War as a commodity
way of “renewed Yugoslavia” after NATO war was not so original. Events
went the same way as they did in Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The difference lies in the scale of usage military force and in more or
less rigid position of “NATO-UNO” toward say leadership of Serbia. However
for the world capital in general acting by the arms of NATO it is important
to get full loyalty of newly established ‘democratic regimes’ to ‘world
community’ bureaucracy. Total subservience of new democracy, their full
controllability from the side of UNO, IMF, NATO and EU presented like
evidence of “civilisation” of their nations. The cruelty of NATO forces,
collateral damages, and refugees all these is set as a guilty for one
is to be accused deliberately. Strangely enough this theatralised package
of the next imperialistic repartition of the planet meets full support
of the world public. There are some milestones of new Yugoslavian history.
14 June, there was a discussion about the role of OSCE in Kosovo held
in NATO headquarters that was titles as “civil participation in peaceful
plan implementation in Kosovo”.
18 June, an extraordinary joint meeting of Foreign and Defence Ministers
of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) was held at NATO HQ in Brussels. Ministers
welcomed the ongoing withdrawal of Yugoslav security forces and the speedy
deployment of KFOR.
19 June, NATO admits Russian forces participation in KFOR.
20 June, Dr Solana, decided to terminate Phases I and II of the Phased
Air Campaign as well as the Limited Air Response. On the same day, the
NAC noted an Undertaking on Demilitarisation and “Transformation” by the
UCK. 21 June, KLA or UCK gave a written guarantee of disarmament and cooperation
with NATO. At the same time KFOR continues deploying of troops and now
‘works’ close with UN Mission of Transition Administration in Kosovo (seriously!).
23 June, it is announced that of the almost 1 million ethnic Albanian
refugees who have fled Kosovo, nearly half have already returned home.
And nothing is told about 250 thousan of ethnic Serbs which did not return
home at all. Tha was a great raspberry of NATO informers: 750 thousand
refugees left region (not checked!) while about million got back (without
taking into account Serbs).
24 June, during the visit, Solana reiterated NATO's determination to uphold
values -democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law- which the Alliance
has been defending for 50 years. The result was that NATO had financed
and “protected” simple burgeois nationalism of Albanians in Kosovo to
allow them to deal with Yugoslavian state socialism in Europe. KLA is
just a tool used for this purpose by CIA and NATO. 30 June, NATO and “partners’”
forces are still deployed in Kosovo. For now they have a name “peacekeeping
NATO forces”. “Peacekeepers” find new “evidences” of destruction houses
and annihilation of harvests of ethnic Albanians living in Kosovo.
14 July, KFOR engineers continue to work on vital infrastructure improvements.
KFOR is also helping with the collection of applications to join the new
police force. The first draft is announced for 16 August.
23 July, 14 Serbian peasants killed in Gracko; the murder condemned by
both sided. Investigation is commenced.
8 September, the NATO-led multinational Kosovo peace implementation force
(KFOR) now consists of 49,000 personnel, 41,000 of whom are in Kosovo,
6,000 in Macedonia and 1,600 in Albania. In addition to the 17 NATO nations
in KFOR, 21 Partner and other non-NATO nations are also participating.
KLA is almost totally disarmed and will abolish as officially said by
19 September. However experience and knowledge obtained in KLA from CIA
had not lost.
18-20 September, before chairing the Informal Ministerial meeting in Toronto
NATO Secretary J.Solana first held bilateral meetings in Washington D.C.
He met with President Clinton, Secretary of State Albright, Secretary
of Defense Cohen and National Security Advisor Berger. Then he went to
Switzerland and to USA or if someone would say, first he visited cashier
then went to boss to report about the work completed. In Washington J.Solana
took part in the seminar held by National Defense University and entitled
“Forward Looking, Forward Moving: NATO in the 21st century” focused on
three different themes: 1) responding to future security challenges, 2)
managing change in transatlantic industrial cooperation and 3) hi-tech
opportunities. If we get these topics closer to real life they may be
sounded as follows: 1) global surveillance and consolidation of world
capital efforts on self-protection of Possessions civilization, 2) globalization
and concentration of the world military-industrial corporations, as technological
change results foremost are implemented in military sphere, 3) hi-technology
primarily provides for development of new weapons, no matter what is it
– biotechnology, pharmaceutics or acoustics. First of all they invent
weapons, then – the all the rest.
29 September, help has been given to the winterisation and reconstruction
programme, through the distribution of shelter kits and building materials,
and support to the Humanitarian Logistics Centre. Winterisation and humanitarian
support are now main task for multi-ethnic brigades in Kosovo.
13 October, KFOR force size is approximately 49,000 troops with primary
missions continuing to focus on providing a secure environment to all
ethnic groups, monitoring the establishment of the newly formed Kosovo
Protection Corps and supporting, within means and capabilites, the UN
Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) with its civil implementation tasks. In fact
they make a full-term NATO military base in Kosovo.
3 November. Peacekeepers prepare for winter and also carry “exercises”.
Brigade of military support of KFOR participated in NATO exercises Shelter
Express aimed at assistance in provision of transport and logistic communication.
17 November, winter has come to Balkans. KFOR's Force Support Brigade
continues to participate in Exercise Shelter Express and has transported
a total of 22 truckloads of winterisation materials. KFOR has also been
involved in a multitude of other projects ranging from transportation
of material for the International Medical Corps vaccination programme,
distribution of 100 of the German NGO, Arbeiter Samariter Bund's school
packets, and distribution of 2,418 cubic meters of firewood donated by
Finnish Church Aid, to name just a few. Yet it is more veridical not to
wage a war and not to support it.
24 November, KFOR's Winterization Emergency Team (WET) is formed in Kosovo.
The Multinational Brigades (MNBs) are transporting firewood, delivering
fuel and hundreds of stoves, and providing handyman assistance to the
elderly. Additionally, they even assisting with cleaning the streets in
1 December. “Winterisation” programme continues to gain momentum as KFOR
ensures the delivery of substantial amounts of humanitarian aid, including
food and clothing, to minorities and villages in need of assistance. KFOR
units, along with the KPC and NGOs, are working together to construct
500 winterised classroom-tents with flooring, lights, stoves and furniture.
These tents will provide temporary accommodation for 15,000 school-aged
children. It means that as much as twenty scools were desctucted in course
on NATO air strikes. That’s the abyss of burgeois hypocrisy.
Next year political regime and stability had reached at last the level
required by the “world community”.
2 February 2000, new NATO Secretary Lord Robertson opens the annual security
conference held in Munich, known as the Wehrkunde conference and gives
an opening speech on the “lessons of Kosovo”. After stating that the “international
community” had won the war, he briefly outlines the importance of close
relations between the military and civilians, and the value of relations
with Russia and more generally with Partners.
Yet on 25 February the situation in the divided town of Kosovska-Mitrovica
aggravates since there have been violent confrontations between ethnic
Serbs and Albanians. Mitrovica is a flashpoint that is attracting extremists
from both sides. KFOR has had to send reinforcements to deal with the
unrest but the situation is under control. “International community” has
forgotten already about Kosovo. It’s time to finish with Yugoslav question.
Even indignation on CIA activity a year after Yugoslavian war expressed
by European can not change anything. By their opinion actions of CIA co-workers
brought to nothing the opportunity for political solution of the conflict
and provoked the commencement of air strikes in Serbia and Kosovo.
24 September, president elections held in Yugoslavia. Milosevic lost to
V.Kostunica. Kostunica is considered to be a “transition” president and
he well meets the requirements of the world elite although he refused
to rat Milosevic to Hague international tribunal even for 50 millions
dollars of the promised American loan. But on the 1 April 2001 Milosevic
was kidnapped by western special forces and brought in prison. Judicial
trial performance started in Hague where the former president of Yugoslavia
was named as guilty for the war, named as president of ‘fascist’ regime
that was assigned “agreeesor” against Kosovar Albanians by NATO and USA.
New Yugoslavian leadership got a reward for Milosevic namely 100 milliod
dollar loan (opposite 200 billion dollar of war damage).
28 October 2000, municipal elections held in Kosovo, the first since last
year's crisis. Party of I.Rugova Kosovo Democratic Leage (KDL) won the
majority of mucipalities; the second was Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK).
Two competiting parties took the majority of votes: 58% for KDL and 27,3%
for DPK. By the end of November the growth of extremists’ activity is
seen in Preshevo Valley in the south of Serbia. Again “Peacekeepers” hag
got a job that concerned bringing the order into Yugoslavia. By 30 November
NATO expressed concern about the upsurge in violence, condemned “the attacks
made and the violence caused by a minority of extremists” and called for
an immediate end to these illegal activities. Military tension reduced
to some extent.
However on 27 February 2001 growing tensions in the Presevo Valley takes
a form of weaponed opposition of Serbs and ethnis Albanians. It is not
easy to keep freed jinn in a bottle that was let free to deal with Milosevic
regime. Once again NATO, EC, OSCE and UNO consolidate their efforts in
order to reduce number of weaponed incidents.
28 February 2001, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the
UN in Kosovo came to NATO HQ. The situation in Southern Serbia, including
the issue of the Ground Safety Zone was discussed at some length, as was
the situation in Mitrovica.
12 March 2001, NATO intermediaries agreed upon cease-fire between Yugoslavia
and ethnic Albanians from the south of Serbia.
14 April 2001, the second to last of the five zones which form the Ground
Safety Zone (GSZ) separating Serbia and Kosovo was handed over to Yugoslav
forces. The decision to return this section of the buffer zone to Belgrade
was taken by NATO's top decision-making body - the North Atlantic Council
– on 10 April. It sounds like decision was made by the “highest worldwide
authority”. The situation got back to those what was before the March
1999. However NATO military base is imposible to withdraw beyond the borders
of the former sovereign country as well as troops can not be taken outta
25 April 2001, the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Dr. Nebojsa Covic
visited NATO Headquarters on 25 April. He was accompanied by Yugoslav
Foreign Minister Goran Svilanovic and the Commander of the Joint Security
Forces, General Ninoslav Krstic. Dr. Covic met with the North Atlantic
Council, NATO's highest decision making body, for a frank and open exchange
on the situation in Southern Serbia. It looked like thay attended doctor’s
11-12 May 2001, NATO-led peacekeeping forces in Kosovo seized what was
one of the largest hauls of heavy weapons it has come across yet during
the overnight. Weapons seized included anti-aircraft missiles and launchers,
anti-tank rocket-launchers, wire-guided anti-tank missiles, mortar, rifles,
machine guns and assault rifles, which were destined for ethnic Albanian
armed groups operating in the Presevo Valley. The seizing of arsenals
was made in Pech city and it caused the arrest of 7 people.
In the meantime, 28-29 September 2001 prospects for the security inclusion
of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the Partnership for Peace and
Euro-Atlantic community was the theme of the first NATO-sponsored seminar
held in Belgrade. Say, integration of the “former Yugoslavia” in NATO
structures is alredy solved issue.
17 November 2001, the legislative elections held in the province of Kosovo
were carried out in what Lord Robertson called “a positive climate”. The
vote elected a provisional assembly of 120 members. It will have powers
in areas such as health, education and transport.
5 December 2001, the Serbian Deputy Prime Minister came to NATO HQ to
discuss the situation in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in particular,
in Southern Serbia and in the province of Kosovo following the recent
legislative elections. He met with Lord Robertson and briefed the North
Atlantic Council (NAC) on developments in his country. Lo and behold three
years after starting “peace talks” in Rambouillet in 1999 everything repeat
6 February 2002, three members of the ‘former’ KLA were arrested. NATO’s
Lord declared about this the following: “One of the main priorities of
the international community is to re-establish the rule of law as the
cornerstone of a democratic society in Kosovo”. They were arrested by
the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), with the assistance
of the NATO-led peacekeeping force. Despite the fact that KLA must be
disband by 19 September 1999. World public has already forgotten by the
time about “crisis in Kosovo”. It looks like formally law and order are
restored. Therefore military pressence may be reduced.
27 June, during a one-day visit to the province on 27 June 2002, Lord
Robertson welcomed the progress made in Kosovo and said that the fact
that NATO can now reduce the number of troops in the area is a testimony
to that progress.
Yet in May 2002 NATO initiated rationalisation of its pressence in Balkans
since it became quite expensive. At that the number of NATO-led international
KFOR responsible for security and safety in Kosovo will reduce. “Reduction
is just designed to allow us to use 60000 soldiers in Balkans in more
flexible way”, - stressed Lord Robertson at the press-conference after
his meeting with prime-minister of Kosovo, official of the province occupied
by NATO. “These changes will help us build on success”, - said Lord Robertson.
“Since we first sent forces to the Balkans much has changed and improved,
and we are changing with them. What hasn't changed, though, is our determination
to work with the people of the region to build peace and prosperity together.
Make no mistake these forces will still be robust enough, tough enough
and flexible enough to maintain a safe and secure environment” and to
guarantee bringing back refugees. Please notice that they talking about
the year 2002 and not about 1999.
Lord added that this reduction should be considered along with growing
efficency of Kosovo police service. “Many of police functions initially
performed by KFOR in that area are now firmly took in hands by civlil
authorities and the role of KFOR is reducing as long as civil institutions
are being developed and strangthened”, - he stated. Thus, refugees did
not get back, safety of tha habitants is still under threat, KLA did not
disappear and there are still a lot of weapons coming across Albanian
border. Kosovo turned into the ‘black hole’ through wich different international
criminals, drug dealers and nationalists. And all this under cover of
“peacekeeping forces” by the desire of “international community”.
Albanian nationalism fed by western democracy has been kept as strategic
reserve of NATO policy at Balkan Peninsula. It has been gathered boldness
and was ready to fight. “Great Albania” as a Alliance policy decoration
cast its glances to Macedonia. Partially it has coincided with strategic
NATO plan for destruction of Yugoslavian federation which was officially
named in papers as a “former” one. Moreover in official international
documents Macedonia named as the “Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia”.
Now Macedonia like all the other Yugoslav republic is to be a protectorate
of the Western Europe presented by NATO, EC, WEU and finally UNO.
The case was not finished with deployment of NATO forces in 1998 on the
eve of Yugoslav war. Macedonia did not push its luck watching the fate
of Yugoslavia. On the contrary it joined the NATO partnership (Partnership
for Peace), provided its airspace for NATO air jets for FRY air strikes.
In other words Macedonia actively cooperated with “world community” in
the name of NATO. Hence there was an issue on military-political incorporation
of Macedonia in Alliance.
7 December 2000, B.Trajkovski, President of Macedonia, visited NATO headquarters
to meet new NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson. Discussions focused
on security in the region following the election of a new president in
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, on relations with KFOR, and on progress
made in preparing for possible future membership of the Alliance
9 March 2001, The Foreign Minister of Macedonia S.Kerim met with NATO's
19 Ambassadors to discuss co-ordinated approaches regarding the series
of violent incidents occurring along the country's border area. Weaponed
extremist activity of ethnic Albanians both in Serbia and at Macedonian
border was discussed next day in NATO HQ.
19 March 2001, again S.Kerim held a special meeting with NATO Secretary
General, Lord Robertson to discuss joint measures against the armed attacks
of ethnic Albanian extremists within the territory of Macedonia. So, yesterday’s
panders of war became the object of nationalistic pretensions. But if
we look from the other side: Macedonia perhaps will be more compliant
under “rebels” attacks and provide the pad for the next NATO military
base at Balkans.
26 March 2001, Lord Robertson calls for intensified political dialogue
in Macedonia: He met with the head of the Democratic Party of Albanians
(DPA), which is in government, and with two leaders whose parties are
in Opposition, the head of the PDP which represents ethnic Albanians and
the leader of the SDSM which is the largest Macedonian party in opposition.
29 April, NATO Secretary General has vigorously condemned an attack on
Macedonian security forces, which killed eight of its members on 28 April.
He said: "I condemn the cowardly acts of the extremists and my message
is simple: the violence must end and their tactics will not be successful,"
he added. The attack, which took place near the city of Tetovo, was the
first in weeks in the border area with Kosovo. We feel some kind of deja
vu as if it happened once.
7 May, again we hear condemnations on extremists’ attacks. In the wake
of repeated acts of violence by ethnic Albanian extremists against forces
of Macedonia Lord Robertson traveled to Skopje on 7 May for meetings with
President B.Trajkovski and other senior government officials and leading
political figures. By 24 May, extremists took some towns and villages
in the north of Macedonia, made some damage to those habitants whose rights
they are fighting for. It seems that the case is not with the rights of
national minorities. 20 June, Macedonia requested help from NATO in “demilitarizing”
of the National Liberation Army (NLA) and disarming the ethnic Albanian
extremists operating on the territory of this country not risking to repeat
independent experience of Serbia in its fighting with extremists. Further,
it was business as usual, meetings, discussions and talks.
Herewith by the 29 of June 2001 NATO approved an operational plan (OPLAN)
called "Essential Harvest" which would be implemented on the
sole condition that the political dialogue between the various parties
in the ‘former Macedonia’ has a "successful outcome" and a cease-fire
is implemented. It would involve the sending of up to 3 000 NATO troops
to the country to disarm the ethnic Albanian groups and destroy their
25 July 2001, situation in Macedonia is named “critical”. 26 July NATO’s
Lord Robertson helped reinvigorate talks aimed at ending five months of
violence and averting war in Macedonia on a day's visit to the country.
13 August, framework agreement signed between belligerent sides.
15 August, two days after the signature of the political framework agreement
between the different party representatives of the former Macedonia introducing
internal reforms and allowing the entry of NATO-led troops into the country
to disarm ethnic Albanian rebels, NATO authorised the deployment of the
Headquarters of Task Force Harvest on the ground.
22 August, at 12 noon on 22 August, the Alliance decided to authorise
the Operation Essential Harvest. The launching is taking place just over
two months after President Trajkovski sent a letter to Lord Robertson
asking for NATO assistance in restoring peace and stability in Macedonia.
The same day they held regular meeting of the North Atlantic Council -NATO's
top decision-making body- and the Political and Security Committee (PSC)
of the European Union on development of situation in Macedonia. 
Since 6 September decisions of Macedonian parliament should be aimed at
constitutional reforms as it was said in Lord Robertson’s statement, just
to reduce the sharpness of national opposition. That was the background
for undergoing operation Essential Harvest. NATO forces continue to collect,
transport and annihilate weapons and ammo from different places of the
19 September 2001, NATO received an official request from President Trajkovski
for a reduced NATO mission to remain at least in smaller scale in the
former Macedonia. This new mission would be a follow-up mission to Operation
Essential Harvest which finishes on 26 September. Its aim would be to
provide an additional level of safety to that provided by national authorities
for monitors operating in the country. There you should understand that
the “process” of full conformity of Balkan Peninsula to world capital
policy is more important than result of ‘safety and stability’ achieved
in this country.
27 September 2001, Task Force Amber Fox, the second NATO force to be requested
by President Trajkovski, is being put into effect. It followed on from
Operation Essential Harvest and will last for three months, with the possibility
of having its mandate extended if necessary.
28-30 September, Skopje, a high-level conference on "Macedonia on
the way to NATO" took place in Macedonia. Speakers included the Minister
of Defence Vlado Buchkovski, the Spokesman of the OSCE Mission in Skopje
Harald Schenker and NATO officials. They discussed different aspects of
the country's security concerns, including the impact of the current situation
on stability in the Balkans as a whole, the role of regional security
organisations in Macedonia, in particular that of NATO, and the country's
possible integration into European institutions. In fine, “rebels” and
NATO helped the leadership of Macedonia to find the right place in new
changing world.
16 November 2001, NATO’s Secretary Lord Robertson commended the passing
of 15 constitutional amendments by the Parliament of the still Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. These internal reforms will "move
the country closer to European standards on the equitable treatment of
minorities", stated Lord adding that the country is "setting
an example to the rest of the world."
7 December, NATO has mercifully agreed to authorise the extension of Operation
Amber Fox in Macedonia until 26 March 2002, since the current mandate
of new world makers by Euro-American way is out.
18 February 2002, and again the NAC has agreed to authorise the extension
of Operation Amber Fox for a further three months until 26 June 2002,
as a response to a formal request from the government of Macedonia.
21 May, NATO member countries agreed next to extend Operation Amber Fox
in Macedonia. Operation was launched on 27 September 2001. The mission
has now been extended a further four months until 26 October 2002. Eventually,
Macedonia found itself as full partner of NATO getting involved in its
programs, turning the element of global world capital strategy that is
transmitting all over the world via NATO structures to required regions
to be explored by international capital..
4-7 June 2002, a team from NATO HQ visited to Macedonia to look into ways
of enhancing the country's cooperation with the Alliance in the context
of the Partnership for Peace. They met with representatives of the Ministry
of Defence and Ministry of Interior to examine a series of problems, including
unexploded conventional and potential chemical munitions; ammunition management
and the destruction of anti-personnel mine stockpiles were also discussed
“Yugoslavia” is no more at last when in May 2001 two years later after
Yugoslavian war of 1999 Albanian extremists commenced their offensive
inland Macedonia. The West quickly changed its position. NATO immediately
agreed to narrow a buffer-zone around Kosovo. Belgrade obtained the right
to bring their troops there. “Albanian tool” in the hands of NATO and
American politicians let them down, it got disobedient. It means that
the case was not with Milosevic regime but in occupation of Yugoslav territory
by European and American capital with minimum losses for their troops.
The new foothold for NATO forces give them full control over Mediterranean
Sea and over the outcome from the Black Sea; they’ve acquired an opportunity
to get pressure on “petroleous” Arab regimes that are still resistant
to American-European dictate, opposing to its imperialistic manners.
Part 4
Bradbury A. The
Ring of Revolution. Saint-Petersburg: Icy Island, 2002, 240p.
The first part of the book is a program
of information actions for those who name themselves as left radicals
of different kind, or as adherents of workers and communist movement,
provided that we live in the XXI century. The second part is an
example of utilisation Revolition Ring principles. It is an example
of intent analysis of world economy through the weakness of U.S.dollar
and world 'household' built on its basis.
Part 4
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