The Ring is.
The world is ringed up. By the Ring of Revolution.
Why is this “Revolution”? For what reason “is ringed up”?
Ring – is a metaphor. Ring neither has beginning nor end.
The point of end or beginning turns into line when moving. The ‘line’
going around the Earth is turned endless consequence of rings. Or the
one eternal spiral.
Inherent feature of thinking moving matter is Revolution. She is absolute
and constant. She is changeless as technological change and growth of
human knowledge. She is the very movement, non-stop movement from Past
to Future, from traditional to progressive, from old times false to Truth
of the new era. She is the search of the Truth by mankind itself. Of the
same nature is backward motion known as regress, reactionary ‘friction’
that grinding the course of Revolution or even slowing it for times.
Knowledge is materialised in new means of production, technologies, skills,
working experiences. Knowledge impoves human-made environment and accelerate
pace of life. New productive forces penetrate social matter by the Revolution
of new machines and technologies. It takes more information and higher
education for humanity to take hold this technical power. Social organism
of mankind is charged by Revolution more and more, but majority of nations
don’t even suspect about it.
Means of communication, means of permanent intercommunication and on-line
data flow all over the world is intelinking tightly the life and destiny
of humanity as one
All humanity is united not only by world-wide production and goods and
services consumption but by sinking in universal information environs.
The flow of news, scientific data, statistics, and achievements of arts,
culture and sports is transmogrifying in a single real-time world process.
Here we have an obvious paradox. Mankind produces goods and services by
common efforts while utilizes these common results separately. The order
of results’ apportioning is following: insignificant minority possesses
overwhelming majority of the wealth produced. The cause of that are outmoded
industrial relations. Industrial relations are relations of production
and appropriation of material goods. They are defined by the form of property
on means of production. For instance, owner of means of production is
capitalist, and this type of ownership is dominated in certain nation
or territory. It means that industrial relations should be determined
as capitalistic.
Bourgeois or capitalistic type of industrial relations is dominated at
present all over the world. Capitalists, class of bourgeoisie or even
its governments are the owner of conditions and results of production.
Property that sprang up exuberant growth of science and technology within
last two thousand years became now the main obstacle for technological
Narrow interest of private proprietor (without a reference to its wealth)
implacably confronts with the interest of the whole mankind. In order
to conserve its monopolistic position on market proprietor is ready to
annihilate products, to cut production, to rot harvest, to make nations
and continents starve. Chase for profit impels different groups of world
capital in temporary alliances which prepare wars. It is followed by world
wars. These wars are waging for new territories, for new markets, for
ruining and wrecking competitors.
The early years’ capitalism is marked by small-scale wars while modern
capitalism known as imperialism is noted by larger scale wars, world wars.
To retain capitalist relation is the primary goal of the present imperialism
even if it goes with new world war, just to keep and enlarge profits.
The third war will be the last in all senses. Despite the fact that two
world wars before are enough: first one – 25 million peoples died within
four years, second one – 50 million people killed within six years. The
third war multiplied by knowledge embodied in loaded death may demolish
the most of humanity.
Could we call capitalist industrial relations progressive whether they
continue with a constant need of self-destruction (murdering of people
and their productive facilities) during crisis and wars (as a form of
economic crisis)? Of course, we could not. Capital as a relation of exploitation
of hired labour, as a relation of exploitation of man by man based of
private property on the means of production is outlived itself.
Capital is staled to the buff in moral, scientific and ideological sense.
But during its growth and development capital has created the Ring. It
was made by efforts of millions labourers. Their surplus labour was sucked
by capital and turned into profit (interest of rent). In other words capital
created transport networks, energy lines, information channels and limitless
rings of communications for common use by the hands of exploited workers
– these ‘instruments’ and networks make humanity more and more integrated.
Capital made science to create new tools, new means of labour, more efficient,
more productive since it was forced by law of competition and necessity
to increase labour productivity. At the same time capital was urged to
improve quality of working force by raising their educational and cultural
level, by elevating its mind. Capital has grown up its grave-digger, its
SUBSTITUTE in History, modern all-universe proletariat both physical and
intellectual labour, which able to control no only its working place but
the whole factory or national economy, as far as labourer familiar with
all modern techniques and skills to curb with hi-tech production, infrastructure,
transport, bank networks, and communications.
Capital in its longing to survive now have to crash what was made by hands
of labour slaves in flame of the third world war or have to generalize
what is the most progressive and efficient in industry, science and agriculture
over the whole planet. Especially it refers to developing countries of
Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America.
But world capital prefers to let all things as they are. Developing world
for it – is a “dirty workshops” and shafts with cheap labour force. Poor
countries are garnering for it, they are a bread-basket for supply foodstuff
to developed countries that turning into handful of ‘hard currency’. Less
developed countries are drills extracting gas, oil, or they are shafts
mining ores and minerals. Raw materials are assigned to flow out to rich
countries by monopolistic lower prices set by transnational corporations
(owners of drills and shafts).
«Price scissors» between productions of ‘World Town’ of developed countries
and World Village of developing nations is getting larger and larger.
The debts of poor countries can never be gotten in. They are like a hole:
the more you take, the bigger it grows.
World capitalism is tearing up by contradictions. On one side the limits
for extensive growth of capitalism are exhausted (if we do not consider
territory of the former USSR and partly Asia). It can not go anywhere
On the other side the capital motion in deep (intensive growth) is not
Competition of capitalists make them export capitals to the ‘third world’,
that is to say to develop productive forces of less developed countries
to get a modern level of production. Capital creates a more homogenous
world in technical and technological sense by the hands of world proletarians
‘squadrons’. The ring of revolutionary productive forces embraces new
and new areas of the planet.
Nor enforcement of state regulation by national governments, neither willing
of developed countries through their ‘tools’ like IMF or World Bank to
build monopolistic conditions for their currencies, commodities and corporations
can not compound capital inside itself. It can not get rid off its original
sin – private property. Capital always comes on it like on insuperable
barrier. It looks like a snake stabbed grinders in its own tail.
Competition generates monopolies. Monopolies melt bank capital with industrial
in one financial capital. Capital in its smartest and the most parasitic
form – financial – not only is having been exported to developing countries
but dashing all over the world twenty four hours a day, offering their
services, clashing with rivals. One private interest faces with another
profit motive. And if the sizes of such interests are huge and warring
then war is inevitable. No matter what kind of war is bursting out: trade,
custom, financial, economic, or political. Factions of world capital cross
over usual war when all peaceful means are exhausted. Since it is an organic
whole as well as world working class, it destructs itself by these wars.
Capital annihilates wealth that was created so labouriously following
the logic of private interest, fulfilling the will of proprietor.
Snake nips its tail. Reptile of capital-proprietor corrupts the Ring of
Revolution. If capital is a lord could it really manage the Ring? Can
we say that capital is a lord of rings? No we can not.
The more capital possesses the Ring the more Ring rules capital. Capital
has no reason. It has just passion to be master of possession, desire
to multiply it, thirst of profit.
Whole-world wage worker is free of property passion to the degree on what
he is free of property slavery. According to its material conditions wage
labourer is already prepared to get this Ring of Life under its tutelage.
In fact wage worker manages it daily and hourly while master’s supervisor
(and invisibly master itself) stands by all around like a spirit of property,
spirit of atrocious lust of domination over one’s labour, over one’s life.
Only at the moment of return distribution everything is set on their places.
Hired worker receives wage or salary while bourgeois gets profit (workers’
surplus labour traded on market).
Capitalist like any other owner before him (feudal, slave-holder) follows
the principle «divide et empera» . The most important thing for world
capital is to prevent world proletariat from feeling its unity. This unity
doesn’t depend of will and conscious, it is of objective nature.
Capital has a range of measures to smother oppressed workers struggle
for its liberation, for reset of correspondence between their roles in
world output production and their share in products distribution. Religion,
defiled television, bourgeois education, culture and arts are at its service.
And finally it has reached the ‘top’ of scientific thought of bourgeois
civilization – nationalism, known as nazism or fascism. At recent years
bourgeois nationalism got a second breath under banner of fighting against
mythical terrorism. The aim of this trick is to destruct the Ring of world
labourers solidarity.
As a matter of fact terrorism is an everyday practice and philosophy of
capitalist civilization. Terrorism is a mirror of how world capital treats
all nations. Production and trade of weapons to pauper countries, provoking
military conflicts in less developed countries – that is the offer of
capitalism instead of scientific, cultural, technological, and food aid
to developing countries. World capital puts its future slaves on their
knees at once eliminating possibility for their self-sustaining growth,
crashing them by war or by selling weaponry.
It is followed by crocodile’s tears of bourgeois empires about innocent
victims of terrorists’ attacks. Even national-liberation struggle against
former empires is supported by capitalists due to one and mercenary goal
– to acquire new nation and territory as a market of cheap labour and
resources. It can be cold as ‘clearance the spot’ for further propulsion
of capitalism broadways and in deep. Capital scrunches into a flesh of
next victim. One more nation joins capitalist civilization.
The broader and more concentrate capitalism becomes on planet’s surface,
the faster its days and life-space go to an end. Capital is now quicker
and quicker prepares its departure from the History scene. Gravedigger
of capital – the world wage worker in all sectors of production and trade
negates private form of labour results appropriation by the very fact
of his productive activity. Any wage worker is a real lord of the Ring.
All wage workmen are lords of the Ring that is not of serfdom nature.
It means that no one can command other people. People could manage themselves
with no kings. The Ring of capitalists power is to be in the hands of
the whole mankind. Power as domination or serfdom is ought to be dying.
Production and trade are socialized in world scale by the very process
of reproduction. The question is how to tune up fair distribution of the
world products and services made by EVERYONE. New facilities of quick
communication and computing powers give a possibility to arrange exact
and delicate calculation of the output produced. The obstacle is opaque
character of private property.
However, the Ring of Revolution is tightening.
The beast-capital is fenced by the ring now. It is besieged, surrounded
now. Capital has to give up and stand on the wage labourer’s side to melt
into a “third” thing, neither capital, no labour. Otherwise it is to crumble
in-and-out. The danger is that private interest of world capitalists’
bands may force nations to next world war. Aspiration of bourgeoisie to
continue with relations of domination and subjection contradicts with
world-wide objectively socialized production, with obvious unity of humanity
in its longing to leave in peace and justice, to work gladly, to be free.
The highest level of capital concentration – industrial, trade, and financial
– makes him oppose with the whole mankind, more and more focuses all powers
of destruction against him. New productive forces (machinery, technology
and skilled workmen) are objectively needed replacement of industrial
relations (relations of production and appropriation of the overall labour
results), for industrial relations to be coincided with level and character
of productive forces. Property concentration, mega-mergers and giant acquisitions
rush life-cycle of capital. Its extremity – “is «gigantism» that so typical
for deathbed blossom of dying out evolutionary branches” .
The Peace is quiet and silent like before immolation. The war is flaming
already, insensibly and unfeelingly. One that afraid of sufferings does
not want to cognize it. The pain scares. Miseries trouble soul. Better
not to see, not to know, nothing. Such thought is indoctrinated by world
capital to people senses through all its information ‘Niagaras’ which
is still possessed by capital as it seems to itself.
What does world communism may offer in the circumstances of the deepest
crisis of global capitalism as a vital philosophy, as a progressive concept
of new world proletariat?
It may offer the Idea of the Ring, the Ring of Revolution, filling it
with blusterous and life-giving contents.
Creation of the Ring of Revolution has began about two thousand years
ago when Jesus Christ annunciated the world about brotherhood of men,
that God is one, that God is the very supreme law and superior justice.
«The Rome» and Sanhedrim with no delay understood that prophet fluent
with Word is more dangerous than the most horrid robber. Then first revolutionary
was crucified.
Class struggle against oppressors now became wide open as Spartacus rebellion
that shook great empire had happened. Since then the Ring of Revolution
can not be hold up like freely blowing wind.
Philosophy of oppressed classes had been growing and developing in parallel
with the growth of productive forces which assist to change one socio-economic
formation by another by a revolutionary way. Then new social formation
is more conform to a new machinery, science and technology.
Prototype of the world-wide Ring of Revolution starts to silhouette through
the chain of European revolutions in XIX century. As soon as capitalism
gets its feet on a steady ground proletarians’ resistance to its rapacity
and cruelty also increases. Marxism has appeared as revolutionary philosophy
and start to fight and beat bourgeois system.
International Camaraderie of Workers or the First International originated
then. Capital can not eat crow with enhancing Ring of Revolution. World
bourgeoisie could not be saved by the First International dissolution.
Idea of Revolution, idea of communism is mooning not only in Europe. It
goes in the wake of colonial, imperial expansions of roughly broadening
Parisian Commune was the first rupture in nativity of the real people’s
power, open to the world and transparent. Raged clique of bourgeoisie
had allowed it to exist only for 172 days. The example to the whole world
proletarians was extremely dangerous for capitalists.
Then the Second International had appeared. World bourgeoisie now turns
more fastidious. It wants to blow up communist movement from within, it
is easier.
By the beginning of the XX century bourgeois society worked out the most
efficient philosophy for erosion of Revolution, for disunion of nations
– nationalism. It took then many names: chauvinism, fascism, nazism, national-patriotism.
However the content of this ideology is still the same – conservation
of bourgeois society by all means. Social-chauvinism eroded the Second
International from inside like rust. European socialists bankrupted before
the face of the First World War, supporting the battle of their national
capitalists for foreign territories and markets.
The banner of struggle with world capital was caught up by Russian social-democrats.
The next after year of 1905th Revolution in Russia proved to be successful.
October, 1917. Capitalist empires fighting for rehash ion of the world’s
map, for colonies and markets even don’t await such immodesty from Russia
like victorious Marxist revolution. While «enemies» milling each other
revolutionary government has got a reprieve for four months (November
1917 – March 1918) to amass forces for repulse to world bourgeoisie.
And the Miracle came about. Armies of 14 countries invaded in Russia can
not squash bolshevist revolution in Petrograd. It is very amazing that
yesterday enemies had united for the people’s revolution in Russia to
be demolished as threatening source of the communism came to power. Nevertheless
profit motive of national capitals is not gone with it. They send their
armies to occupy pieces of Russian territory and to finish the first imperialist
rehash ion of the world. General Kornilov founder of white-guard movement
yet before the rebellion in October 1917 has got money from the Entente
and moved troops to Petrograd. The man who started with the Civil war
(he instituted capital punishment in Russian army since summer of 1917)
immediately has determined position of world bourgeoisie toward bolshevism,
revolutionary Marxism. He was ready to sink in blood all this ‘democracy’.
There’s no doubt that the only thought could born in the head of this
martial is about “vertical power”, that is about military dictatorship.
All the external and internal enemies of the Revolution in Russia were
broken down and thrown away from her territory. The Third Communist International
was newly born. But misfortune came from where no one expected, from the
bosom of the bolshevist party itself. Inert mass of authority and property
that has overloaded reason and will of new society builders was too gross.
The core of counter-revolution was Stalin with his menials. This group
was getting larger as far as mass conscious of soviet Russia turning to
idea of ‘iron arm rule’ instead of sealed idea of people’s Soviets power.
Such course of events was stimulated by bourgeois degeneration of the
party and governmental elite. World capital has been gaining back Russian
State dictatorship covered with fig-leaf of paper ‘soviet’ constitution
appeared as most brutal form of workmen bourgeois exploitation. Role of
collective capitalist here was played by government, by faceless legal
entity. Situation was aggravated by communist symbols and phraseology
used by state elite. Falsehood of fake socialism was flourishing around
the world. Communist international converted from the instrument of Marxist
theory and practice propaganda to the ‘engine’ of its annihilation and/or
perversion. Stalin’s rats from NKVD and GPU run the show here and strengthening
Stalinist state fascism. All unagreeable persons opposing red monarch
and his understanding of communism should be squelched. Red dictator has
built “national socialism”, that means “socialism in a separate country”.
The world was frightened by this kind of socialism or even ‘communism’.
Socialism and Bastille were now synonyms. It seemed that Ring of Revolution
has broken down.
However there was Labour socialist international saved in 1923 more or
less biddable to world capital. Moreover, Leon Trotsky banished from USSR
had initiated creation of the Forth International. The principal task
of new International was not a reforming of capitalism but precipitation
of it. Unfortunately world communist movement so far can not recover from
the strike inflicted by imperial ‘socialism’ in USSR as well as scared
Meanwhile capitalist empires waged another world war (1939-1945). Fascism,
this clot of bourgeois philosophy of the universe has grown up and started
to bite mortally. Political map of the world is again an object of rehashing.
Now we meet Stalin the leader of soviet communists among participants
of this loot. Social-imperialism as governmental ideology and practice
at this moment is copied by new followers of Stalinist socialism: Yugoslavia,
China, and North Korea. Formal affiliation to socialist ideas and existence
of communist or labour parties do not impede governors of these countries
to take part in a whole-world battle of capitals. Proletarians for these
new leaders were not objective but means of its imperial claims.
Cuban revolution (1959) is an outstanding example that is not corresponds
with other stalinist regimes. Comandante Che Guevara went for the Soviet
Union with criticism denouncing it like socialist in words and state-bourgeois
and imperialistic in fact. Cuban socialism was to sacrifice irrepressible
Che Guevara just to survive in aggressive environment. So Che went to
fight for the Revolution first in Angola and then in Bolivia where he
died like hero murdered by US CIA rangers.
Chilean peaceful victory of Marxists and socialists under the leadership
of doctor S.Aliende had widened a little the bounds of understanding the
Ring of Revolution. All world bourgeoisies attacked again Marxist nation
with embargo, internal conspiracy, petit bourgeois strikes, and boycott
of Chilean copper only for effort to establish people’s power. Revolution
had been strangulated with no mercy. Any possibility of surviving within
hateful environment was eliminated. General Pinochet paid by CIA played
a role of murder Revolution. On 11th of September, 1973 Chilean revolution
was overthrown.
Paris, May of 1968, like it was 120 years ago the city drinks the air
of Revolution. The wave of freedom has rolled over the towns of Europe.
Postwar reconstruction of European industry had been finished by this
time (in terms of recovery of its competitiveness in world markets and
not just the level of prewar output). Renewed productive forces insistently
urged the change of industrial relations. Socialist thought rapidly develops:
cooperative socialism, democratic socialism, participation socialism,
socialism of self-management (autogestion). Anarchists, communists, trotskists,
maoists, socialists, Marxists, and trade unions took a new lease of life
having no idea that all of them are elements of united Ring of Revolution.
Marxist thought has got a second breath. Revolutionary science of Marx,
Engels and Lenin is now needed in new application, not blind and dogmatic
but enriched with modern socialist and communist practice. It may show,
whether it stand on fighting workmen side or on side of endless compromise,
parliamentary trade with bourgeoisie.
General disease of all parties – communist, labour or socialist – lies
in characteristic of its structure, because they repeat the structure
of any parasitic state. Leaders and elite are at the top while ‘rank and
files’ at the bottom. The ranks play the role of supers and due-payers
raising their hands to adopt leaders’ decisions. In this case party turns
some election club promoting its representatives to parliament where ‘parliamentary
illusion’ materialized in laws defrayed by local and global capitalism.
Then «communists» parliamentarians change its relationship with Marxism
to high earnings and deputy or ministry seat. This way labour (or any
of oppressed class advocate institutions) parties degenerate. Power-property
is eating these state-like structures.
Imperialistic wars and local conflicts are still going on. Industrial
countries of West Europe, USA and Japan enlarge their expansion in developing
world. However reserves of cheap labour for labour-intensive industries
are not unlimited. Industrialisation of developing nations is raising
the level of its productive forces up to world level. Competition among
transnational corporations is sharpening. Concentration of industrial
and financial capital has also been growing substantially by the end of
1990s reaching enormous extent. Boom of giant mergers and acquisitions
covers all countries of developed capitalism. Capitalism penetrates with
its technical perfection into new sectors of infrastructure and field
of services. Together with this traditional sectors of material production
have a trend toward unmanned (or ‘less-manned’) technologies. The increase
of labour productivity also continues in old and new sectors according
the law of value.
Nevertheless advanced capitalism of world-wide corporations may quite
cotton with poverty and squalor of its financial colonies and dependent
regions. Moreover, world capital requires more homogenous environment
of bourgeois world. Stormy social processes that took place in East Europe
since the end of 1980s to the beginning of 1990s as well as bourgeois
revolution in Russia (1991) also have enlarged the space for world capital
maneuver. World capitalism has got a reprieve for several years which
is related to expansion of raw materials and working force markets.
But contradictions did not disappear. The law of value and law of surplus
value, private form of labour results appropriation contain permanent
possibility of crisis within capitalism. Chasing of profit again and again
makes capitalism to extend output of goods and services. Nonetheless there
is no guarantee that all produced would be absorbed by market, that all
costs would be paid for and turned benefits. Neither governmental regulation,
nor managing of money stuff (nor budget tricks) can rescue from overproduction
Crisis of overproduction leads to lowering of commodity prices. Capital
have to destruct itself that is to annihilate capital embodied in goods,
to reduce production, to lay off workmen just to keep the prices, to get
profits. Ultimately the costs of such practice as usual are laid on a
shoulder of wage labour.
At present the mechanism of world crisis costs redistribution has changed
essentially. It falls in the poorest countries and regions of the planet
with its entire burden. After the Second World War IMF and other institutions
of world capital have established the system of world finance according
to which US dollar and its ‘small group’ are dominating independently
of real market value of these ‘hard’ currencies. IMF had worked out policy
of currency flows restrictions after treble devaluation of US dollar during
1969-1972. Since that time any country-member of the IMF has to get a
special permission from the IMF management when it is required to sell
or buy big quantity of national or foreign currency. US dollar and several
‘major’ currencies were put in exclusive position toward the rest national
money material. All world currencies are equaled to dollar with a help
of specially designed by IMF ‘paper currency’ SDR (special drawing rights),
then several currencies of SDR-basket via dollar; finally this circle
of imaginary powerful currencies is brought up. As a result specific contractual
conditions for the major currencies of world capital were made with the
aid of such restrictive currency rules for all IMF member-countries. I
call it world financial oligarchy.
There is a situation when capitalist market forces do not work with respect
to SDR, US dollar and handful of ‘major’ exchanges. Does capitalism end
at this spot? Or capitalism as it was known had gone?
Global inequilibrium of world economy is facilitated by the technique
of GDP calculation in most countries. This calculation of economic “product”
includes services of army, governmental bodies, police, and ‘contribution’
of liberal professions, and the rest field of services as well. However
«product» is something corporeal, tangible, where man’s labour is embodied.
So we should not call product what is referred to the field of governmental
consumption, to budget consumption in general. Otherwise we are mystifying
world community. How comes it, that of 10 trillions dollars of the United
States GDP only 23% is fallen on product properly? The rest 77% is a work
of infrastructural sectors, field of services and government which consume
produced product. To what extent major currencies of IMF are secured if
all industrially developed countries have the same structure of GDP as
Corporations producing weapons and ammunition aggravate In-equilibrium
of world economy. Military goods commerce or «delayed war» demolishes
scarce possibility of developed countries to accumulate. Instead of production
development and economic growth they get increase of state debts, external
credit debts, inflation, standard living falling, destruction of production
potential, and ultimately deprivation of economic and political independence.
As a result they face with increasing political instability forced by
weakening of national economy. Since that moment territory or region attracts
eyes of some group of world capital-imperialism which provokes other groups
to join this mortal game for new ‘object’, for new world repartition.
Capital of any size does not want to share incomes with rivals. It prefers
the shortest way to establish monopoly even the way of war. Another way
is to impair or eliminate local capitals, to purchase aborigines’ government.
Finally world capital groups obtain monopoly conditions for exploitation
of local labour and primary goods markets. Followers are more to come.
Hence, different tentacles of world capital hydra are impelled to cast
a bone (ethnic, religious, social) bone within developing nations, within
territories and regions. Whatever peace treaty or alliances could be concluded
between countries as objects of probable imperial expansion the outcome
is still the same, new war. Capital would not be a capital if it does
not look for new place of gaining profits. And capital would not be a
capital if it does not develop under condition of periodic self-destruction
during crisis or wars, as forms of crash.
Speculative component of world capital continues to grow. Stock market
has distended like a bubble with puny shares. If the world stock (and
exchange) market will rapidly loose «air», so then relapse of 1929’s Great
Depression is inescapable and unavoidable. The real possibility of such
crisis lies in everyday transactions of trillion dollars when some of
factitious nature. These ‘money’ as a rule have nothing to do with real
production. This currencies’ currents stand on rumours, political or ‘economic’
factors like high politicians’ or central bankers’ outgivings of countries
where ‘major’ currencies resident. They are subjected to panic.
Financial capital of developed nations as a rule scores of these transactions.
Capitalist class as a whole always wins, though someone breaks or sustains
losses. First in losses are production sectors of developing countries
mainly. They are mostly vulnerable in any fluctuations of ‘major’ currencies.
They are wholly dependent of export, or external exchange payments, of
credits and interest payments which they have to discharge their global
usurers. Thus the luckiest gamblers in world casino are bigger ones or
those who went into a huddle with bosses of «casino».
By the end of 1990s almost forgotten and dimmed Ring of Revolution again
has appeared on a world stage and faced with yet more firmed world capitalism
that reached global concentration of production and trade.
Insolence of world capitalism had passed through all bounds. The ideology
of globalism had emerged as new effort to tackle with endless crisis «ultimately»
by diffusing market laws all over the world, by rigid budget policy, by
flexible labour organization and unimpeded circulation of capitals.
It might be good if universal budget (and world product) would not be
an object of rigid control from the IMF and some World Bank side as well
as oligarchy of ‘major’ currencies. The same may be said about circulating
«capital» that more than a half consists of overstated shares and governmental
obligations (future tax payments).
They can actualize this new philosophy of globalism only on behalf of
new sufferings laid on workmen shoulders. They may continue with such
tactics of aggravating competition among wage labourers at the account
of contradistinction of more expensive groups of proletarians in one hemisphere
to less expensive ones in other hemisphere. Church religions, fascist
ideologies also assist to depress world-wide solidarity of wage workers
all kind of labour; they help to make workmen believe in possibility of
bourgeois paradise and class peace with “their own” local bourgeoisie.
Except one thing, it is valid only until new crisis or war will break
out. Sobering down immediately comes up. Intoxication with capitalism
is changed with bitter crapulence of death and breakup caused by regular
As soon as globalism had appeared it is followed by the appearance of
anti-globalism like an effort of different forces to counteract cynical
policy of world superpowers especially so-called ‘great seven’ toward
third world countries. Nobility of ‘great seven’ world capital was seemed
to be unlimited when they had written off 20 billion dollars debts of
thousands of billions dollars liabilities of the third world countries.
That is globalism nowadays or better to say modern bourgeois imperialism.
Not only hunger and poverty learn humanity. Permanent improvement of machinery
and technologies requires a constant growth of technical and educational
level of working force. Even higher education is not enough for today’s
wage workmen. Productive forces in 1990s had reached extreme potency,
so the pace of capital overturn had been increased many times due to development
of transportation and communications on a basis of microchips. Microchip
revolution has transformed substantially modern life by the same manner
as industrial revolution of XIX century did. Scientific and technologic
revolution inevitably saturates mass conscious of new working force, and
makes it more and more revolutionary with respect to quickly staling industrial
New experienced workmen are better and smarter having and eye on technology,
management and economics of production; they obviously feel their ability
to manage all-universe social capital. This circumstance is deeply contradicts
with private form of world labour results appropriation. The only way
of wage worker to resolve this conflict is to turn to Marxism-Leninism,
to concise understanding of its role in production and in making of world
wealth. Then the last step remains – to stand on Marxism side, to catch
the most progressive philosophy in the Ring of Revolution.
New ages do not require obligatory joining the party that may gradually
degenerate into pre-election club and complement general system of bourgeois
parlamentarism. New phase of world communism concept and practice allows
using the Ring of Revolution as Theory and Practice of permanent revolutionary
activities of nonviolent character. But these are the things that are
the most dangerous for modern capitalism, for newest mode of imperialism.
Let’s someone call imperialism as globalism, system of global exploitation
of labour by capital. It does not matter.
Now then, the Ring of Revolution is a weapon of the XXI century for victorious
Communist Revolution, for eradication of exploitation man by man, for
dying of possession.
Keep on reading
Bradbury A. The Ring of Revolution.
Saint-Petersburg: Icy Island, 2002, 240p.
The first part of the book is a program of information actions
for those who name themselves as left radicals of different kind,
or as adherents of workers and communist movement, provided that
we live in the XXI century. The second part is an example of utilisation
Revolition Ring principles. It is an example of intent analysis
of world economy through the weakness of U.S.dollar and world 'household'
built on its basis.
Part 2>>
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