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Economy equilibrium formulas

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Idea of equilibrium belongs to society as a fundamental idea of any economy. Every human or enterprise tries to conduct its economic activity in terms of balance, when costs shouldn’t be more than incomes.
Any country also tries to follow the principles of balanced economy. Though these principles and rules of equilibrium is established by every economic organism by their own manner
If we take structure of any national economy it splits to three unequal parts. The first is material production, the second is infrastructure, the third is non-material production.
Material production includes: 1) industry, 2) construction, 3) agriculture (together with fishing and forestry). Infrastructure includes: 1) transport, 2) energy supply, 3) communications, 4) trade and finances, 5) housing (plus gas and water supply), 6) mass-media or production of information. Non-material production includes: 1) education, 2) health care, 3) social works, 4) arts and culture, 5) sports, 6) government, 7) defense, 8) science.
Plants in material production produce useful “material”, products, that turn commodity as soon as they enter economic relations. Before production this “material” belonged to Nature, then it was appropriated by man and transformed for production needs of man. In terms of any living being the matter is primary thing in life. To continue life we need to eat, to make dwelling, to warm it with fuel, to sew clothes and so on. That is why the “material”, its extraction, manufacturing and consumption in economic terms is the basis for reproduction of society, for reproduction of the whole economy.
Thus material production is a keystone of national economy. Material production is divided to production of means of production (I subdivision) and production of means of consumption (II subdivision). The core of equilibrium of any undertaking is loaded in formulas (inequalities) of Equilibrium.

© Chernishev V.M.,  Saint-Petersburg

The 8th of November – 24th of March, 2001




1. Equilibrium in economy. Theory 

2. "Practical" Balance

3. Infraction of Equilibrium


3.1. Historical reasons of breaking up Equilibrium

3.2. Instruments of Disequilibrium conservation

3.3. Technical means of Disequilibrium maintenance 


4. Internal and external Tension


4.1. Weighing of economy

4.2. The wealth of poor countries 

4.3. Mystery of trade lies in structure of employment 

4.4. US gross product as an “expenditure budget”

4.5. Critical Tension


5. Readjustment of Equilibrium 


5.1. Decisions

5.2. Obstacles

5.3. Outcome

5.4. Formulas of Love

5.5. Inevitable equilibrium 


6. Diagnosis of Russia

7. Physical addition 

8. Two versions


8.1. Short version of "Equilibrium" for Russian readers

8.2. Short version of "Equilibrium" for English readers


The list of tables





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