Russian version.)
This book was written more than two years ago. Despite this it is
still quite essential for current processes analysis. Certainly the
book has a lot of scientific audacity, especially in destroying of
old economics, management, and law paradigmas. It gives the reasons
and explanation why and how the existing social relations such as
capital, money, capital, state are dying, and exhausting their life
cycle according the objective economic and social Laws. And we can
not stop the realization of this Laws' necessity. Here comes the Era
of Atheism. And this atheistic revolution is fighting with the
religions of Money, Capital, Slavery (Serfdom). The emancipation
from mental slavery is changing with Real Freedom provided by
knowledge and comprehensive education of mankind. The coming of the
new understanding on social matter development we can estimate from
different signs of deep crisis in social sciences all over the
world. Because modern social science are incapable to give a
reasonable and mere explanation and good forecasts for economic and
social activity of humanity both in developed and developing
countries. Mostly it is astrology of monetarism or alchemy of
econometrics. Here we start with the critic of "religion" in general
- a "precondition of any other criticism", - as Karl Marx said.
26th of August, 1998
Chernishev V.M., 1996
Chernishev V.M., cover design, 1998
Chapter 1.
Processes: Atheistic Revolution against State, Money and Religion
1.1. Philosophy of Information Production
1.2. Information Production and Industry of Services: From
Equipment and Technology to Organization and Economy
Chapter 2. Consequences: The End of "Intermediate's" Era
2.1. Exhaustion of bourgeois political economy and "Political"
economy as a whole (funeral of Political Economy)
2.2. The Crash of traditional State and Law Theory
2.3. Insolvency of the classical Management theories
2.4. The Erosion of Church in general and of all world religions
Chapter 3.
Results: The Victory of the Scientific Viewpoint on Universe and
the end of mind slavery
3.1. New economy of social relations
3.2. Organizational production versus Management
3.3.Philosophy-XXI: Self-Organizing Society and Community
Conventional remarks in text