The Ring of Revolution

Ring of Revolution(program of info-activity). Part 3





How could we summarise all said above with respect to the Ring of Revolution
We had determined objective, means, and principles of the Ring activity. Now we are finding out what we get in the issue.
The Ring of Revolution is a process and result simultaneously.
If the Ring is told as «transitional» result it consists of the following elements:
Uniting of all progressive and revolutionary forces and all sympathizing the Ring movement;
Understanding of Ring participants’ position as a whole toward theoretical and practical capacity to havoc relations of capital, relations of property and domination;
Improvement of evidential base and argumentation in ideological and practical struggle with bourgeois civilization;
Qualitative improvement of propagandist works, extending of its scales, efficiency and productivity; the same can be said with respect to education which fortunately combine theory and practice within the Ring;
The Ring of Revolution is the ring of a permanent education, system of transmission far-out knowledge especially in social sciences, enriched with everyday revolutionary practice;
The Ring becomes not only source of facts, figures, generalizations, analytics but textbook of how to learn to receive an information, to work with it and to get a product useful for the Revolution;
Acceleration of social substance motion is involving all humanity.
The Ring as a «final» result and at the same time as process may be defined as victorious Communist Revolution. Undoubtedly it is bloodless, overt and free in her peace transformations of the planet.
Why it is called «communist»? Since it is Commune which is associated with commune, some form of primitive society at the very early ages when there was no possession domination in human relations. Mankind keeps this in its collective memories as the memories of the Golden Age. Communication revolution is in fact communist revolution. Since the Ring of Revolution conquering information space of the planet transforms the sphere of public conscious of the whole planet population by revolutionary way, then freedom to and freedom to choose information, political and economic ideas, as well as freedom to join different associations becomes inherent feature of public progress of civilization. Freedom of choice should be ensured obligatory. Safe buffer from low and obsessed choice may be found in a deep and universal education, in a good knowledge of the best examples of world culture and with the help of ‘vaccination’ by historical lessons about fascism or any other beastliness.

Only communism gives us hope for peaceful life and just society, for economic and political independence of any human. In this sort of society there is no place for possession or capital-labour relations, for economic parasitism and spiritual defilement which characterizes bourgeois civilization at its outcome.No hierarchy, no separation to major and secondary, to masters and servants can be seed in such society; there are no exploiters and those operated. In other words, it is communism that most of the peoples associate with an everlasting dream of happiness, justice and freedom. However the word and definition is draggled by incorrect and ignoble utilization. Whatever stalinism or other form of totalitarism can not fake true socialism and communism by false signs and slogans. Communism is a future of mankind.
The Ring of Revolution is an excellent instrument of carrying out this honourable task.


The main feature of the Revolution Ring is that it accelerates and enhances power of all planetary information flows. So far the contents on information «rivers» as well as their sources are in the hands of corporations and governments. Now we feel the whole sea of uncontrolled communications. Mobile talking and paging communications and also some tricky devices easily connect with Internet and through it without any intervention of powers and proprietors. Internet complemented by personal dynamic video-images (via telephones or independent transmitters) will unavoidably expel regular channels. Combination of television and radio in live program, press and periodicals with Internet also unify events with its reflection, analysis and generalization. The doing of feedback television linked with global information Net can not be predicted at all, as far as they are free of their «masters».
Perhaps, assimilation of communist and socialism ideas will materialize from everyday practice of intercommunication of the planet population with themselves in free on-line environment. Monopoly on information, on its obtaining, processing and distribution is breaking down; it is going out of the hand of dictators, large and small proprietors due to natural causes. It is difficult to kill, to rob, to wage a war, to practice dirty policy against the object-glasses, in a live program.
There we need to make some explanation about the character of socialism established in 1920s in Soviet Russia. As far as majority of readers suppose that socialism organized in USSR and other countries was the very social ideal described by Marx and Engels and that Lenin was trying to embody with a help of Bolshevik party. In fact there is a peculiarity in understanding of “socialism” emerged on a brash of Russian empire and bushed hardly for three fourth of Euro-Asia thanks to spirit and practice of Stalin’s leadership.
So, socialism in theory opposes capitalism, opposes social system defined by the order of productive forces appropriation by private and/or governmental capitalists. Its is considered that wage labourer is a mortal enemy, an antipode of capitalist; that class struggle between them is eternal and implacable one.
As a matter of fact labour and capital, wage workman and his boss-bourgeois are «lethal friends». Both of them have one and the same goal – to earn, but result vector of their forces equals zero, since they are of opposite polarity, as far as bourgeois owns means of production and consequently remains the owner of working conditions and labour results. At the same time wage workman is deprived of means of production thus he has to sell its labour force in exchange for essential means of subsistence. Wage labourer wants to get a maximum wage with a minimum consumption of his working energy. By the same manner his boss desires to acquire maximum benefit of his business while spending a minimum for working force, since capital owner is not able to reduce capital costs without loosing quality of good (or service) produced.
A workman has the only possibility to fight against cut wages, strike, or absenteeism, and lay-off. Later on trade-unions and political parties appear to protect the rights of workman.
Wage workman is a miniature copy of capitalist, a mirror of capitalist or capital brought to a «micro-particle» deprived of means of production like a piece of nucleus without proper electrons. This thesis may be illustrated as follows. Capital as owner means of production purchases government, which presents itself system of law, legislation, court, state apparatus and its punitive system. Political regime serves like handy tool of capital for protecting its wealth, for safeguarding and aggravating of bourgeois exploitation of labour whenever possible. The only way to affect on economic relations from wage worker side is to be on strike or to establish trade-union for the purposes of working conditions improvements or raising wages or even making collective bargaining.
But once there is a chance to change radically social system by establishing political organization, a party aimed at protecting workmen rights, especially when working and life conditions of labourers are at the state of balance with a possibility of workman’s death of starvation and cold or by other crucial reasons. The mischief of it is that society built on property relations influences on any party wishing to take over political power because party itself turns into element of state mechanism. The party suffers a reverse process: from being and instrument of struggle for power it turns into element of property-authority system, to element of governmental structure. Yesterday’s party of workers advocacy is substituting by party of state/capital dictatorship over workers, because within the party all hopes and yearnings are concentrate in one «proprietor» like «elementary particles» of labour. And «labour so far atomized for particles» passes into capital. Workers party passes into state-capital, and ideal form of capitalist which supplants traditional private capital. Extraordinary was the case with Russia, class of large and medium proprietors was eliminated from historic stage at all. Its place in social structure where property relations still dominate was occupied by state-capitalism. There any particular clerk in charge is not a capitalist but merely holds the purses strings on behalf of government bank accounts. These «socialist officials» all together collectively posses means of production in behalf of proletarian people. Here comes «peoples’ capitalism» where government, an impersonal monster, exploits wage earner. That is how things stand with existing ‘socialism’ which is pretended to be a real socialism for over ninety years.
Labour and capital form a dialectic pair, and can not exist without each other as long as property relations remain immutable. When said «worker’s power has overthrown» it means that instead of odd private capitalism one total capitalism – government – has appeared. «People state», «public ownership», «social state» and other household words belonging to passing era is as absurd as «exploitation of free labour», «capital rush for losses», «good evil» or «peaceful war».
Real socialism or «transitional from capitalism socialism» is eventual under positive possession dieing off, under its dissolution amidst labour and capital when capital ceases to be capital while wage labourer stops to be an exploited «working animal». Positive annihilation of possession is not a silly dream. It is thinkable if, for example, 90% of newly produced value (profit plus wage) remains at cooperative fair disposal of goods and services producers themselves as well as owners of means of production. The owner of means of production could get a little larger portion of these 90% if newly produced value for a while unless wage workmen make their own «stock accumulations». Thus labourers may repay means of production from owner and also invest in development, in new machinery that allows raising productivity, or even to start with their own establishments of collective property. Hence, yesterday’s workmen does not reckon as an employee, whilst capitalist can no longer be an employer in a full sense. Property as itself will lose its meaning since necessary labour will be shortened from eight hours a day to several hours a week. It implies that average quantity of socially necessary labour time required for average workman reproduction all around the planet will inexorably be reduced in accordance with a permanent growth of laobur productivity caused by constant scientific and technological change. The list of goods and services indispensable for normal Earth habitant will desist to be inaccessible dream of billion humans.
Still persisting dialectic pair, two marginal contraries of labour and capital are merging in something «the third» that is neither labour, nor capital; nevertheless it contains some features of both melted parts. Property relations or (so-called) freedom is synthesizing in one piece with relations of non-property or necessity. Freedom becomes freedom in a full sense of the word as F.Engels had written: «Freedom is acknowledged necessity and action to overcome this necessity». This kind of socialism as well as this approach has never been existing in any country except some party programs which contain some principles of movement toward real socialism . They are not alone.
Given Internet and other facilities of information production quantitatively and qualitatively developed «power lines» of world social conscious will be lined up according the only possible (correct) way. Finally the Truth of people’s life, of all aspects its production, social and spiritual life will coincide with its reflection in handmade world-wide information environment. Whatever false reflection of reality in the Revolution Ring emerged in some territory will be impossible to retain for a long time. The Truth will amalgamate with human’s Life. Then social life and planet economy will be drawn up along correct lines of information space.
The Ring of Revolution activity will contribute more reason and rational, more self-sufficient humans’ distribution on the planet within certain territories in accordance with their interests and tastes. More cosy and safe life man can live among similar to him. The faith in man is reinforced this way, desirable state of «peace and freedom» or harmony of people with Nature becomes achievable.
The Ring of Revolution is not only technology, machinery and people servicing them; it is humane and respectful regard toward every living creature. The whole mosaic of public opinion and conscious may be presented within the Ring, not only governments and bourgeoisie viewpoint. The Ring of Revolution passes into the Ring of Freedom and Reason and totally dissolves in Human Ocean.
No more bounds and governmental private property on its citizens. Language, customs and culture are no longer obstacle or point of discord but universal wealth of mankind. National localization of nations, nationalities, ethnic groups does not work anymore for the benefit of capitalism. Illiteracy, darkness, religion and racism as eternal habitudes of obscurity are dissipating from victorious light of the Ring. Studying, education, culture, scientific outlook are accepted like overall mode and essential necessity of growing-up mankind.
Money playing the role of «data medium» is telling about individual wealth will lose its actual meaning. Now it’s easy to guess that general crash of American dollar will be followed by collapse of all world currencies which are somehow tied up to currencies of major industrial countries. It will take place because of the simple reason that structure of industrial countries’ economies is getting more and more parasitic: real sector (material production) grows down, non-productive or consuming sector (field of services and infrastructure) increases. There is no doubt that poor countries with material production share in GDP of more than 50% compensate shortage of (tangible) fixed assets in developed countries. Poor countries are urged to pay back inconsistence (better to say inequality of hard currencies quantity with number of goods ‘advanced’ countries produce) of fixed assets with figures of money material in developed nations. Then the truth will be opened world-wide and pyramid of capital parasitic power will ruin.
Unlikely people of the world will tolerate economic parasitism of «golden billion» countries for a long period of time. Money in general will cease to be an instrument of capitalist exploitation but it will be replaced by fair equivalent, by labour hours of different complexity and productivity. These labour hours are the only exchange value for trading of goods and services as well as means of «payment» and «accumulation». Nevertheless, bounds of necessary labour (labour required for extended reproduction of mankind) will shrink tangibly due to world-wide growth of social labour productivity. The set of consumer goods that is now called «property» will be available for overwhelming majority of mankind, so it would stop meaningless chasing of «property».
It is important to remember that extended reproduction of mankind will need to follow the laws of equilibrium in economy: the output of material production sectors should over and above exceed both requirements of material production branches and needs of infrastructural sectors as well as sphere of non-material production. Whether world economy will produce enough surplus produce to meet the needs of equilibrium laws then we may refuse from taxation of any kind.
All potency of the Ring of Revolution will not stand aside the last refuge of parasitism in economy. I mean ‘state’ or ‘government’. On-line environment of the Ring and total transparency of so-called management processes that are performed by actual governmental bodies will not leave space for corruption, thievery and incompetence. Standards of operating costs for typical managerial works, its continuance, quality and complexity which will be set throughout the world could do away with idea of managerial work as of work impracticable for common people, as work of some kind of guru. World market of managerial services newly interpreted may easily master with bureaucracy economic parasitism in today’s governments. Profession that could be named as «workman of organizing activity» will become mass and popular in workmen encirclement and will have nothing to do with clerks’ parasitism.
Revival of the Ring of Revolution by flesh and powerful thought of humanity is objective process that will get stronger as far as more perfect and effective information devices will infest all spheres of people’s life. Such Ring can not belong to a handful of world rulers even due to a technical impossibility of such ‘domination’. The Ring of Revolution is an instrument of conjoining Truth with the very life of humans. Growth of the Ring of Revolution will induce people self-government to a wider all around scale. Power and possession as everybody know and fear of them will die once for all.
The Ring of Revolution has a lot of surprises ahead. With a help of this Ring the Future may come faster then we could imagine.

23rd of May to 3rd of September, 2002.

Keep on reading



Bradbury A. The Ring of Revolution. Saint-Petersburg: Icy Island, 2002, 240p.
The first part of the book is a program of information actions for those who name themselves as left radicals of different kind, or as adherents of workers and communist movement, provided that we live in the XXI century. The second part is an example of utilisation Revolition Ring principles. It is an example of intent analysis of world economy through the weakness of U.S.dollar and world 'household' built on its basis.
Next part>>

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©2005 Alexander Bradbury Part 1 Part 2 Up R.R. W.C.C.T.I.I.À.Ð.Ê.