ample sejour. |
At the holy places animals seen with hair, With him who will not dare the day: At Carcassonne propitious for disgrace, He will be set for a more ample stay. |
IX-72 | Encor seront les saincts temples pollus, Et expillez par Senat Tholassain, Saturne deux trois cicles revollus, Dans Avril, May, gens de nouveau levain. |
Again will the holy temples be polluted, And plundered by the Senate of Toulouse: Saturn two three cycles completed, In April, May, people of new leaven. |
IX-73 | Dans Foix entrez Roy ceiulee Turbao, Turban Et regnera moins revolu Saturne Roy Turban blanc [à] Bizance cœur ban, Sol Mars, Mercure pres la hurne. |
The Blue Turban King entered into Foix, And he will reign less than an evolution of Saturn: The White Turban King Byzantium heart banished, Sun, Mars and Mercury near Aquarius. |
IX-74 | Dans la cité de Fertsod homicide, Fait & fait multe beuf arant ne macter, Retour encores aux honneurs d'Artemide, Et à Vulcan corps morts sepulturer. |
In the city of "Fertsod" homicide, Deed, and deed many oxen plowing no sacrifice: Return again to the honors of Artemis, And to Vulcan bodies dead ones to bury. |
IX-75 | Del l'Ambraxie & du pays de Thrace Peuple par mer mal & secours Gaulois, Perpetuelle en Provence la trace Avec vestiges de leur coustume & loix. |
From Ambracia and the country of Thrace People by sea, evil and help from the Gauls: In Provence the perpetual trace, With vertiges of their custom and laws. |
IX-76 | Avec le noir Rapax & sanguinaire Yssu[e] du peaultre de l'inhumain Neron Emmy deux fleuves main gauche militaire, Sera murtry par Joyne chaulveron.[chaulueron] |
With the rapacious and blood-thirsty king, Issued from the pallet of the inhuman Nero: Between two rivers military hand left, He will be murdered by Yound Baldy.????? |
IX-77 | Le regne prins le Roy conviera, La dame prinse à mort jurez a sort, La vie à Royne fils on desniera Et la pellix au sort de la consort. |
The realm taken the King will conspire, The lady taken to death ones sworn by lot: They will refuse life to the Queen and son, And the mistress at the fort of the wife. |
IX-78 | La dame Greque de beauté laydique, Heureuse faicte de procs innumerable, Hors translatee au regne Hispanique, Captive prinse mourir mort miserable. |
The Greek lady of ugly beauty, Made happy by countless suitors: Transferred out to the Spanish realm, Taken captive to die a miserable death. |
IX-79 | Le chef de classe par fraude stratageme, Fera timides sortir de leurs galleres, Sortis murtris chef renieur de cresme Puis par l'embusche luy rendront les saleres. |
The chief of the fleet through deceit and trickery Will make the timid ones come out of their galleys: Come out, murdered, the chief renouncer of chrism, Then through ambush they will pay him his wages. |
IX-80 | Le Duc voudra les siens exterminer Envoyera les plus forts lieux estranges Par tyrannie Pize & Luc ruiner, Puis les Barbares sans vin feront vendanges. |
The Duke will want to exterminate his followers, He will send the strongest ones to strange places: Through tyranny to ruin Pisa and Lucca, Then the Barbarians will gather the grapes without vine. |
IX-81 | Le Roy rusé entendra ses embusches De trois quartiers ennemis assaillir Un nombre estrange larmes de coqueluches Viendra Lemprin du traducteur failli. |
The crafty King will understand his snares, Enemies to assail from three sides: A strange number tears from hoods, The grandeur of the translator will come to fail. |
IX-82 | Par le deluge & pestilence forte La cité grande de long temps assiegee, La sentinelle & garde de main morte, Subite prinse, mais de nul oultragee. |
By the flood and fierce pestilence, The great city for long besieged: The sentry and guard dead by hand, Sudden capture but none wronged. |
IX-83 | Sol vingt de taurus si fort terre trembler, Le grand theatre rempli ruinera, L'air, ciel & terre obscurcir & troubler, Lors l'infidelle Dieu & sainctz voguera. |
Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very
mightily, It will ruin the great theater filled: To darken and trouble air, sky and land, Then the infidel will call upon God and saints. |
IX-84 | Roy exposé parfaira l'hecatombe, Apres avoir trouvé son origine, Torrent ouvrir de marbre & plomb la tombe D'un grand Romain d'enseigne Medusine. |
The King exposed will complete the slaughter, After having discovered his origin: Torrent to open the tomb of marble and lead, Of a great Roman with "Medusine" device. |
IX-85 | Passer Guienne, Langedoc & le Rosne, D'Agen tenens de Marmande & la Roole D'ouvrir [par foy] par roy Phocen tiendra son trosne Conflit aupres saint Pol de Man[u]seole. |
To pass Guienne, Languedoc and the Rhône, From Agen holding Marmande and La Réole: To open through faith the wall, Marseilles will hold its throne, Conflict near Saint-Paul-de-Mausole. |
IX-86 | Du bourg Lareyne parviendront droit à Chartres Et feront pres du pont Authoni panse, Sept pour la paix cautelleux comme martres Feront entree d'armee à Paris clause. |
From Bourg-la-Reine they will come straight to Chartres, And near Pont d'Antony they will pause: Seven crafty as Martens for peace, Paris closed by an army they will enter. |
IX-87 | Par la forest du Touphon essartee, Torfou Par hermitage sera posé le temple, Le duc d'Estampes par sa ruse inventee, Du Mont Lehori prelat donra exemple. |
In the forest cleared of the Tuft, By the hermitage will be placed the temple: The Duke of Étampes through the ruse he invented Will teach a lesson to the prelate of Montlhéry. |
IX-88 | Calais, Arras secours à Theroanne, Paix & semblant simulera lescoutte, Soulde d'Alabrox descendre par Roanne Destornay peuple qui deffera la routte. |
Calais, Arras, help to Thérouanne, Peace and semblance the spy will simulate: The soldiery of Savoy to descend by Roanne, People who would end the rout deterred. |
IX-89 | Sept ans sera Philip. fortune prospere, Rabaissera des Arabes l'effaict, Puis son mydi perplex rebors affaire Jeu[s]ne ognyon abysmera son fort. |
For seven years fortune will favor Philip, He will beat down again the exertions of the Arabs: Then at his noon perplexing contrary affair, Young Ogmios will destroy his stronghold. |
IX-90 | Un capitaine de la grand Germanie Se viendra rendre par simulé secours Un Roy des roys ayde de Pannonie, Que sa revolte fera de sang grand cours. |
A captain of Great Germany Will come to deliver through false help To the King of Kings the support of Pannonia, So that his revolt will cause a great flow of blood. |
IX-91 | L'horrible peste Perynte & Nicopolle, Le Chersonnez tiendra & Marceloyne, Macedoyne La Thessalie vastera l'Amphipolle, Mal incogneu & le refus d'Anthoine. |
The horrible plague Perinthus and Nicopolis, The Peninsula and Macedonia will it fall upon: It will devastate Thessaly and Amphipolis, An unknown evil, and from Anthony refusal. |
IX-92 | Le Roy vouldra dans cité neufue entrer Par ennemys expunger lon viendra Captif libere faulx dire & perpetrer, Roy dehors estre, loin d'ennemys tiendra. |
The King will want to enter the new city, Through its enemies they will come to subdue it: Captive free falsely to speak and act, King to be outside, he will keep far from the enemy. |
IX-93 | Les ennemis du fort bien eslongnez, Par chariots conduict le bastion, Par sur les murs de Bourges esgrongnez, Quand Hercules battra l'Haemathion. |
The enemies very far from the fort, The bastion brought by wagons: Above the walls of Bourges crumbled, When Hercules the Macedonian will strike. |
IX-94 | Faibles galleres seront unies ensemble Ennemis faux le plus fort en rampart: Faible assaillies Vratislave tremble, Bratislava Lubecq & Mysne tiendront barbare part. |
Weak galleys will be joined together, False enemies the strongest on the rampart: Weak ones assailed Bratislava trembles, Lübeck and Meissen will take the barbarian side. |
IX-95 | Le nouveau faict conduyra l'exercite, Proche apamé jusques au pres du rivage, Tendant secour de Milannoile eslite, Milannoise Duc yeux privé à Milan fer de cage. |
The newly made one will lead the army, Almost cut off up to near the bank: Help from the Milanais elite straining, The Duke deprived of his eyes in Milan in an iron cage. |
IX-96 | Dans cité entrer exercit desniee, Duc entrera par persuasion, Aux foibles portes clam armee amenee, Mettront feu, mort de sang effusion. |
The army denied entry to the city, The Duke will enter through persuasion: The army led secretly to the weak gates, They will put it to fire and sword, effusion of blood. |
IX-97 | De mer copies en trois parts divisees, A la seconde de vivres failleront, Desesperez cherchant champs Helisees, Elysées Premiers en breche entrez victoire auront. |
The forces of the sea divided into three parts, The second one will run out of supplies, In despair looking for the Elysian Fields, The first ones to enter the breach will obtain the victory. |
IX-98 | Les affligez par faute d'un seul taint, Contremenant à partie opposite, Aux Lygonnois mandera que contraint Lyonnois Seront de rendre le grand chef de Molite. ----- |
Those afflicted through the fault of a single one stained, The transgressor in the opposite party: He will send word to those of Lyons that compelled They be to deliver the great chief of "Molite." |
IX-99 | Vent Aquilon fera partir le siege, Par murs geter centres, chauls, & pousiere, Par pluye apres qui leur fera bien piege, Dernier secours encontre leur frontiere. |
The "Aquilon" Wind will cause the siege to be
raised, Over the walls to throw ashes, lime and dust: Through rain afterwards, which will do them much worse, Last help against their frontier. |
IX-100 | Navalle pugne nuit sera superee, Le feu aux naves à l'occident ruine: Rubriche neufue la grand nef coloree, Ire a vaincu, & victoire en bruine. |
Naval battle night will be overcome, Fire in the ships to the West ruin: New trick, the great ship colored, Anger to the vanquished, and victory in a drizzle. |