War as a commodity
11 February, inauguration
of the NATO Documentation Centre for European Security Issues at the Institute
of Scientific Information for Social Sciences (INION) in Moscow. Alliance
conquered “information foothold” in the capital of Russia.
Peacemaking: 20 February, NATO announces readiness to organise and lead
a mul-tinational force in Bosnia and Herzegovina after the expiry of SFOR’s
mandate in June 1998, subject to UN Security Council mandate. 25 February,
the Secretary General of NATO welcomes the agreement between the UN Secretary
General and Iraq on a diplomatic situation to the Iraq crisis(??). NATO’s
chief emphasizes importance of immediate and unconditional access to be
provided for the UN weapons of destruction inspectors (according the resolutions
of Security Council) to factories in Iraq where to Washington opinion
chemical and biological weapon is produced. 4 March, the North Atlantic
Council welcomes UN Security Council Resolution 1154 relating to Iraq
and gives its strong support to UN insistence on full compliance by Iraq.
5 March, the North Atlantic Council issues a statement expressing its
concern over recent violent incidents in Kosovo and calls on all sides
to take immediate steps to reduce tensions. The Council issues a statement
supporting the efforts of the OSCE Mission to Croatia relating to the
resettlement of refugees and displaced persons and reminds Croatia of
its obligations under the Bosnian Peace Agreement. Thus, NATO for the
first time audibly expressed their “concern” on opposition in Serbian
province Kosovo where kosovar extremists suddenly appeared. Then the events
move very fast. Now we go by dates of the year 1998.
11 March, Ambassadors and representatives of EAPC countries discuss the
serious developments in Kosovo and enumerate the conditions needed for
peaceful settlement. Did political-diplomatic fuss start around this Kosovo?
No, it started around Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 28-29 May, at the
meeting of the North Atlantic Council, NATO Foreign Ministers issue a
statement expressing concern over the situation in Kosovo and outline
measures being taken to contain the crisis and to seek a peaceful resolution.
Simultaneously internation media at all possible levels controlled by
Euro-American bigger capital began their campaign of making image of fascist
Yugoslavian regime.
Establishment of the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre
(EADRCC) at NATO under the aegis of the EAPC.
At the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council Meeting in Luxembourg, NATO
and Russia condemn nuclear tests conducted by India and Pakistan. 30 May,
the NATO Secretary General did the same and condemns further nuclear tests
by Pakistan and calls on India and Pakistan to halt nuclear and missile
testing, adhere to the NPT (non-proliferation treaty) and CTBT and begin
a dialogue to reduce tensions.
11-12 June, the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council (Defence Ministers)
agrees to continue NATO-Russia cooperation in SFOR and condemns Belgrade’s
use of force in Kosovo as well as attacks by Kosovar extremists
2-3 July, NATO Information Seminar takes place in Sarajevo, aimed at encouraging
the development of democratic practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
9 December, the NATO-Russian Permanent Joint Council meets at foreign
minister level. Ministers review implementation of the 1998 PJC Work Programme,
welcoming progress made on developing a strong, stable partnership and
emphasising the usefulness of the PJC in promoting consultation, coordination,
and joint action.
The NATO-Ukraine Commission meets at foreign minister level. Ministers
review the implementation of the NATO-Ukraine Charter and agree on the
work programme for 1999. A Memorandum of Understanding is signed concerning
the appointment of two NATO Liaison Officers in Kyiv. NATO Ministers welcome
the announcement of Ukraine's "State Programme of Cooperation with
NATO to the Year 2001". It might be thought that Russia and Ukraine
derelict territories.
December 1998, Desert Fox mission being held by the US and UK against
Iraq and consisting of bassive air strikes of Iraqi industrial targets
suspected in production of massive destruction weapons. As a matter of
fact the “conflict” lies in different plane. By December 1998 dollar dropped
down in currency markets by his lowest level that was caused by the threadt
of Bill Clinton impeachment due to sexual scandal. It was required to
save the situation. As soon as air strikes started, oh miracle, dollar
was balanced again, currency and stock markets calmed down with respect
to the US economy.
The year 1998 is marked with “growing international concern” on “repressions
and ethnic cleansing” carried by Serbian government against kosovan Albanians.
This ‘concern’ mostly inspired by media. “Different diplomatic initiatives
and talks could not convince the government of president Milosevic to
change their policy” – declares official NATO site. But what was beneath
the events around Kosovo which were used by the “world community” presented
by NATO for the direct invasion in Yugoslavia. Besides this, NATO’s air
strikes in another country (Iraq) became routine.
We see new technology of transformation of hostile and derelict space
into frendly ones instead of aggressive invasion with the use of dogs
of war. There we may find the principal accent – footing on local forces
(ethnic of religious). Technology was tested in Afghanistan where the
chaos took over after soviet troops leaving. In nothern provinces of Pakistan
where pusthtuns live new divisions of afganistan movement was formed by
pakistanian intelligence and the movement had been named “Taliban”. This
Taliban monement appeared from no quarter during several months went through
the country and took over three third of the territory .
One of the secrets of success was in uninterrupted supply of weapons and
ammunition and also in participation of pakistanian officers of pusthun
nationality on Taliban side. Besides this it was known that all pakistanian
military camps preparing hits for Afganistan were under guardianship of
the US CIA. Approximately during these years the same techniques is successfully
applied in Central Africa. Literally within several years small bu militant
nation tootsie living on vast territory set control over number of countries.
Tootsie nation that made the framework of Uganda army came to help their
tribesmen in Burundi and Rwanda. Then they assisted their tribesmen in
Zair. As a result in a short time they took over the capitol and overthrew
former regime. It would hardly happlen if the bigger international business
will be interested in the events around the territory of the former Belgium
Congo. In this place the half of the world uranium mining is concentrated.
This place is also rich with copper, cobalt, diamond and tantalus oxide
deposits. It was not by chance that after first “congolese crisis” of
1960 when people government led by P.Lumumba nearly appeared African department
was founded in CIA as well as American intelligence presence in Africa
was enlarged. .
All three campaigns, afganian, central African and present balkanian,
go the same scenario. Technology remains the same. Each war is forestalled
by civil war and ethnic cleansing which cause great flow of refugees in
allied territories with ethnically related population .
There at peculiar footfolds which are controlled mostly by pro-american
authorities they established bases and headquarters of future army. Simultaneosly
they screen and select command personnel. There is no shortage in recruits;
they are gathered from refugees that are bloody-minded and easy conceiving
nationalism as idea of ‘national emansipation’. Here under guidance of
professional instructors they study accelerated training. After training
divisions of rebels consolidated by regular army officers of relative
country they begin pitched battle. The lack of professionalism is well
compensated by high militant spirit of such armies, they are inspired
by the sense of revenge and literally fight for the “motherland”.
At the same time rebel armies are greatly depended of rears on the territories
of neighbouring (relative) countries, of regular supply of weapons and
of good financing via dummy accounts substantiated by CIA, NATO and Pentagon
and other institutions struggling for “national liberation” and for the
human rights in trhough bourgeois world. Therefore these armies are quite
manageable. Yet there is a danger that “rebel armies” can get out of control
right after victory. The example is Afganistan talibs which became very
obstinate when they took over power or Albanians in Kosovo which did not
calm after NATO forces were deployed there. They have continued their
great march to the South of Serbia (Preshevo valley) and to Macedonia.
Nationalism has no brake.
So the current boundary of NATO’s incrusion is Republic Yugoslavia. It
should be captured by the same internal ethnic conflict. Albanians in
Kosovo province were well enough for this porpose. According the Sunday
Times yet in 1996 CIA establish close contacts with Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA) in northern regions of Albania and during the OSCE commission
working in Kosovo these relation were consolidated substantially. Mission
was led by American diplomat W.Walker who was suspected CIA related during
his work as US ambassador in Salvador.
Moreover after evacuation of mission americans left satellite communication
system and guidance system to Albanian hits so commanders of KLA could
directrly speak by phone to NATO Commander in Chief in Europe and to american
general W.Clark as well as to Washington. CIA agents that operated in
Kosovo in 1998 as OSCE mission watchers carried out work on studying KLA
soldiers. Albanian community of the USA had managed delivery of sniper
riffles to Kosovo. It was done under colour of procurement of weapons
for hunting clubs allegedly organised by KLA in Albania. .
Beginning of opposition of Kosovar Albanians and Serbian leadership was
put in 1989 when S.Milosevic took away Kosovo province autonomy. In February
1990 troops, tanks, planes and 2000 policemen were sent to Kosovo. From
time to time inter-ethnic clashes took place. In July 1990 Kosovo assembly
declared independence of province; after that it was dismissed by Belgrade.
In 1991 Bosnian war had began; the parliament of neighbouring Albania
acknowledged Kosovo as independent republic. In May 1992 the writer I.Rugova
was elected president of self-declared republic. In October the same year
Serbian leadership and Kosovar Albanians met each other for talks. But
the talks failed. In 1993 more than 30 Albanian were arrested suspected
in preparation of mutiny. In August 1995 Belgrade resettled several hundreds
of refugees from Croatia; it aroused anger of local ethnic leaders. In1996
right at the moment when CIA specialist were here it is noticed growign
activity of underground Army of Kosovo Liberation after series of blasts.
In 1997 fierce clashes of Albanian extremists with police and Serbian
forces had been developed, attacks on police precincts, on Serbian refugees
camps; rector of Pristina university of Serbian nationality was heavily
injured etc.
Critical pressure in “Albanian boiler” was reached in 1997 when economic
crisis occurred in the country aggravated by disruption of financial pyramids.
National economy was found in chaos. Crowds of armed people (weapon was
grabbed from stores and arsenals) run around the whole territory. The
country is about at the state of civil war. This collective aggression
had to be channeled somewhere. There was a chance – idea of “Great Albania”
(including part of Greece, Macedonia and Yugoslavia) the same empire fairy-tale
for idiots fooled by temptations of bourgeois civilization. And the volunteers
trained by CIA are available now.
And now on 15 April 1997 the first of 6000 “humanitarian” Italian-led
multinational security landing force arrived at Tirana’s airport. Operation
Alba aims at the protection of humanitarian aid to Albania, since Albania
was at the state of serious economic crisis close to chaos. From that
moment we may start counting of NATO forces official pressence in direct
closeness to Yugoslavian border. Scenario working-out under general title
“national liberation” or “human rights protection” which were developed
in Afganistan with talibs and in Central Africa with tootsie nation, enriched
by experience of “peacemaking” in Croatia, Bosnia ana Herzegovina had
been started against bigger Yugoslavia from Albanian territory. Global
bourgeois television had a great contribution to these pre-war operations.
Further, in May 1997 WEU (military-political organisation established
in 1954) decided to send Multinational Advisory Police Element (MAPE)
to Albania as a part of “world community” efforts especially of OSCE and
EC. The main task of MAPE was in consultations and training of instructors.
Military, diplomatic, political and information-psychological preparation
of NATO forces invasion had began long before the 24 March 1999.
In February-March of 1998 ethnic Albanians elected president and parliament
of Kosovo. Belgrade considered these elections illegal. Serbia in turn
hold a referendum on the issue on foreign intervention in Yugoslavia.
95% of Serbs voted against intervention.
So on 5 March 1998, the North Atlantic Council issues a statement expressing
its concern over recent violent incidents in Kosovo and calls on all sides
to take immediate steps to reduce tensions. 28-29 May, at the meeting
of the North Atlantic Council, NATO Foreign Ministers issue a statement
expressing concern over the situation in Kosovo and outline measures being
taken to contain the crisis and to seek a peaceful resolution. 11-12 June,
the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council (Defence Ministers) agrees to
continue NATO-Russia cooperation in SFOR (Bosnia!) and condemns Belgrade’s
use of force in Kosovo as well as attacks by Kosovar extremists. Rebels
were already authoritatively named as “side” in some previous statements.
15 June 1998, NATO air exercise “Determined Falcon” takes place in Albania
and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in “agreement with the respective
governments”. The skills of air strikes worked out will be very useful
for Alliance forces so soon.
12 August, leadership of NATO continued to form information environment
favourable for the future war operation. J.Solana expresses “deep concern”
over the continuing violence in Kosovo, indicating that the North Atlantic
Council had reviewed military planning for options to bring an end to
the violence and create conditions for negotiations. Good goal and its
“means” are declared now! 14 September, NATO Secretary General Javier
Solana calls on all sides to show restraint and establish conditions for
a return to a peaceful and stable environment throughout Albania. NATO
General Secretary openly acknowledged that civil war takes place in Albania,
and one of the pivots of this war is radical extremism known as nationalism.
And nationalism as we know feeds with blood. Therefore this evil energy
have to be channeled to the right bed, the bed is desireable for the war
30 September, at a meeting of the Permanent Joint Council, NATO and Russia
discuss continuation of NATO-Russia cooperation in SFOR and “reiterate
concern” about the humanitarian situation in Kosovo.
13 October, the “world community” in the absence of compliance by the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with UNSCR 1119, the North Atlantic Council
reviews the situation in Kosovo and issues activation orders (ACTORDs)
for both limited air strikes and a phased air campaign in Yugoslavia after
approximately 96 hours. Such “bomb blackmail” this method was implemented
in Bosnia, Sarajevo. And now it’s a common practice of UNO, which is NATO
pretending to be a savior of the world ‘of its security’.
15 October, visits to NATO by the President of Latvia, and by the Prime
Minister of Poland. NATO Secretary General visits Belgrade, accompanied
by the Chairman of the Military Committee General Naumann and Supreme
Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) General Clark, to insist upon full and
immediate compliance by President Milosevic with UNSCR 1119 relating to
Kosovo. Resolution calls for cease-fire by “both sides”, stop captureing
hostages (this way UN entitles military prisons – Serbs and KLA soldiers)
and commencement of political dialogue, dialogue of legal Yugoslavian
government with nationalistic extremists. UN Resolution put both sides
on the same level and menacing visit of two general to NATO HQ had to
put an end to Milosevic resistance. To comply with UN Resolution on Yugoslavia
meant to acknowledge illegal military formations and their territorial
claims as legal; and to start with dialoge meant to give away part of
the territory to those who fight for “Great Albania” inspired by the “world
community” of bigger capital. As a result of the visit agreement is signed
on air verification force over Kosovo.
13-15 October, under the aegis of the NATO Air Defence Committee, a first
joint exercise is held at Kayseri airbase in Turkey, involving the strategic
loading of a NATO mobile air defence radar by a Russian Illuyshin 76 heavy
transport aircraft. The exercise is in preparation for potential cooperation
in combined peace support operations. Moreover, it’s not a long time to
wait. 16 October, the North Atlantic Council announces its decision to
maintain its readiness to launch air operations against Yugoslavia and
extends the period before execution of air strikes to 27 October.
Further, 20, 24-25th October, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)
General Clark meets Serbian leadership in Belgrade over the Kosovo crisis,
then 24-25 Clark return to Belgrade to meet the Serbian leadership over
the Kosovo crisis. Importance of the word “crisis” that was multiplied
thousand times in world media is incontestable. In October Western governments
called their citizens to leave Yugoslavia since NATO is already prepared
for bombing.
27th of October, NATO Secretary General Javier Solana issues a statement
noting improvement of the security and humanitarian situation in Kosovo
following the decisions taken by the North Atlantic Council on 13 October;
reaffirming the need for full compliance with UNSCR 1119 and 1203; announcing
the maintenance of NATO’s ACTORD for limited air operations subject to
decision and assessments by the Council and maintenance of the ACTORD
for a phased air campaign; and calling for equal compliance with UNSC
Resolutions by the Kosovar Albanians.
19 November, again the North Atlantic Council expresses concern about
the deteriorating situation in Kosovo, insisting that all parties must
comply fully with relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.
And on 26 November NATO Secretary General and Supreme Allied Commander
Europe visit the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to discuss the
situation in Kosovo with President Kiro Gligorov and senior government
officials. Let’s note that “UN” and NATO forces are already deployed in
Macedonia. Then on the 30th of November NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council
once again discusses NATO-Russia cooperation in SFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina
and ways to cooperate in support of the international verification mission
in Kosovo like if Kosovo is yet handing over under NATO and ‘partners’
jurisdiction. “Visitors” of NATO HQ are ought to say yes because they
have nothing to oppose inherently to “concern about peace and security”
in Europe lands.
2 December, it is announced that the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
agrees to allow a NATO force to be stationed on its territory, to evacuate
international personnel involved in the OSCE verification mission in neighbouring
Kosovo, if called upon to do so. As you can see everything is prepared
for the completion of the plan conventionally named as the “former Yugoslavia”.
Thus, the whole 1998 was practically spent by “world community” for information-political
run-up to Yugoslavian war. The most international bureaucratic structures
fed by world capital were engaged such as UNO, OSCE, EC, WEU; and governments
of different countries, inter-governmental and non-governmental institutions
all of them express their decisiveness to support and even to take part
in punishment of “aggressor”.
But there was a need in some incident, large scale provocation which should
be combined with so-called negotiation process. This will explode indignation
of “world community” for the hot phase of the war to be commenced. Here
come the year 1999. All vectors of different forces were crossed at “Kosovo”.
13 January 1999, following the growing tension in Kosovo between ethnic
Kosovar Albanians and the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(FRY), NATO representatives have been meeting regularly at NATO HQ, Brussels.
During talks between General Klaus Naumann, General Wesley Clark and President
Slobodan Milosevic in Belgrade, the Serb president clearly adopted an
uncooperative position. As a result, further meetings are being held at
NATO HQ between member countries and with Russia to discuss possible solutions
to the crisis.
17 ÿíâàðÿ NATO Secretary General, on behalf of the North Atlantic Council,
condemns the massacre of Kosovar Albanians by Serb forces in Racak and
calls on the Yugoslav authorities to cooperate fully with the ICTY in
accordance with UN resolutions and to bring those responsible to justice.
Next day 18 January NATO Generals Wesley Clark, Supreme Allied Commander
Europe, and Klaus Naumann, Chairman of the Military Committee, go to Belgrade
to impress upon the Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic the gravity
of the situation in Kosovo.
20 January, it was decided to turn large scale provocation prepared in
NATO bosom into world show. World media for a long time yet uses the wording
“crisis in Kosovo”. NATO increases its military preparations just to strengthen
the “demands of world community”. NATO allies, representative of OSCE
and EC as well as Contract Group (including France, Germany, Italy, Russia,
UK and USA) review a “set of different options to support efforts of the
world community to bring Yugoslavian government back to negotiations”
» .
28 January, the growing “cooperation” between the United Nations (UN)
and NATO was further reinforced, with the visit of the UN Secretary General,
Kofi Annan, to NATO. This was the first time a UN Secretary General had
ever made an official visit to NATO HQ, Brussels. That’s the fact UN Secretary
General visited NATO HQ and not vice versa. This way the pressure on Yugoslavia
by NATO forces was raised on the international level and UNO got a new
status, ‘Daughter Company’ of NATO. The last circumstance is especially
important at the eve of the coming war of “world community” in the name
of NATO countries against Yugoslavia. K.Annan the chief of UNO discussed
“crisis in Kosovo” and situation in Bosnia.
And now move back to “tragedy in Racak village”, to this provocation of
the “world community” for it was organized to make bombing of Yugoslavia
As a matter of fact in January 1999 squads of Serbian police killed 45
Albanians. Serbs did not make a secret of the fact that those killed were
hits of Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) which open fire from roadblock. Behind
this international vanity nobody mentioned that nationalistic extremists
made the whole “Army”, not a squad of small unit – the Army that was equipped
enough to oppose regular forces and police troops of Serbia. Therefore
this version about “peaceful citizens” has nothing to do with reality.
Representatives of OSCE headed by mentioned above W.Walker (CIA ‘specialist’)
urgently arrived to the place Racak. Those arrived called this “genocide
crime”. Mr. Walker declared about this all over the world. He did not
allow representatives of Yugoslavian leadership to Racak as well as prosecution
investigators and Yugoslavian journalists, and stated that he was a witness
of massacre. Next day he called press-conference for foreign and Albanian
journalists and told about brutality toward peaceful population . Even
accent was made on the fact that “quiet” citizens of Albanian nationality
were killed. However, Kosovo province is settled not only by Albanians
but by Serbs, Gypsies, and Macedonians etc. Why did they refer to only
“two sides” of opposition in all high level statements? Even in this we
may recognise nasty job of CIA, NATO and UN bureaucrats in course of their
working up of dealing with Yugoslavian regime.
In January 1999 we face with show that was set ant performed by OSCE-CIA
specialists aligned with camera crews of American and European television,
the show “tragedy in Racak village”. According the official version of
global media Serbs killed 45 “peaceable Albanians”. This takes place at
the eve of negotiations in February-March in Rambouillet, France. Serbian
and Albanian delegations have been trying to negotiate at the presence
of western representatives who play the roles of conductors.
In parallel to training of Albanian hits they have been continue with
massive information working up of the oncoming attack on Yugoslavia. Global
bourgeois television that is well paid widely discussed and enormously
replicated the phrase “mass massacre” spreading hatred toward Serbian
regime which was known by common peoples of Europe and America as fascist
regime. NATO forces in effect have got a moral right and applause for
punishment of Yugoslavia and legally elected president.
Belarusian and Finnish experts visited Racak had found that the clothes
of dead was deliberately changed after their death. The corpses were moved;
on their arms they’ve found taints of gunpowder. This is the evidence
that “peaceful citizens” held weapons in their arms and shot before they
were killed. Their clothes however were unharmed while the bullet traces
were on their corpses. As a matter of fact Racak was the centre of KLA
at that time. There was no mass massacre. It was just a combat action
between Serbs and Albanians. Then the stage version was made followed
by monstrous information provocation. . More recent investigations in
November 1999 involved Dr. Helen Rant from Finland confirmed this. The
results were sent to Hague. Although by this moment the war was over and
the money assigned for it was spent.
To some extent this prevocational technique had been reflected in American
motion picture “Wag the dog” that was shot not long before the actual
events “performed alive”.
And before this dramatic period yet on 29 January, Contact Group called
Yugoslavia to start negotiations in Rambouillet, France. 6 February, NATO
has announced that it is prepared to support these peace efforts with
military force, if necessary, including the use of air strikes against
targets on FRY territory should both parties refuse to comply with the
conditions set out by the “international community”.
Milosevic regime rather than “both parties” of the conflict was found
under combined pressure of the United Nations, NATO, the OSCE the EU and
the Contact Group despite the words said by NATO officials. 30 January,
if negotiations fail, it should be recalled that NATO decided to authorise
the Secretary General to order military action to bring about an end to
the conflict. In the meantime J.Solana of NATO travels along the northern
and southern member countries of Alliance raising support of world ‘elite’
to bombing-pedagogic action toward Yugoslavia. They spread air strikes
against Serbian positions responsible for conducting repression in Kosovo.
Yet on 8 February in course of his voyage to Spain and meeting with local
leader J.Solana discusses details of operation Joint Guardian concerning
the deployment of NATO forces in Kosovo. In other words by 8 February
the issue of offensive into Yugoslavia is already solved. So far Serbians
are not aware of it.
6 February, peace negotiations started in Rambouillet. The decision made
on 30 January by the NAC to delegate to the Secretary General the authority
to initiate air strikes, stands as a warning to both sides that NATO's
threat to use force is real and to underline the pressing need to reach
an agreement. The show goes on.
10 February, NATO is monitoring developments at Rambouillet closely and
stands ready to play its part in the international community's efforts
to bring about a peaceful resolution (and ‘operation’ can’t be cancelled)
of the crisis. At the same time the NATO Extraction Force, under operation
Joint Guarantor and based in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
is ready to assist the OSCE , if required, with the extraction of Kosovo
Verification Mission observers and the NATO-led aerial surveillance over
Kosovo continues under operation Eagle Eye.
16 February. Approximately 20 000 soldiers are participating in a NATO
exercise, Battle Griffin 99, from 16 February to 3 March in central Norway.
The exercise involves the deployment of NATO forces in a crisis situation
with the aim of practicing the Alliance's readiness to secure the collective
defence of its members. Land, sea, air and Home Guard Forces from 8 NATO
countries (Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, the
United Kingdom and the United States) are involved
23 February, NATO welcomes the substantial progress made in the Kosovo
Peace Talks in Rambouillet and looks forward to the Implementation Conference
on 15th March, 1999. The Secretary General has called upon both parties
to build on the considerable progress achieved at Rambouillet and to seize
the opportunity to achieve a lasting peace J.Solana calls both parties
to follow cease-fire. This phrase means that “both parties” are weaponed
or that they are not “peaceable citizens” that were spoken about with
respect to Racak massacre. The core of NATO’s blah-blah is that it confirms
readiness to initiate air strikes on Yugoslavia; this is the argument
in “peace” talks. 24 February, since the beginning Kosovo peace talks
at Rambouillet, NATO is still monitoring the situation on the ground closely.
In recent days, the Secretary General, Dr Javier Solana, has expressed
his deep concern about the violence in Kosovo. “Doctor’s” deep concern
is explainable. Being a “doctor” he calls both parties to “stop human
By the beginning of March 1999 KLA was almost wholly overrun by Serbian
troops during the last week decided to intercept communications of Serbian
army. It was not envisaged by long-term plan of Yugoslavian federation
undertook by American and European capitals.
3 March. The situation in Kosovo remains high on the agenda of the North
Atlantic Council and member nations of the Alliance. NATO officials continue
to make clear the Alliance's readiness to support the efforts of the international
community and those of Ambassadors Hill, Petritsch, and Mayorski as they
seek to negotiate an interim peace agreement for Kosovo. Allied air forces
also remain ready to conduct air strikes when necessary, if an agreement
cannot be reached. Please notice that nobody in Rambouillet set the issue
about bringing of NATO troops (and withdrawal of Serbian ones) yet. That
notorious “plan B” suddenly appears at the end of “negotiations” as ultimatum
to FRY.
15 March, the negotiations on an Interim Peace Agreement for Kosovo were
resumed in Paris. In response to an invitation from the Conference organisers,
NATO has sent a delegation of civilian and military officials to provide
advice to the negotiators on military implementation issues during the
Conference. Alliance is still ready “to solve the issue by military means”
to make Yugoslavia to fulfill “agreement”.
However, the Alliance has followed with concern, the increasing level
of violence in and around Kosovo, and the failure of both parties to comply
with relevant Security Council Resolutions and other agreements, which
have as their objective to create conditions conducive to finding a peaceful
solution to the current crisis.
March. At the conclusion of the negotiations on an Interim Peace Agreement
for Kosovo the Kosovar Albanian delegation signed the Interim Peace Agreement,
but the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) delegation refused to do
so due to “plan B”, which appeared suddenly as ultimatum for Belgrade.
Yet before this on 22 March the Secretary General of NATO consulted with
all Allies in accordance with the authority delegated to him by the North
Atlantic Council on 30 January, about the launching of air operations
following the “suspension of the talks” on 19 March. And in this case
it is clear that even without signing an agreement by Yugoslavian side
the bombing war against Yugoslavia was predetermined. As it was before
Alliance “noticed” growing level of violence against civil population
and other tales of prepaid international media. Therefore on 23 March
(he was in hurry) he had directed SACEUR to initiate air operations in
FRY aimed at “halting the violence and bringing to an end the humanitarian
crisis in Kosovo”, preventing the spread of instability in the region
and securing a political settlement.
24 March, operation Allied Force began “after months of intense effort
by the International Community to find a political solution to the crisis
in Kosovo”. NATO's decision to resort to the use of force was taken only
after it became clear that all efforts to achieve a negotiated, political
solution to the Kosovo crisis had failed and no other alternative was
open, - informs NATO site. So it is getting easier to lie from now on.
The war had begun. And the causer is known in advance.
Alliance is now intended to carry out operation against police and military
“targets” aiming at annihilation and weakening of Yugoslavian government
ability to continue with “terror campaign toward civil population of Kosovo
in order to prevent further humanitarian disaster and avoid extension
of instability in the region” – defames official NATO site. “This expansion
against military structure of FRY will enforce destruction of strategic
targets of Yugoslav army despite essential risk (!). Each action to be
carried out should avoid collateral damage. But should we consider hundreds
of thousands of refugees due to bombing as a “collateral damage” after
24 March, and not before this date?
31 March, as NATO states, so far, more than 430,000 deportees have flowed
into neighbouring countries since 24 March 1999, to find refuge from the
Serb Army and special police units. And certainly, the Alliance is providing
assistance to tens of thousands of refugees who have been driven from
their homes. Individual NATO member countries are temporarily taking in
refugees and organising airlifts. NATO forces already in the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia - the ARRC: the Allied Command Europe (ACE) Rapid
Reaction Corps – have set up a "tented city" to assist thousands
of refugees coming over the border. Food, medical supplies and a water
purification plant “have already been supplied”. (It was prepared long
before and money was envisaged). NATO has opened up a relief supply route
for helicopters between Tirana and Kukes on the border. General Sir Michael
Jackson went to Albania “for consultations”.
By 4 April big noise was made by NATO’s gang which was fixed by Yugoslavian-aimed
air strikes. The North Atlantic Council holds a meeting at NATO HQ with
EU member states, the OSCE Chairman-in-office, the UN High Commissioner
for Refugees, the Council of Europe and the Western European Union to
coordinate efforts to address the grave humanitarian crisis caused by
the actions of Serb forces in Kosovo.
9 Apri,l J.Solana makes a statement rejecting cease-fire proposed by Belgrade
as insufficient and stresses that Milosevic must meet the demands set
by the “world community”: a peaceful multi-ethnic democratic Kosovo in
which all its people live in security. This would mean that operations
in Kosovo will continue until president Milosevic fulfill NATO demands:
a) a verifiable stop to all military action and the immediate ending of
violence and repression (even in this way of spelling Global Lie being
copied by Alliance can be distincted); b) the withdrawal from Kosovo of
the Yugoslav military, police and paramilitary forces; c) the stationing
in Kosovo of an international military “presence”; d) the unconditional
and safe return of all refugees and displaced persons and unhindered access
to them by humanitarian (like NATO – AB) aid organisations; e) credible
assurance of Milosevic's willingness to work on the basis of the Rambouillet
Accords towards a political solution for Kosovo. Let’s remind we are talking
about sovereign state Yugoslavia that was invaded by 19 NATO members.
The lie might be of another kind: foreign ministers “condemned Yugoslavian
leadership which uses refugees as a mean of destabilization in other countries
of region”. It seems that big flow of refugees caused by something different
than NATO air strikes.
Yet by the end of March after several weeks of bombing Europeans especially
Germans were horrified: victims among civil population – Serbs, Albanians;
destructions, the threat of ecological disaster in Europe. Was it the
way to follow by? This is why one German provocation prepared in defense
ministry was lent. Defense minister R.Sharping found so called “Potkova”
plan handed over by some curious way from Austria to german foreign minister
J.Fischer who passed it to defense ministry . Sharping was retired in
July 2002 following the scandal that reminds the “writers’ case” (Chubais
and others from Russia). Fischer in the very July was also under suspicion
of court due to fee received for unpublished book. We may suggest that
the book was identical “Potkova”, and the money paid was for that book.
“Potkova” Plan according to Sharping dealt with one operation of Serbian
commandership on withdrawal of Albanians from Kosovo. Actually it was
a range of report about status of Serbian army and several radios intercepts
of Serbian troops talks; in other words papers were about the past events.
In some of this ‘documents’ it was said about one task of Serbian commandership
– neutralization of Army of Kosovo liberation as terrorist organization
within Yugoslav territory. But Sharping and his bonnets glued the “Plan”
from these pieces; that “Plan” was concerned with ethnic cleansing carrying
out in Kosovo foisting the authorship to Yugoslavian leaders. World media
picked this poisoned grain of German defense ministry all the more it
was said that the “Plan” was made even before the war. “Potkova” Plan
was so primitively made that even in the very German defense ministry
it was found as fake. They just attached cover page «“Potkova” Plan» to
the package of different reports so they got the ‘whole military plan’
false through since it hasn’t existed ever.
German journalists noted that the title “Potkova” used by military has
Bulgarian but not Serbian origin. And in Serbian language it looks like
However they made use of this provocation. The war is waged, money is
assigned for it. NATO presenting now 19 countries starts military actions
against independent state without sanction of the world community. It
was untimely during the war to recall that long before the March of 1999
a huge amount of media companies worked a lot producing “information product”
of the raw material coming from Balkan Peninsula. One of them was typical
company “Rue de fines global public affairs”. Since 1991 it was busy with
thorough collection and dressing data from Balkans. The chief of the company
J.Haff was recognized by the fact that he was the first who push on the
wording “concentration camps” into world public consciousness. It was
the following way. There were camps for war prisoners and displaced persons.
Haff took away the words “for war prisoners and displaced persons” and
added the word “concentration” in front. So the whole world “got to know”
that in Serbia already known as “aggressor” they have “concentration camps”.
In other words, Yugoslavia led by Molosevic is a fascist regime. “Companies”
making such kind of information were financed by NATO and CIA stakeholders
and they supplied these “products” for overall TV-channels. It became
‘obvious’ for thousands and thousands of Europe and America citizens that
crisis in Kosovo was a real thing.
However the world did not know that refugee camps were not only in Macedonia
and Methokia but also on Yugoslavian territory where Kosovo refugees went
too. And none asked question why escaping from Serbian repression they
run inward Yugoslavia. The world everyman did not note as it seemed to
that refugee mass relate to different nationalities: gypsies, Albanians-catholic
which were made to join the army, to take guns and to fight against Serbia
despite their wish. Nobody noted that refugees from Kosovo yet before
the war were either Serbs escaping from Albanian extremists who used to
attack Serbs and burn down their houses. They did not pay attention that
the whole families of Albanians yet in 1998 have been leaving Kosovo.
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World capital media won information war against Yugoslavia not even use
the word “war”. They’ve just used glittering generality – “action to protect
human rights”. The real catastrophe began in Yugoslavia after western
invasion. The number of refugees got hundreds times more than before the
war. Could it be otherwise if military operation plans of world capital
were prepared and pre-paid long before this shot and widely distributed
provocation? And this catastrophe is look absolutely the same as that
in Czechoslovakia in 1938 when European nations not risking to deal with
Hitler surrendered him Czech and Slovakia republics while some countries
acquired pieces of their territories. This time the role of Hitler’s fascism
is plaid by NATO-UNO as universal “peacemaker”.
After the war of 1999 we got to know more fact of massive falsifications
for Europeans which tell about tens or hundreds of thousands Albanians
murdered by Serbs. It was not the case. There were some accidents expressing
national intolerance, aggression from Serbian side but never at the level
of governmental policy as well as military activity of federal troops
against extremist organization that was largely provided by weapons from
14 April, visit
to NATO by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sadako Ogata. Attention,
UN Commissioner arrives to NATO HQ but not vice versa. The same day NATO
continues its air strike campaign against targets in Yugoslavia since
“ethnic cleansings being continued by Serbian troops. Moreover, allied
forces are widely deploying in Albania .
23-25 April, during the Washington Summit, NATO members commemorated the
Alliance's 50th anniversary and made a number of important statements
on the Alliance's current and future agenda for the 21st Century under
guidance of the USA. It seems that cold war is not over and aggressive
block got a lot of jobs in Europe and Asia. And 50th anniversary was nicely
saluted by bombing in Yugoslavia. Such background of the celebration allowed
them easier to form global military strategy for NATO cohorts for the
XXI century. In particular Alliance announced its main purposes as:
Security: 1) to provide one of the indispensable foundations for a stable
Euro-Atlantic security environment;
2) Consultation: To serve as an essential transatlantic forum for Allied
consultations on any issues that affect their vital interests (Article
4 of the Washington Treaty);
3) Deterrence and Defence: To deter and defend against any threat of aggression
against any NATO member state (Articles 5 and 6 of the Washington Treaty).
Draw your attention on the facts that for the first time in new history
this reference to two Washington Treaty articles sounds in such baleful
context at the high level. There also about the plans in Euro-Atlantic
region, 1) Crisis Management: To stand ready, case-by-case and by consensus,
to contribute to effective conflict prevention and to engage actively
in crisis management, including crisis response operations (Article 7
of the Washington Treaty); 2) Partnership: To promote wide-ranging partnership,
cooperation, and dialogue with other countries in the Euro-Atlantic area,
with the aim of increasing transparency, mutual confidence and the capacity
for joint action with the Alliance
The Alliance welcomed the results of the work undertaken in close cooperation
with the Western European Union (WEU) to build the European Security and
Defence Identity (ESDI) within NATO based on the decisions taken in Brussels
in 1994 and Berlin in 1996. The key elements of a strong European security
pillar within the Alliance are now in place, thus permitting the European
Allies to carry out their own, WEU-led operations drawing on NATO's assets
and capabilities. This will strengthen the transatlantic link and Alliance
solidarity as a whole. On this basis leader of governments and nations
proposed range of principles for them to be carried out by Alliance in
mentioned regions.
Given changing conditions of the present security NATO decided to improve
its defense capabilities to guarantee efficiency of future multi-national
operations together with the whole range of Alliance missions. The main
focus is on improvement of operational interaction in regions in issues
like: deployment and mobility of allied forces, its support and logistics,
their subsistence and efficient utilization of opportunities as well as
systems of commandership, management and information. So we found the
reason why this large scale war in Yugoslavia was waged. They want to
reach the next level of military operations and requirements to them;
this implies growth of military spending and military activity not only
in region of “atlantism” but substantially wider. World capitalism is
dying, it is required to save him.
NATO initiates new projects within the framework “Partnership for Pease”
(PfP). Two major documents were endorsed: the «Political-Military Framework
for NATO-led PfP Operations» and «Towards a Partnership for the 21st Century
- The Enhanced and more Operational Partnership» and «Mediterranean Dialogue»,
to the progressive strengthening, through enhanced political and practical
co-operation, of NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue with Egypt, Israel, Jordan,
Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia. Thereat due to revised Strategic Concept
of Alliance partners are more and more involved in military activity planned
and carried out by the block.
Meanwhile the war in Yugoslavia still goes on.
28 April, NATO noted increasing flood of refugees into countries bordering
on Kosovo continues. According to the UN High Commission for Refugees
(UNHCR), Albania has now taken in almost 400,000 refugees; the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) 204,000; and Montenegro 62,000.
29 April, the Allies have intensified their air campaign against targets
in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia including Serb forces in Kosovo.
The Alliance welcomed the decision of the EU to impose an oil embargo
and the readiness of several non-NATO countries to join this initiative
in order to further isolate the Belgrade regime. At a press conference
at NATO headquarters on 29 April, US Deputy Secretary of State Strobe
Talbott outlined his recent talks in Moscow on Russian diplomatic efforts
to help settle the crisis. He stressed that a lasting political solution
would be possible only if the Alliance's five conditions were met and
expressed his hope that Russia would be able to use its influence to convince
President Milosevic to comply. Alliance would not disagree if Russian
economy diluted of corruption will be involved (in brackets) in this meaningless
war or just to wage at last the third world war and for Russian territory
to be harrowed by European and Asian capitals. But Russian did not have
this lure.
6 May, allies are united in their resolve to pursue their goals in the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY). NATO's military actions will continue
until there is a clear indication that President Milosevic agrees to all
5 conditions set out at the Washington Summit. The G8 Foreign Ministers'
meeting (Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States
and even Russia was invited), which was held in Bonn, agreed a set of
principles which reflect NATO's conditions.
12 May it is marked that NATO air campaign has inflicted heavy damage
on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's military infrastructure and seriously
degraded the ability of Belgrade's military machine to continue ‘its onslaught’
in Kosovo. However, President Milosevic has yet to meet NATO objectives
(that is “world community” objectives). He has to withdraw his troops
for then NATO troops to come in Kosovo.
14 May, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson condemns ethnic
cleansing in Kosovo perhaps relying on global television information.
18 May, visit to NATO by Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, Leader of the Democratic
League of Kosovo; that is he visited NATO HQ and not EC or UNO since NATO
is the master of situation, the main contractor of this ordered war.
19 May, NATO reports: The NATO air campaign has continued to inflict heavy
damage on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's military infrastructure.
Over half of the Yugoslav Air Force's frontline combat aircraft have been
destroyed, and 75% of the fixed surface to air missile sites. NATO has
also destroyed a third of all the Serb heavy equipment in Kosovo and 50%
of the ammunition storage, together with a large proportion of the Serbs'
command and control network and infrastructure. Vigorous diplomatic efforts
are being pursued in parallel for a political solution to the crisis in
line with the requirements set out by the Washington Summit and the G8
Foreign Ministers' statement. It is ridiculous when they bomb ‘military
targets’ by pin-point method and number of refugees is already 750 thousands.
20 May, visit to NATO by Italian Prime Minister, Massimo D’Alema. He issues
a statement proposing a halt to the bombing in Yugoslavia for three days
pending an accord by NATO nations and Russia on a draft UN Security Council
resolution. But his speech made some discord in unified choir of those
who did with “fascist” regime. More likely to blame these allies in state
kind of fascism.
26 May, more than 30,000 sorties have been flown as part of NATO's air
campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's (FRY) military forces.
Over one third of the Yugoslav Air Force's frontline combat aircraft and
75% of fixed surface to air missile sites have now been destroyed, along
with over one third of Serb heavy forces on the ground in Kosovo. Serb
forces remaining in Kosovo are suffering great difficulty in moving around,
and are becoming increasingly isolated. At the same period they’ve deployed
refugees’ camps in Albania, Macedonia, and Montenegro. What was the most
important is that Alliance announced for the first time in history the
leader of the state accused in military crimes against humanity including
murders and violent deportations . It is not by chance that even in the
name of Hague tribunal on “former” Yugoslavia the purpose of the “world
community” is already determined in advance. All these gentlmen from NATO
“world community” want Yugoslavia no more exist, became “former”. This
is why they write so insistently in all official papers the “former Yugoslav
Republic Macedonia”. This is an element of information war – effect on
subconsiousness by using ‘correct’ wording. Thus NATO officials together
with UN bureaucracy appointed guilty for the war in Yugoslavia in accordance
with scenario developed in advance. And now NATO wants to put an end to
“crisis in Kosovo” at four fronts:
1) The air campaign continues to intensify, with increasing success;
2) NATO is supporting the vigorous diplomatic efforts to achieve a negotiated
settlement, while also working closely with neighbouring nations to ensure
that the crisis does not spread;
3) Substantial assistance continues to be given to the humanitarian efforts
in the region. The Alliance's vital support has been welcomed by the UNHCR;
4) In conjunction with other organisations, NATO is participating in the
development of a long-term strategy for South East Europe, to try and
ensure lasting stability for the region (better to say “is ruling” – ÀB)
long-term strategy in South East Europe to guarantee stability in the
8 June, the Alliance welcomes the agreement announced on 8 June at the
G8 Foreign Ministers' conference on a draft United Nations Security Council
resolution on Kosovo that, among other things, provides for an international
security presence in Kosovo, with substantial NATO participation and under
unified command. No more demands about Serbian troops’ withdrawal, on
the contrary, the military pressure on Milosevic regime is intensified.
“Meanwhile”, KFOR (Kosovo Force) is building up its forces in the ‘Former’
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. 18 countries, including 13 Partners, have
expressed their interest in participating with force contributions. The
partners of NATO are: Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Estonia,
Finland, Ireland, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE and Ukraine. The total of ground forces
committed so far is approximately 48,000.
On 10 June 1999, a Military Technical Agreement (MTA) for the withdrawal
of all Serb forces from Kosovo finally was signed. 11 June, the NATO Secretary
General announced the suspension of the air campaign after confirmation
from SACEUR that Serb forces had started their full withdrawal. That night
the United Nations Security Council passed resolution 1244 (1999). UNSCR
1244 authorises member states and relevant international organisations
to establish an international security presence in Kosovo “for security
and stability”.
12 June, the first elements of KFOR, under General Jackson (COMKFOR),
started deploying into Kosovo. KFOR will work in close co-ordination with
the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). At
the same time NATO's forces have continued their support for humanitarian
efforts in Albania. Similarly rear elements of KFOR remain in Macedonia
to provide both humanitarian assistance to aid agencies and support for
NATO forces in Kosovo.
In principle they have dealt with Yugoslavian independence. Foreign troops
are deployed on its territory under UN and NATO flags. The issue of Belgrade
regime to be replaced with more loyal to world capitalism is just technical
issue as well as getting the former Yugoslavian president to the court
as guilty in war. In the meantime international fussing around on after-war
“humanitarian things” proceeds, some sort of demonstrating subservience
to NATO and its masters from the USA.
What were Yugoslavian ‘fruits’ of this war? More than 2000 people died,
about 7000 injured. Material damage is estimated as 200 billion dollars.
That was the ransom of Serbs for “Rachak” provocation and for null “Potkova”.
10 June, 1999 air strikes had been ended. Yugoslavia was forced to sign
NATO documents on canceling operations: to withdraw Serbian troops from
Kosovo and not to hinder deploying of “peacekeeping” forces in Kosovo.
Intervention-peacemaking troops firmly settled in Kosovo province. They
were confused a bit by Russian paratroopers’ battalion insolence from
Bosnia when they took over Pristina airport without any command from NATO
bosses; this was some contribution in Yugoslavian “pacification” with
Russian peculiarity.
However the tiff of the Serbs themselves in this war is not so small.
They have elected their leader S.Milosevic; he expressed their will and
not his own. It has started as it seems to from trifle. Íà÷àëîñü, êàçàëîñü
áû, ñ ïóñòÿêà. In1986 one memorandum appeared in Belgrade that was prepared
by Serbian Academy of Science on national issue. There was said about
“suppression of Serbs in Croatian and Kosovo”. Ideas of academicians became
the ideology of the Great Serbia and bottom of catchy policy of S.Milosevic.
The Great Serbia should embrace Serbia itself, Montenegro, half of Bosnia
and eastern part of Croatia. The idea turned tragedy primarily for Serbs;
though it allowed for Milosevic to rule within 13 years until myth of
Great Serbia wreck .
Milosevic played national feeling of Serbs. He achieved the adoption of
new Serbian constitution where national autonomy of Kosovo was practically
liquidated. Serbian nation supported Milosevic. «Serbia» had bowed out
easily with Slovenia and Macedonia as they had not Serbian lands. However
they refuse to let Croatia and Bosnia go since there live a lot of Serbs
on the territories which were supposed to join Serbia according Milosevic
plan. In 1992 Croatian Serbs formed quite independent state on Croatian
territory, Serpska Krajina. They did ask for independence and international
arbitrators proposed them special status. In the name of Krajina leader
according yankeeish version of history Milosevic got competitors at Serbian
Olympus. So Milosevic rejected this plan. In August 1995 when F.Tudjman
sent tanks to Krajina did nothing to help congeners. And in 1994 when
it was needed to punish Bosnian Serbs leader R.Karajic for naughtiness
since he refuse to bury the hatchet with Croats and Muslims and imposed
blockade of Republic Serpska (RS) leaving yesterday’s allies for the mercy
of fate. In 1995 he had signed unpleasant for Serbs Dayton’s peace document
agreeing with enormous losses of territory. In 1999 experiencing pressure
of bombing blackmail Yugoslavian leadership actually had lost its control
over territory. NATO troops were deployed in sovereign country occupying
the whole province and establishing military base there. S.Milosevic had
lost his power. “Socialism” was over.
What employers and contractors of Yugoslavian war had received? The USA
had checked their precision location weapon and acquired the second bigger
military base after Bosnia, that one in Kosovo. Germany for the first
time since 1945 used their Bundeswehr forces abroad. Membership of NATO
increased by three members and they showed their loyalty to American and
European capital troops. They could not manage to get Russia involved
in war with NATO and USA. Although this opportunity was suggested very
insistently; ethnic and religious commonness gave a hope that Russian
will provide S-300 missiles and even nuclear weapon for an adequate response
to NATO aggressors. It would mean the point of no return for the third
world war. And this war would be waged for the vast ‘unexplored’ territories
of the former USSR, unexplored by world capitalist gangs of Eurasia. It
means that Russia, China, Central Asia and perhaps India are territories
under discussion. We don’t exclude the probability of dilution of main
rival that is Japan through destruction of its living environment and
further to Middle and Far East. Russian elite was wise enough not to interfere
in the war. Russia was enough with “chechenian front” that was newly opened
in October 1999 reviving state nationalism of old empire.
The main ‘achievement of the war’ is that for the first time in new era
one aggressor dared to meddle in deals of independent nation without UNO
sanction It is proved once again that provocations is normal practice
in history of wars. Civilised countries even identified guilty for the
military actions in Yugoslavia who was legally elected president of the
War with Yugoslavia or “Allied Force” operation included preparatory stage
of 62 days. This means it has started approximately on 21 January 1999.
It is clear that 16 NATO members (and quickly accepted in March three
more countries – Poland, Hungary and Czech for to them to be pledged by
blood) made a decision about the war not in January but long before. Since
the active phase of KLA soldiers training by CIA instructors had being
carried out yet in 1998. And strategic purpose that was to do with even
mentioning socialism in Europe was still unfinished. Future seat of war
had being filled with aviation mainly. Air option of invasion is seemed
safer than that by land. Military operations themselves lasted 80 days.
730 military jets made more than 30 thousand taking offs. Average cost
of one taking off was about 10 thousand dollars, the cost of operation
of one aircraft-carrier per day was from 330 to 600 thousand dollars.
In course of Yugoslavian “operation” they spent some 3 billion dollars.
Gorgeous gift of NATO to itself by the 50 year jubilation!
Part 3
Bradbury A. The
Ring of Revolution. Saint-Petersburg: Icy Island, 2002, 240p.
The first part of the book is a program
of information actions for those who name themselves as left radicals
of different kind, or as adherents of workers and communist movement,
provided that we live in the XXI century. The second part is an
example of utilisation Revolition Ring principles. It is an example
of intent analysis of world economy through the weakness of U.S.dollar
and world 'household' built on its basis.
Part 3
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