Russian version.)
In this book I want to tell about the two sides of Being, which
exist inside and surround us, visibly and invisibly, inseparably.
Life and Death, Harmony (Organisation) and Chaos, Hate and Love.
Hence the book is divided in two parts. The first entitled
“Producing Organisation”, the second is called “Annexes”. However
the annexes contain principal works, revealing the essence of chaos
production, and also a short research on the St.John’s Revelation
text, known as the Apocalypse. This text is analysed in the context
of the end of the century, millennium and the two thousand year
period given to mankind by Christ’s Sacrifice for humanity think
about their place on Earth and in the Universe.
In «Producing Organisation» I have made an attempt to explain the
similarity between social organisation (social organism) with an
object of alive Nature, living matter, that exists according the
Laws of Living Substance, and it is not a “dead” object of power
and/or property will. This work gives a new definition of
organisation that is different from traditional definitions, because
laws and categories of living systems are acceptable for social
organisations and organisations in general. Modern sciences,
concepts and paradigms that consider society and social organisms as
mechanic systems divided into subject and object are not appropriate
for the explanation and understanding of the whole variety and depth
of social organism processes, small, medium and big.
The approach mentioned above has required the revision of category
“management” which is used in social organism. Instead of management
it is proposed to take advantage of a category organisation that is
regarding not only the structure but also the activity of productive
character. This sort of activity makes the whole infrastructure the
ring of perfection as the “fifth element”. Even the place of those
structures previously named as managerial is also changing. These
structures became objects, better to say, instruments, conductors of
useful and productive interaction between different “organs”, “parts
of body”, “tissues” of indivisible social organism in comparison
with their former function of being subjects (“masters”) of society.
And these elements of living social organisations transfer
organisational interactions from one to another, promote
co-ordination and the harmonisation of the active living system.
Thus the “state” and “power” became obsolete in their present way of
“ruling” and “controlling”, they are dying out.
This work became some sort of generalization of political work
experiences realised by the “Northern Star” and “Polar Star”
political parties, and also “Polar” political group. My friends and
brothers in arms tenaciously tested the ideas proclaimed in our
programs. Ideas were tested by Time and Practice, enriched, sorted,
ground, useless and outdated was thrown out. This collection of
works is the final part of the trilogy, that includes “Breakthrough
into forbidden future” (Saint-Petersburg, 1996) and “Social Organism
Inner Space” (Saint-Petersburg, «Мера», 1998).
As for the “Last Empire” I should say that given the circumstances
of war in Yugoslavia waged by NATO and USA it sounds cautions, to
stop the massacre, until it’s not too late. Otherwise Chaos, being
produced by the empire and by their satellites will eat themselves,
no stones will be left. For the strengthening of the impression of
horrible danger created by the Chaos-Death producers the attempt was
made to shout aloud to animal-like aggressors through St.John’s
Revelation, who left us the “testimony” sounding like menacing
warning of the Lord almighty.
The worst thing is that «blindfold atlantism» of Americans and
Europeans, sealed by blood in NATO will lead them to the catastrophe
of their “Atlantide”, to the whole disappearance of this anger and
greed for profits and labor exploitation. And in comparison with
this the wreck of “Titanic” will seem like the wreck of a paper ship
in a small pool. For the moment nobody has an idea that America can
be “closed” as well as “opened”. For ever. And it will be a terrible
mystery of two oceans, Atlantic and Pacific. However there is a time
to stop everything.
wish all readers to be attentive and serious. I wish for courage and
diligence both in acquiring knowledge, and in fighting for your
ideas. Of course, if you may have ideas for which you are ready to
give your life.
By the way, be careful with the new metaphor “global hero”. Because
“global hero” is a man without brains but with a gun, without
morality but full of cruelty, without love and filled with death and
chaos. And you should also know about the new mask of the Beast
that is connected with the image of “Babylon” and it splits to ba-Bill-on,
because the Era of Immortality is coming soon. (in Russian “on”
means “he”). This story you can find in annex entitled “Apocalypse
Now” presented in Russian language.
‘So long and thanks for all the fish’.
May 1999, Saint-Petersburg
Chapter 1. Organisation.
and definition
The unity
of the subject and activity in organisation
contradiction of social organization
Enlargement of the social organization (organism)
process of social organisation
Chapter 2. Evolution of Organisation.
development of economic system:
development of political system:
Growth of
abnormal developments
Anarchistic viewpoint on state and management
extension of state parasitism
Chapter 3. Producing Organisation.
reasons for appearance of organizational production
of management theorists and practicians
of organization production
Reasonable economic egoism of social organism. Excursus
and results of organizational production
in organizational production
Preliminary conditions for organizational production
Administrating and Organising as
content of organizational production process
Technological features of organizational production
of organizational production
serious circumstances
Organizational production in sectors of national economy
The place
of organizational activity in system of general domestic production
income and organizational production
consequences of organizational production implementation
“Chilean experiment” – the first attempt for the organizational
production to be implemented
Last Empire (Experience of "Producing Chaos")