Revolution is permanent. She is implacable, undoubted and
victorious. It is impossible to shelter from, either to defraud her.
When Revolution has sprung nothing can stop her. So then History
ready to show the world her new child. The Mankind does one more
step into the Future.
The Reason, brave and honest, feels the hot breathing of Revolution
each day, each minute. Revolution is endless, she occurs
permanently. Revolution is objective; she doesn’t depend on our will
and conscious. You can not stop her. As well as you can stop
progress of science, technology. As well as you could not forbid
people to get knowledge, to be a human in progress.
The question is revolutions in science, technologies, which are
embodied in material culture of mankind – in productive forces. They
change stepwise, revolutionary almost always. That is the nature of
all discoveries, inventions: the more they grandiose, the more they
revolutionary. As well as they revolutionary, they make the modes of
production change, fast and radically, as never before
Say, slave labour, slave form of production and appropriation does
not fit for new tools and technique appeared in bosom of slavery.
Then social Revolutionary explosion take place. The result is
replacement of one social system by another. Further. Capitalist
manufactory, large-scale industrial production is being constraint
by the frameworks of feudal relations, by closed natural economy, by
personal peasant dependency of landlord. Then bourgeois revolution
resolves the contradiction. Feudal mode of production and its social
form burst like old jacket. And new “flesh” oozes. These new
industrial relations – relation of capital and labour – correspond
with new productive forces. It means more freedom, more
possibilities. But this new slavery goes with more cynicism, cruelty
and civilized bestiality. Nothing changes if property relations
still exist.
Progress, scale, the world market these are new realities of
bourgeois era. It is ridiculous, for example, to make fabrics or
furniture manually for mass consumption in era of large machine
industry. Market requires millions and millions pieces, tons,
meters, instead of small amounts of products. But pay attention, how
socio-economic formations or industrial relations were replaced one
by one. They interchange each other practically at once, in terms of
a History certainly, after changes in productive forces. Powerful
industrial machinery replaces hundreds and thousands of
handicraftsmen by hundreds of thousands and millions of workers
concentrated in enormous plants and factories. They work 16-18 hours
per day during the early years of young capitalism.
But again new working tools, instruments and machinery appear; they
develop industrial skills and experiences. All these innovations
quickly spread via competition mechanism. Hence, industrial
relations are converted instantly (in terms of History). They follow
the requirements of new productive forces. Capitalist mode of
production is replaced by the highest stage of its development – by
imperialism. The ‘highest’ stage means the last stage. No more grand
competition of small, medium and big capitals. Transnational
corporations and banks produce goods, do trade and finance globally,
by agreements. But any time, when the next level of capital
concentration is reached, it requires redistribution of the world
market share according its economic power. World wars follow by
these contradictions. After wars the world is rehashing due to scale
of capital and war results. The larger capital, the more share of
the world market it gets. Huge capital is materialized naturally in
military power, in armies and military-industrial complex. They
stand for globally divided Property. Two world wars already had
passed the planet like deadly hurricane.
In the mean time the essence and logic of the world monopoly capital
development pushes the world to new, third war. The arithmetic
wealth of bigger capitals became disparate with its share of incomes
in the world product. That is why they are ready to fight with other
offshoots of world hydra of capitalist property to cut off piece
little more.
To wage a war in new rocket-nuclear conditions is mortal game.
Anyway someone wants to risk, put on card a life of the whole
mankind for the sake of the next zeroes on their own counts. The war
begins softly, on fringes, in manner of regional, religious, and
ethnic conflicts. But behind the backs of fighting nations are
always guessed interests of monopolies and super-monopolies, which
is required the expansion of life space and increase the occupied
labour for growth of profit. They need as well new even
«under-redistributed» mineral resources and market sales. The War is
the essence of capital-predator, striving to monopoly. It could not
be changed and never would.
Thereby, in moral plan bourgeois mode of production is already dead.
In fact it has died because of the fact that the world product is
produced socially, by all mankind in reality, but it is possessed by
measly minority of the Earth population. In legal sense capitalism
as the highest form of possession development is still surviving on
behalf of its “cells”, “atoms” – tens and hundreds of millions of
proprietors, petit bourgeoisie. They are reserve army, which is
permanently reproduces its psychology, mentality, habits and flesh
of Property itself. The only question is how these ‘atoms’ can be
wrest from tenacious paws of the past, from its attraction.
The cure to remedy humanity is peaceful bloodless Revolution already
started by the newest means of production. The present day
productive forces, computers, information nets, interactive TV,
wireless communications undermine the basis of private interest
power, every minute uniting mankind. And they say to it: we know the
secret of your wealth. Be prepared for these secrets to be known to
all nations. The mystery of how the world “purse” steals and hides
someone’s working hours, someone’s surplus labour. And when people
will realize that capitalism and “sacred property” are anachronism,
they will understand world monopolies and superpowers as the authors
of world financial frauds and rethink their viewpoints on sacred
property, on eternity of capitalism and inequality.
The New Revolution will become so bloodless, that it is possible to
compare it with the night of October Revolution of 1917 in Russia,
when none was lost. Let ideas be at war, proving the advantages by
arguments, in dispute, free discussion. Let ideas are checked by
practice of the life. Eventually, any weapon is powerless against
Knowledge, advanced progressive ideology, which has taken possession
of millions minds. The hour of the capital and its transnational
empires has gone.
You will understand that the Word of Truth in right time and in
right place is stronger than any army. The Past, retarded,
reactionary is afraid of words of Truth. The past today is
possession, the highest form of its development, capital. It grows
more aggressive and militant, especially when someone infringes upon
its power and wealth, when someone reveals secrets of its frauds and
larcenies. And this Past is ready to wage a war, ready to kill
people, to destroy their homes and lives, for implacable Future
being delayed. You will get it from the offered text. And you will
believe in power of real revolutionary Marxism-Leninism.
In the meantime, the New Revolution is already knocking at the door
of mankind. I shall try to prove it making use of openly published
data. And it will be my contribution in creating the Weapon of New
Revolution, clean, honest and bloodless. At least in this work you
may find not only manual on manufacturing of such information
weapon, but also quite probative evidence of some newest features of
imperialism. Reader will see how capitalist industrial relations
have turned to an obstacle, barrier on ways of mankind’s progress.
You will learn how they break the coming of the future. This Future
finally will do away both slavery, and property, and state, and make
them museum exhibits among others.
June 19th – September 5th, the year of 200
© Chernishev V.M., Saint-Petersburg
[Translation: March 8th – April 1, 2002]
Matrix 1. World Finances
Money, small and big
The Matrix
The World Gold and Monetary reserves
The Whole World Money, 1998
Matrix 2. World
Gross Product:
material and non-material
«Excesses» of labour
World labour hours
Expensive Americans
Friends in finance
Finances refute GDP?
System of national accounts
Myth about dollar
Reality of world economy
Trading Product on Service
Matrix 3. World
Russian budget
Expenditures, deficits, debts
World military budget of USA
Sacred property of the XXI century
Annex. Equilibrium
Formulas for Economy

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