is relation in modern society defined by three essential components
- possesion, utilisation and disposal which are inseparable from each
other and together giving the idea about the concept and property relation.
Property is a social relationship appeared in a period of breakdown
of primaeval community that was caused by affect of developing productive
forces. Long before severe conditions of life and nature made people
live together, by community. The lack of food and comfort have been
urging people to learn justice and soundness and there was no space
for the property relations either for this idea. Life without possession
was called Community. The absence of property is the first and primitive
idea of communism.
Developing productive forces (instuments of labour and men with their
new skills and abilities) allowed to produce and accumulate surpluses
of product. Before this moment 'property' meant nothing for people.
Surpluses, its accumulation and approprietation became the reason for
emergency of property relations. Conversion and possession awoke sleeping
demons of power and violence that always accompanying mankind under
dominationt of property in human relations. Property has got a steady
foundation for the formation of all modern institutions: classes, state,
army, police, court, prisons and legislation. All of them are servants
of possession. Once appeared property got always associated with death,
violence and war.
Well paid scientists state that property exists forever and always will
exist. But we know for sure since the property emerged once it must
disappear then (twice :)).
means the range of concepts which have as a target and idea the realisation
of social justice, freedom and equality as well as society based on
these ideas.
The term "socialism" appeared in the second half of XIX century
(P. Lerough), however the idea of social justice ascends to ancient
ideas of "golden age"; they heve been developing in different
religions and the in some kind of utopian socialism. Theory of scientific
socialism developed by K.Marx and F.Engels considers socialism as a
lower phase (level) of communism replacing capitalism as a result of
revolution and elimination of private property on the means of production.
Yet it was not easy to just to liquidate private property on conditions
and results of production and substitute it with governmental property.
The state (or government) flattened socialism and not even gave him
to be born. Then we have got a hybrid of capitalism and absolute monarchy,
where the role of monarch performed the cheif of the ruling "workers'"
Nevertheless, state (stalinist) socialism was defeated theoretically
already in the XX century when the range of new socialist ideas was
offered: 'cooperative socialism', 'democratic socialism', 'stateless
socialism', 'self-managing socialism' etc. So the direction to communism
is already known, but noone surmounted it yet nor practically, neither
Property is contradictory definition, since «property» turns «public»
and stops being property by definition. What was called “public” property
in the former USSR was a property of the state (all-nation) not public
(society). So far there was no “social property” in full sense. This
infers that possession and society as a whole are not compatible. This
is not meaning the total “annihilation” or “uptake” of definition property
by the word “social”, or universal. In this case “property” associates
with society and then disappears in it turning to some that is not already
a property, something different.
State property emerged under “state socialism” was named as social property
wishing to oppose it to previously existed private forms – slaveowing,
feudal, and bourgeois. .
As a matter of fact state property (which has only a name ‘socialist’)
became one of private type property, private property of the government.
Such “socialist” government looks like a bigger monopoly corporation
and has the same contents of management and performance but it is more
ruthless and grid owner of means of production than usual private proprietors.
are social groups opposite by their economic and political interests
and standing against each other in societies dominated by property relations.
Property on the means of production (on conditions and results) builts
insuperable wall between classes; along this wall people are divided
by their participation in managing production, by their share in final
product they get after its redistribution, by the extent of their participation
in decision-making and implementation at any possible level.
Classes are differed by the extent of their alienation or integration
to state mechanism, by the level of their takeover or removal from all
branches of power (legislative, executive and judicial) either by possession
or deprivation from any mass-media means.
[State] is
an effect of irreconcilable contradictions in society. It appears because
of property relations, when they take over all reproduction system of
society and over public conscious too.
Property breaks "primaeval communist community". It forms
irreconcilable antagonistic groups: proprieted and propertyless, opressors
and depressed ones, masters and servants, parasites and plodders. These
two main or pivotal social groups later form two principal social classes,
migrating in centuries by different names (slaves and slaveholders,
feudals and peasants, bourgeoisie and proletarieat, state-military officials
and rightless people).
It is impossible to eliminate contradictions between hostile classes
by peaceful ways. That is why more economically powerfull class (that
is called wealthy) invented state for his purposes. Initially it was
just a troops (smaller troops) guarding and serving its master by military
way, by violence it has been accustoming common people to live in obeying
to property and power.
State dies away after once emerged as well as possession, classes and
[Army] is the
major structure of the state (previosly - proto-state) appeared in close
connection with blustery development of property relations and classes,
in close relation with necessity to protect property and its owners
from any propertyless in general. 
Evolution and growth of property, transformation of property to a bigger
power and correspondingly to a bigger wealth requires inevitable growth
of armies (police and punitive forces), growth of its might (speed and
efficiency of murder and demolition). This change goes along with permanent
perfection of weapons, warlike equipment, techniques of military and
special missions. The «Army» went too far from primitive robbery, banditism
and grabbing of property.
Military technilogies are getting more humanless while wars are getting
less "military" and more computerised, information-based,
more technological, economic and financial (monetary and commercial),
and sometimes – food-base, raw material-based etc.
The task of army and war is still the same - fighting for property and
power. Special breed of men - "military men" - are of international
nature. All of them are the same like twin brothers; they are the completely
the same except their hash marks and weaponry used. They recognise each
other through any border, through the oceans and continents and they
understand their common adherence to any type of bloody slaughter, where
they belong.
They understand that thier job to kill and to destroy is guaranteed
for ages untill property and consequently state exist.
is inevitable and perpetual civil war of classes with opposite economic
and political interests. During the crises and reforms it takes a form
of open armed fighting. One of preceding phase of class struggle is
struggle for national emancipation, or fighting for national liberation.
The majority of ruling demagogues that leading government of all developed
agreed with idea of two initiators of international lie when they propose
to conside
there is no class struggle as well as national liberation movement.
The only exist is a faceless and unideaed “international terrorism”.
Illegible world public agreed with that massive lie. However, class
struggle haven’t disappeared then neither national liberation movement.
Class struggle between world capital and world wage workman as usual
takes place on three different levels: 1) economic struggle (wage and
salary, working conditions, trade unions); 2) political struggle (establishment
of parties, organizations, participation in elections, fighting for
power in government and parliament); 3) ideological struggle (working-out
of new scientific theory for motory forces of the coming revolution).
The last two types are almost congealed within two recent decades.
is a product of labour produced for exchange. Commodity is joined together
abstact and concrete labour. Abstact labour creates value and conrete
labour makes use value. Use value is an ability of product to meet any
concrete need.
Anyway value is made up by labour which is inherent feature of living
man. It is live labour that makes new value, new 'economic matter' entering
exchange processes of national economy. Nor land, neither capital (materialised,
former labour) can't increase value, to make new matter for that to
be absorbed by national economy.
Here lies great and simple mystery of capitalist economy. To conceal
that is the principal task of the science paid by capital and government.
[Money] is
a commodity, more specifically one of the huge commodity world. Money
thereat provides exchange of goods but not substitutes them.
Let's repeat, that commodity (or good) is product of labour produced
for exchange. This useful product has ability to change. This ability
is defined as exchange value. Money simplifies and accelerates exchange
of goods for each other (or for activity).
Money obtained a feature of universal good that can be changed for any
good. Social need in universal instrument has formed objectively and
realised in money; so money may serve as a means of payment, a medium
of exchange and a means of payments and settlements.
Money is a good which had got a close connection with dayly human life.
Since that they start to consider money as eternal thing that has been
existing forever. Besides this functions of money, the list of its functions
made them the object of overall passion to have them.
Absurdity of such wishes opens in the fact that people want to have
pieces of metal (paper, plastic) or magnetic records about someone's
labour hours (in virtual form). You can be deceived that these pieces
of paper, metal or symbols running through electronic networks really
drive Production and Exchange. That's not true. There is no supernatural
power in money. As a matter of fact money is just a sign of value or
designation of the common feater belonging to all goods - to be a carrier
of abstact human labour.
Goods (and services) consumed by man are real carriers of value have
a 'flesh' and effect of their consumtion is felt by living flesh or
by appears on non-living substance. Money is non-real, irrational picture
of value. Just for velocity and simplicity of exchange operations with
goods (and services) money once appeared spontaneously.
Once it has recieved needful characteristic: easy divisibility, smaller
size and durability (as gold and silver for instance). Paper money got
less esthetic but mor applicable. And the thing move faster since plastic
money or electronic money has appeared.
However, the essence of money didn't change because of that, despite
its desapperance in physical terms and turning to electronic signals.
So money is a "commodity" until the total quantity of outstanding
money in economy is equal to sum of prices of commodities (and services)
produced within certain time period. Inflation is devaluation of money,
overproduction of money material. In global world economy inflation
in rich countries is repaid by goods and recourses of poor and less
developed countries.
Money is related with state, possession, exploitation of man by man,
commodity production and exchange very tightly. Money can't exist without
[Value] is
an attibute of all commodity world, as an attribute to be the part of
Universal Labour Time, that is abstact labour time spent on goods (services)
All material things have mass as well as every commodity owns value
(certain amount of abstact human labour absorbed by commodity). The
common character of all goods is to be a bearer of human labour defined
by quantity of working hours that allows them to exchange. And it doesn't
matter that this exchange takes place through the money.
Even in the absence of money (say as an effect of total devaluation)
products of labour may exchange to each other by certain proportions.
Money as a self-consistent product for consumption is not required for
anyone. Money is of overall interest like a commodity, like universal
commodity, like a label of value.
Here comes a quiz. Labour embodied in product, in commodity, by some
strange way is given away within money that can not storage this bigger
quantity of human labour as it is prescribed by someone’s fantasy. Money
material become magic thing, irrationality, mystic form of abstract
human labour. And each person may watch these transformations of “money
matter” to commodities, services, works that are sold and performed
for their owner. There appears the illusion of money domination over
commodities’ matter. While in reality it goes vice versa. Money mass
doesn’t exist without commodity. That is money is a sort of irrational,
metaphysic form of universal labour time. Value is inherent feature
of all goods except money itself.
is expedient human activity aimed at satisfaction of some requirements.
Abstract labour makes "substance of value". If they say that
commodity (labour product) presents several units of value it means
that it contains several hours (months, days, minutes) of abstract human
labour. Energy of human labour transforms the matter of nature, turns
it to useful product (service) which had absorbed some quantity of labourer's
hours. Value is common attribute of all goods let them to exchange each
other through money or without them.
Concrete labour makes use value. Use value is an ability of product
produced to meet certain requirement of human.
In the thing produced abstract and concrete labour are joined to organic
whole. If product was produced for exchange to other products (services)
then it turns commodity. It can be said the commodity absorbed value
and use value which are undivided within good as well.
Labour is a factor of production, continuous opponent of capital, his
glassy reflection. They are differed only by absence/presence means
of production in the hands of labour and capital. Capitalist could not
create anything without working hours of wage worker.
is a social relation. Not just a thing but system of economic and social
interactions in society under most developed form of possession, bourgeois
The relation of capital lies in the fact that free owners of commodities,
labourer and capitalist, meet each other at the market and capitalist
purchases the time of wage worker for a while, hires him and from working
time spent by worker he pays him a portion that is called wage or necessary
labour time. The second portion of working time is named as surplus
time. Capitalist pockets this since these free “commodity owners” are
agreed on these terms. Surplus time is also known by different name
of surplus value. It is surplus value that capitalist steals from worker,
for the sake of this value all this capitalist exploitation ‘mechanics’
is designed. After selling of good at the market surplus value returns
to capitalist as profit. Then he capitalizes it and turns it to capital
and workforce. The opportunity for bigger profit is getting higher.
Right in this place enchantment happens. Because labour force is the
only commodity at the market that can increase initial value by labour
implemented. Only live labour of wage worker can materialize in good
transforming inert natural matter to useful thing or activity.
International character of labour-capital relations is major condition
for his accelerated drive to depletion his development limits. At first
it develops extensively – by taking up new territories, by subjecting
them to the rhythm of bigger industrial production and to the chase
for profit. Then it develops intensively – through the capture of new
sectors of economy by capitalist relations, through intensive spreading
of capitalist productivity on the basis of powerful productive forces
of industrial type. The major and perhaps the least obstacles in quickening
motion of capital are government and military-industrial complex.
is realised or sold surplus value. Profit is the main target of capitalist
production that is based on exploitation of hired labour by capital.
Profit is a component of newly produced by living labour value. The
only way to increase profi is to reduce the proportion of wage in the
amount of capitalist's incomes.
is a factor of production that is used for agricultural production,
for civil construction or constructional activity in infrastructure
sectors; one of the main component of production (others are labour
and capital). Land as it is con not produce anything without labour
applied by workman equipped by means of production which are comply
with existing technological level.
Since the moment of getting the land into overall capitalist turnover
it becomes and object for sale-purchase, that is ‘commodity’. However
it wasn’t commodity ever like seas, rivers or sky. In a property-based
society there are many strange and absurd things. For instance, you
should pay the owner of the land if you use it or rent it. Owner of
the land on the other side produces nothing except his thoughts.
-National Account Systems covers absolutely all ‘technical’ operations
taking place in economy and all resources available in the country.
NAS is a complex of interconnected balance tables with indicators that
are assigned for determination amounts of income, of consumption, accumulation
and capital outlays.
NAS originates from the fact that gross product and national income
of the country are produced both in material production and in sphere
of services!
Economist from St.Petersburg immigrated to USA in 1931 adopted this
technique for local needs slightly modernized it and provided with a
new name ‘method of economic analysis “input – output”. At first sight
this technique is very attractive. It gives an opportunity as if you
can catch all national economy at once. However there is one “but”.
In calculation tables in one and the same columns they put what is produced
as value and what is consumed as value. Herewith the former and the
latter are declared as ‘producing’ sectors. Consequently we get a much
entangled picture. Material production sectors are found in the same
calculation group as sectors consuming their production. Nevertheless,
consumption can’t turn production; service can’t turn tangible good
and product couldn’t be imagined as activity. There is required transition
point, frame of reference. Otherwise we may easily assume that drinking
coffee or having breakfast is back-breaking work either that is needed
to be included to Overall National Account.
NAS worships the purpose of capitalism production to steal and hide
in ‘balances’ surplus value produced by wage workers and servicemen.
Domestic Product [GDP]
is total market value of all goods and services in all sectors of national
economy independently of national ownership of enterprises.
Contradiction sounds already in the very definition: the call “product”
both goods and services. Though good is a substance while service is
a process, activity. It means that process could not be a substance
or “product”. Later we will see why this is.
Gross National Product (GNP) is total market value of
all goods and services in all sectors of national economy independently
of placement of national enterprises (in their own country or abroad).
We add goods and services produces by certain country’s enterprises
located abroad to goods and services which produced inside the country.
The story is the same: services as well as goods turn “products”, matter.
A “product” produced by government officials, by lawyers, by prisons
or by prostitutes that legally pay taxes is also included in gross product.
However, this approach makes no economic sense. These citizens do not
create but just consume material product or “tangible” services that
are produced by other economic sectors. For example, transport, power
supply industry, communication together with industry and agriculture
form irreversible unity of production and exchange. Thereat infrastructure
sectors and non-production sectors do not produce new ‘economic matter’
but only facilitate its locomotion, transformation, redistribution,
absorption. Since such economy invented on the basis of national accounts
by V.Leontiev is suitable for global capitalism it is really concealing
the mystery of bourgeois economy. This sort of accountancy helps developed
countries that mostly produce “services” (for their own consumption
mainly) to purchase economies of poor countries by very low price. The
whole developed world under the guidance of USA has really nothing except
huge debts and enormous GDP calculated on the basis of ‘services’ produced.
[National Income] is
newly produced value during the year by some national economy that was
added by material production sectors and services to society’s wealth.
It is net income of society.
Newly produced value consists of profit (income of employers) and wage
of material production workers in.
Services or activity strictly speaking are not products. Being an activity
services are exchanged to products, more exactly to profit and wage
of material production workers. Services of industrial and of consumer
character are paid by incomes of wage workers and by employers’ income
Services are secondary ones toward material production, toward production
of new matter. The name “matter” may be determined as newly produced
value. Services or usefully consumed activity may be just exchange to
matter of nature absorbed by human, the matter turned labour product,
good, newly produced value.
All the rest sectors consume new matter, product of material production
sectors. As it is seen consumption of matter ‘produces’ some useful
activity. This activity is exchanged for money incomes of wage workmen.
However there is no new value to be produced in the sphere of services.
In these sectors we face only redistribution of national income already
created in material sectors.
is a cocio-economic formation based on private property on the means
of production and exploitation of wage labour by capital with the aim
of gaining profit. Capitalism is the highest form of society's development
that is base of possesion. That is why it is accompanied by violance,
agressiveness, militarism and war aw well as by hanger and povery. They
always going together in one formation despite the highest technological
is a system of ideas and appropriate political structures. Policy as
well as ideology is at the strict compliance with dominated type of
property relations in certain society. Owners of means of productions
define policy and form ideology (or absence of that).
[Party] is
the most politically active party of society united by some idea or
concept. As a rule party has its aim to take over power and making restructuring
of social relations, authority, possession and policy in accordance
to its political program.
(from French imperialisme) largely is government policy aimed at capture
of territories, colonies, establishment of political and economic control
over other nations.
The term got its amplification since the second half of XIX century
especially after publishing “Imperialism” by J. Gobson English economist
(1902). In Marxist theory (Bauer (Austria), R.Gilferding, R.Luxembourg
(Germany), V.Lenin, N.Bukharin (Russia) imperialism is defined as the
highest stage of monopoly capitalism development.
V.Lenin offered the most substantial and critical scientific approach
to analysis of this highest phase of capitalism. He had reviewed practice
of world capitalism of the beginning of XX century and formed five attributes
of imperialism. Analysis of the vast statistic material gave him understanding
of inevitable concentration of capital and emergence of monopolies.
Then he made a conclusion about regularity of merger of bank and industrial
capital and consequent formation of financial capital and financial
oligarchy. At present time this ‘oligarchy’ has subordinated practically
the whole world by global network of banking-financial institutions.
V.Lenin had noted necessity of capital export that is narrowed within
national or regional borders. At the same time export of capital namely
the export of the substance of bourgeois relations has became more important
than export of goods already long ago.
The bigger modern monopolies get due to its mega-mergers the larger
economic and financial power they have. They consider already the whole
nations or regions as object of their capital application. Corporations
actively intervene in policy during the whole XX century. As far as
property means violence then intervention of monopolies was military-based
as a rule.
For the whole XX century crisis have been getting more destructive and
more often. Crisis of capitalism gets eternal nightmare and as a result
it takes open form of the world war or the form of never-ending chain
of local wars demolishing productive forces previously produced. It
means that ‘obsolete capital’ is destroyed as well as ‘excessive’ workforce.
They clean the territory for new objects and causes of exploitation
labour by capital.
Fighting for repartition of the world that V.Lenin had written about
is carrying on permanently between different squadrons of capitalists.
It came obvious attribute of imperialism as the last stage of capitalism
Imperialism, namely time and place of financial capitalism performance
as the most parasitic form of capital existence became an obstacle for
overall productive forces of mankind. For the sake of their profits
and system of its global redistribution alliance of cap
governments are ready to wage a wars, to attack other nations, to cut
again the map of the world. Thus, imperialism is a war, destruction,
hanger, and poverty; and from the other side imperialism is crying wealth,
pimpmobile luxury that never is seen before.
The newest forms of imperialism are: financial colonialism; information
and technological colonialism; permanent presence of troops and military
bases of bigger empires or imperialistic alliances on the other countries
territories as a safe guarantee of their property and profits abroad.
[War] is a continuation
of a policy by different ways, by ways of weaponry, by military invasion,
by military activity on someone's territory.
If we talking about policy of bourgeois governments purchased by own
(or other) corporations we mean aggressive fighting of capital for new
raw material markets and marketing outlets, fighting for working force
market and for new territories. This fighting, these wars are the effect
of economic laws that inevitably drive capital to new captures.
At present there is no necessity to send troops somewhere or to keep
troops close to someone’s border or at military bases. At times it is
enough financial enslavement of nation, domination on its information
and political space.
At dista
approaches to war/crises there are always seen trade wars, custom wars,
and credit and currency wars. Rivals and competitors by capital sooner
or later are to be military enemies. It may happen when there is a menace
of resources depletion or deprivation of living space.
Army, troops is non-democratic institution but it is used by imperialism
for the "reinforcement and spreading of democracy". The outstanding
example of empire's "democratic" activity give as Russia and
USA, either the alliance of bourgeois countries led by NATO commandership.