War as a commodity
8) War as a commodity
Once a gun hanging on the wall should fire according Anton Chekhov’s phrase,
shouldn’t it?
Could you imagine, instead of this one gun millions of guns, machine-guns,
thousands military planes and rockets, tanks and cannons, hundreds of
naval ships and submarines, dozens of aircraft carriers, military bases,
and millions and millions of soldiers waiting for the chiefs’ order. «Soldier
is always healthy, soldier is always ready ». He was trained to kill and
to destruct for too long, by different ways. Is that means the gun will
shot for sure?
It must shoot if it is in hands of a human blinded by possession or by
power. It has to shoot if it is possessed by a man of the past, by the
man of possession era. It does not matter whether he is a capitalist,
proprietor of means of production or just servant of capital. Important
thing is that for the sake of her majesty property (or power) and her
protection he is ready to kill, to annihilate, and to demolish. You can
not stop killing machine even by arguments of reason.
World capitalism is now founded in the same position. It has exhausted
limits of its development and faced the choice: to destruct some part
of already created material wealth to continue “development” or to suffer
from regular devastative crisis. In the case of the third world war (that
is waged already in the sphere of trade and finance) they have to sacrifice
two thirds or three fourths of the whole productive capacity of mankind,
“exclusive” population. Let’s try to assess the events of modern history
followed by the crash of socialist regimes in Europe and in the USSR.
By 1989 nothing left of the former socialist camp. The only Yugoslav Federation
was still on the way of world capitalism in American Europe like a stone
on a passage way.
The situation is puzzled for bourgeois civilization by the fact of Warsaw
Treaty breakdown and reunion of Germany which caused the end of the cold
war. The enormous military and military industrial power of NATO countries
and their troops under command of the USA should be engaged by something
The practice of ‘dismantling’ of Yugoslavia had commenced since that time,
the time of termination socialism within the whole European territory.
World capital wanted to eliminate the very memory of the long experience
of Yugoslavian “self-governing socialism”, which was not successful all
the time but the first in modern history. Yugoslavia as an example of
rigidly centralized “federation” of Stalinist USSR-type became an easy
take of world capitalism. The nation was flared. The landmine fixed by
Tito while establishing centralized federation of USSR type – had exploded..
The idea to create a homogenous space of European capitalism was in the
air since mid of 1980s, when there process of breakdown socialism begins
all over Euroasia. It was only solid international organization who was
to be entrusted to do this job. One of them is NATO. Certainly there is
no international conspiracy. There are objective laws of capitalism in
his highest phase of
development, that predetermine his predator’s behavior, his permanent
fighting of competing capitals, when weak and ill rivals are to be eaten.
By mid of the 1980s world state socialism under guidance of USSA became
«weak and ill». All international socialist organizations, their plans
and ideas were caught by sclerosis. The only thing to be implemented to
this Stalinist theatre of absurd is to press down it for it to be collapsed.
The idea of Yugoslavia breakdown and ending “socialism” on the whole European
territory is seems to appear of itself, of practical breakdown of people
democracy regimes. World capital decided to destroy even the memory of
long-term experience Yugoslavian “self-governing socialism”, first in
the world though not always successful. Yugoslavia being an analogue of
centralaised federation Stalinist type became easy meat of world capital.
Centrifugal forces of nationalism finished breakdown process.
It is the year of 1990. Already in February foreign ministers of NATO
and Warsaw Treaty, OSCE watchers discuss at Ottawa Conference and idea
of ‘Open Skies’, that is free access for NATO planes to previously forbidden
territories and vice versa, ‘free’ flight over Euro-America by planes
of newly emancipated democratic countries. They prepare here certain proposals
on reunion of Germany. Free elections are held in Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia,
Bulgaria, Poland; Baltic States declare independence. On the 19th of November
at the OSCE summit in Paris principle agreement is signed by 22 countries
of NATO members and Warsaw Treaty on Conventional weapons. They issue
mutual declaration on nonaggression. That meant cold war is over?...
3rd of May, 1990 President Bush announces the cancellation of modernisation
programmes for nuclear artillery shells deployed in Europe and for“follow-on”
to the LANCE short-range nuclear missile. He calls for negotiations on
US and Soviet short-range nuclear missiles to begin shortly after a CFE
treaty is signed. However, already on the 9-10 of May 1990 NATO Defense
Ministers held a meeting in the Nuclear Planning Group in Kananaskis,
Canada, discussed the implications of political changes taking place in
Europe for NATO’s security policy. Later, on the 5th of July NATO Heads
of State and Government meeting in London published the “London Declaration”
on a Transformed North Atlantic Alliance. The Declaration outlines proposals
for developing cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
across a wide spectrum of political and military activity, including the
establishment of regular diplomatic liaison between those countries and
NATO. Thus, military NATO block declares his wish to appropriate the sprawling
household of “socialist camp”. The Warsaw Treaty could not manage this.
Meanwhile euphoria of the cold war end was gloomed by the beginning of
military activity in Persian Gulf. On the 2nd of August, 1990 Iraqi troops
invaded Kuwait following a dispute between the two countries on exploitation
of oil rights in the Gulf. 6th of August, the UN Security Council agreed
unanimously on wide-ranging sanctions against Iraq and demands Iraqi withdrawal
from the occupied territory of Kuwait. The UN Security Council declares
the Iraqi announcement of its de facto annexation of Kuwait null and void.
On the 4th of September the nine member countries of the Western European
Union (WEU – is a military-political group established in 1954 which included
Belgium, UK, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, France and Western Germany
in accordance to Paris agreements (1954) as a result of appearance Western
Union established in 1948. Headquarter of the Union was in London. According
the Paris agreement the aim of WEU is co-operation of member countries
in military, political, economic and other fields, as well as control
on its weapons, in particular, control over Western Germany weapons. In
1984 government of Germany achieved remittal of the last bans for production
of conventional arms offensive character such as strategic bomber and
strategic missiles) agreed on guidelines for the coordination of their
naval operations in the Gulf region in order to reinforce the international
embargo against Iraq. A number of WEU and other countries send forces
to the area. Several WEU countries already sent their troops to the region.
NATO still remains in the shadow. However it is worth to say that WEU
countries are the members of NATO and WEU at the same time.
7th of September, Consultations continue in the North Atlantic Council
on political, military and economic developments in the Gulf in the framework
of the harmonisation of allied policies and the commitment of the Allies
to work for the application of United Nations resolutions in relation
to the Gulf crisis. So NATO “holds consultations” to be the one who implement
UNO directives. That’s a beginning: strategic target of a bigger world
capital is to subjugate the UNO, to enforce it to make decisions which
are to be implemented by more rigid and decisive structure, the NATO.
Already on the 6-7th of December takes place Ministerial meeting of the
Defense Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group in Brussels.
Defense Ministers support UN Resolution 678 demanding that Iraqi forces
withdraw from Kuwait by January 1991. They review progress in developing
a new strategic concept for NATO and other steps being taken to adapt
NATO forces for the new strategic environment in Europe. Consequently
at the edge of 1990-1991 when the new war in Gulf was waged at world arena
the role of NATO had increased extremely. The overall responsibility of
UNO for peace and security was challenged disrespectfully. Anti-Iraq Coalition
against aggression was formed to fulfill the UN Security Council resolution.
NATO was involved in this operation not formally, but its member countries
on substantial extent made use of experience and competence of the Alliance
in creation of this multinational army. That is why «world community»
(let’s say – the U.N.) would have to get some lessons from the conflict
and to find new ways to protect future of smaller nations.
Meanwhile «smaller nations» of Europe have been freeing from “communist”
regimes. Money that previously was spent by annual CIA budget for destabilizing
of “socialist system” didn’t go for anything. “Non-democratic” exploitation
of human by human in socialist countries is replaced by “democratic” exploitation
in bourgeois countries. Here comes the turn for the ‘bigger Yugoslavia’.
It is the year of 1991.
2nd of January, 1991. NATO deploys aircraft of the ACE Mobile Force (AMF)
to south-east Turkey in an operational role. ACE – Allied Command Europe.
Preparations for the war take place.
17th of January, 1991. ‘Coalition’ forces launch air attacks against Iraq
at the beginning of the Gulf War, following Iraq’s refusal to with-draw
from Kuwait in accordance with UN Security Council Resolutions.
18th of February, 1991. WEU Secretary General Wim van Eekelen visits NATO
for discussions with NATO Secretary General Manfred Woerner in the framework
of ongoing consultations on the development of the European Security and
Defense Identity and cooperation between NATO and the WEU. 19th of February
- An eleventh-hour Soviet peace plan for averting the Gulf War falls short
of Allied demands for an unconditional withdrawal of Iraqi forces. 24th
of February, Coalition forces begin ground offensive into Kuwait. 25th
of February Representatives of the six countries of the Warsaw Pact convene
in Budapest to announce the dissolution of its military structure. The
Warsaw Pact Committee of Defence Ministers, its Joint Command, and its
Military, Scientific and Technical Council are disbanded. On the contrary,
NATO and its troops remain in stock, protecting ‘democracy’ in Middle
28th of February, Coalition forces liberate Kuwait. US President George
Bush suspends allied coalition combat operations. Iraq accepts unconditionally
all 12 UN resolutions relating to the withdrawal of its forces from Kuwait.
5th of March, NATO’s Allied Mobile Force is withdrawn from Turkey following
the end of the Gulf War.
Meanwhile, on the 20th of February, 1991 Slovenia adopts amendment to
Constitution. According this amendment Slovenia is proclaimed independent,
and then in the beginning of march it put a moratorium for draft of Slovenian
youngsters to Yugoslavian army. During the winter of 1991 some facts about
Slovenia weaponry purchasing abroad appear in newspapers . Slovenia was
the most economically developed republic of the former socialist federative
republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). Republic has a common border with Austria
the heiress of Austro-Hungarian Empire. Close neighborhood with developed
country predetermined the course of events. On the 8th of March, 1990
the word ‘socialist’ was taken out from the name of republic. On the 2nd
of July, 1990 parliament adapted Declaration about independence.
Slovenian minister of defense developed “Possible options of dissociation”
from military viewpoint. Military leadership of Yugoslavia have been preparing
for Slovenia separation. Headquarter of Yugoslav people army developed
version of military plan for the case of Slovenia separation. Plan included
the need for closing borders with Austria and Italy and protecting wholeness
of Yugoslav federation. Preparation for this separation and possible encounter
with Yugoslav army goes ahead. Slovenia have been proposing confederative
options of arranging community, since even in spring of 1991 nor USA,
nor NATO, neither EC support Slovenian partition off. However, it is known
that Germany and Austria were ready to acknowledge independence of two
republics (later about Croatia).
On the 13th and 26th of March withdrawal of American missiles from Europe
had finished in accordance with agreement (INF Treaty). Formal liquidation
of Warsaw Treaty military structures took place on the 31st of March.
Already on the 5th of April (1991) in London the European Bank of Reconstruction
and Development (EBRD) was opened. This bank was established “to assist
Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union in developing democracy
and a market economy”. It is clear that bigger world capital would not
credit development of industry, science, agriculture for possible competitor
be enforced. The trend of these “loans” is predetermined by the targets
of suppressing potential competitors.
25-26th of April, Conference on The Future of European Security in Prague
sponsored jointly by the Foreign Minister of the Czech and Slovak Federal
Republic and the Secretary General of NATO is held.
And on the 7th of May the Yugoslav Defense Minister declares that his
country is in a state of civil war. Slovenia is full of determination
to leave federation.
12th of May, Soviet Union eliminates remaining SS20 missiles in accordance
with the INF Treaty. 21st of May, The US House of Representatives calls
for a reduction of US troop strength in Europe from 250 000 to 100 000
by 1995. And on the 17th of October NATO Defense Ministers meeting in
Taormina (Italy) announce reductions in the current NATO stockpile of
sub-strategic nuclear weapons in Europe by approximately 80 percent.
6-7th of June, NATO Foreign Ministers meeting in Copenhagen issue Statements
on Partnership with the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, NATO’s
“Core” Security Functions in the New Europe, and the Resolution of Problems
Concerning the CFE Treaty. Meanwhile developments in Yugoslavia go ahead.
It gets clear in June that Yugoslav army would not be able to send bigger
troops against Slovenia and Croatia. The only opportunity is small activity
in certain places . 25th of June, Parliaments of Slovenia and Croatia
proclaim independence.
26th of June, Slovenian leadership took republic borders, custom points
and airspace under control. 9 a.m. on the 27th of June, 1991 Yugoslav
army started motion from the territories of Slovenia and Croatia by shortest
routes in direction of border-crossing points. Already in Croatian Chakovatz
and Jastrebarsk barricades were constructed that hindered military convoys.
Army troops were blocked on Slovenian territory by Slovenian volunteers
and military; they used barricades, Yugoslavian military had been attacked.
28th of June 15.00 a.m. the army set control over all border-crossing
points, fulfilling planned task though shooting have been lasting until
evening. President of Slovenia M.Kuchan stated that “it is not about race
for power but true conflict between democratic choice Europe oriented
and outdated model leading to war” . So the concept of ‘aggressor’ in
Yugoslav conflict started to form, and it was utulised by world capital
28th of June, the meeting of EC representatives and members of Yugoslav
federation Presidium took place; however there were leaders of all republics
except Serbia not invited to the meeting. As a result they have achieved
first agreement of international mission – Joint (without Serbia) declaration
on peaceful solution of Yugoslavian crisis. In Declaration they still
have been acknowledging unity of federation and proposing to start with
talks between Slovenian side and federation representatives since the
1st of August.
On the 1st of July, 1991 Warsaw Treaty Organisation was officially dismissed
in accordance to protocol calling for “reformation of all-European structures”,
but not for NATO, WEC and EC.
On the 12th of July Presidium of SFRY made a decision by a majority vote
to withdraw Yugoslav troops from Slovenia and re-dislocate them in Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. This war pushed on international
acknowledgement of Slovenia. Germany considered army made a putsch and
it is required to appeal urgently to Security Council. German chancellor
H.-D.Henscher had informed UK, EC, Austira and convinced them in Yugoslav
army “aggression” and that it is necessary to admit independence of Slovenia
and Croatia .
Events in Croatia went not so quick but more dramatically. Assistance
for world bourgeoisie came up from fascism as usual, from pathological
patriotism in its newest forms.
By the end of 1980s nationalistic propaganda in Croatia increased, signs
of anti-Serbian tones in republic, tension had been growing. Sabor (parliament)
of Croatia in august 1989 adopted a law about language; in that law Serbian
language was not mentioned at all as a language of people in Croatia.
On the 21st of December, 1990 Serbian autonomous district Krajina was
proclaimed (SAD). According statute adopted “Serbian autonomous district
Krajina is a kind of territorial autonomy in republic of Croatia… within
the framework of federative Yugoslavia” . By the 20th of February, 1991
Croatian government submitted constitutional law to parliament; this law
determined the priority of republican laws over federal and adopted Resolution
“on dissociation” with Croatia and SFRY. On the 28th of February Serbian
national parliament (‘Veche’) and Executive Veche of Autonomuous Serbian
Krajina adopted Resolution “on dissociation” with Republic Croatia on
the basis of referendum results. On the 18th of March local parliament
of Knin (‘Skupschina’) passed a decision on final separation from Croatia.
On the 12th of May they held a referendum about reunion with Serbia. 16th
of may, local parliament of Knin passed a resolution on incorporation
of Krajina to Yugoslavia .
Watchers suppose that S.Miloshevic knew nothing about plans of Krajina.
That is why the leader of Krajina’s delegation was not allowed to appear
at Serbian parliament (‘Skupschina’); the Skupschina itself didn’t attach
significance to decision of Serbs in Krajina. It has been sounded like
Beograd’s “no” to Serbian Krajina decisions.
Meanwhile traditions of Croatian fascists were practically rehabilitated:
symbols of new Croatia repeated those of New Independent Croatia of 1941.
Only in Dalmatia they’ve ruined 2000 monuments to the victims of fascism.
They began renaming of settlements, streets, enterprises where was any
mention about Serbs. The term “fifth column” appears in political vocabulary
of ruling Croatian elite. Being under pressure Serbs have been leaving
cities and villages: from 1991 to 1993 350 thousand Serbs went away .
In total 94 orthodox churches and 4 monasteries in Croatia were robbed,
70 churches and 96 religious buildings, 10 cemeteries were, two libraries,
two church archives destructed . In 1991 20 thousand Serbian children
were forcibly turned to catholic. The same emotional glow was used later
at Albanian border in Kosovo province.
Meanwhile in the east of Eurasia, in the USSR the effort of putsch takes
place. The rioters stood since 19 to 21 of August and they were abolished
by peaceful democratic revolution. Communist party of the Soviet Union
as well as USSR ended their lives by the 20th of August, 1991. The victory
of capitalism in Yugoslav republics went through civil war with external
assistance of the “world community”.
It is considered that the first phase of military activity began since
March (attack of Croatian police on Plitvice) to the end August, 1991
when there were military encounters between Serbian and Croatian sides.
The second phase was the war of Yugoslav regular army and Croatian army:
from end August, 1991 when Yugoslav army attacked Kievo to the 20th of
November (end of Vukovar battle). This period is characterized with bigger
victims and destructions .
The reason of war in Croatia (the same as in Slovenia) was announced by
Croatian powers as “Serbian aggression…, the effort of Serbs to establish
their power in the part of Croatian territory, namely to make the Great
Serbia» . In fact the thing was different. The ruling Christian-democratic
party (CDA) has been making military squadrons all over the country. The
main criterias during recruiting them were: Croatian nationality, loyalty
to powers, hatred to Yugoslavia, and readiness to run the command . A
lot of mercenaries came to country and among them: Germans, French, English,
Rumanians, and even Afro-American. It was allowed to arrive in republic
for black legions of Croatian nationalists (Ustashes) that have been waiting
this for a long time. They were military trained well in Latin America,
Australia, Germany. They were well equipped. Actions of ustashes, CDU-members
and mercenaries were differed by sophisticated cruelty.
In November 1991 Yugoslavian leadership appealed Security Council and
asked to send UN troops to Croatia deploying them between the territory
of major Serbian population and the rest Croatian territory. Situation
goes more serious at Croatian front-lines by the beginning of December.
Last soldiers of Yugoslav army left positions, none was responsible for
mobilization (during the year 1991 Yugoslav army was abandoned by Croats,
Slovenians, Macedonians, Muslims).
In December, 1991 S.Wance developed peacekeeping activities plan of the
UN for Yugoslavia under temporary mandate for 6 months just to make “the
conditions for peace and assure security required for talks about overwhelming
solution of Yugoslav crisis”. UN member countries voluntary send their
peace troops. Supreme commandership is in the hand of UN general secretary
and not of leaders of fighting countries.
Update of these months’ events in Bosnia and Herzegovina was not original.
18th of November, 1990 at the first multiparty elections majority of parliament
seats (86) took muslim Party of democratic action (PDA), then 72 seats
took Serbian democratic party (SDP) and Croatian democratic alliance (CDA)
got 44 seats . Breakdown of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) by nationality
has been identified already by dashed line.
And in February, 1991 SDP and CDA offered parliament to discuss Declaration
on sovereignty of B&H; then Serbs commenced to unite communities with
majority of Serbian population. By the autumn of 1991 tension in B&H
has been growing. Croatian volunteers have been getting back from front,
first funeral letters were received, and economic situation has being
worsened. Communication with other republics was also hampered. Bridges
over river Savva were destroyed. Due to the war B&H gradually found
itself in economic blockade. All civil airports were closed, the port
on Adriatic Sea took on lease is cut off, and energy crisis broke out.
The year of 1992 is coming soon.
Already on the 7-8th of January NATO participates in arrangements for
airlifting EC humanitarian assistance to Moscow and St Petersburg in aircraft
provided by the Canadian and German governments. On the 10th of January,
at the first meeting of an informal High Level Working Group established
by the North Atlantic Cooperation Council to discuss ratification and
implementation of the CFE Treaty, agreement is reached on a phased approach
for bringing the CFE Treaty into force. This way NATO has been taking
initiative in its hands to “control weapons” over the Europe.
25th of January, 1992 – Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina made a decision
to vote a referendum about sovereignty and independence of the republic.
Serbian group in parliament refused to vote and left the meeting room.
The 1st of March B&H in fact proclaimed its independence.
In February of 1992 Presidium of SFRY adopted peaceful plan of S.Wance.
Yet at the 8th of March overnight, 1992 Croatian engaged gunning of Barani
town to try to liberate part of the territory before UN troops came up.
10th of March, Extraordinary Meeting of the North Atlantic Cooperation
Council. Foreign Ministers and Representatives of the NACC countries publish
a Work Plan for Dialogue, Partnership and Cooperation took place. So they
published “Work Plan”. This “plan” included two aspects: 1) «intensified
consultations on the part of the Central and Eastern European countries
with the North Atlantic Council, NATO's various specialized committees,
and the Military Committee; 2) and a range of cooperative activities.
Both aspects are designed to promote dialogue, partnership and cooperation
on security and related issues». What did NATO imply by the term “security”?
The focus of “these consultations and cooperation” as NATO declared lies
in the sphere of security, that is: Defence Planning Issues And Military
Matters, Issues of defence planning, Force and command structures, Military
contribution to conceptual approaches to all arms control and disarmament
issues, Views on military exercises, Democratic concepts of civilian-military
relations, Planning, management and analysis of national defence programmes
and budgets, Concepts and methods of training and education in the defence
This activity also covers NATO participation in ecologic programs under
the title “Third Dimension”. The money of Euro-American capital saved
on rockets withdrawal from Europe goes to conquest of Europe and Asia
without weapons.
The sphere of “scientific and ecologic” interests of NATO leadership is
very curious. The Work Plan envisages such issues as: Seminar on the military
role in environmental protection
Participation of cooperation partners' experts in pilot study meetings;
Pilot study of defence base clean-ups; Pilot study on protecting civil
populations from toxic material spills during movements of military and
other dangerous, defence-related goods; Pilot study on existing cross-border
environmental problems emanating from defence-related installations and
activities, etc.
NATO allies committed to provide required means to finance its activity
on “cooperation”. Herewith part of this funds will be provided by particular
country on its own account.
Hereby, NATO is interest in all objects and field of activity that is
somehow related to defense, military industry and possibility “to resist”
NATO’s invasion. They need as much as possible information on military,
economic potential of “partners” which are to be member on the NATO under
definite circumstances. All things should be under control, organized
or bought on behalf of “common” budget of NATO. At the same time there
will be a “casting” of those who will be involved in reshaping Europe
and Asia. So “the Plan” had begun to realize very fast.
4th of April, 1992 was called by Bosnian Serbs as the day of Muslim putsch
in Sarajevo when in parallel to mobilization military activities had started
– they retake police offices, post, all major objects in the city. Fear
and concern were common in Sarajevo. There were armed forces on the streets
which were formed on national basis, most of the youngsters walked in
the streets had masques.
On the 6th of April Council of Ministers of the European Community adopted
Declaration that had advised member-countries to acknowledge Bosnia and
Herzegovina as independent state since the 7th of April. It was a signal
to the leadership of Bosnia that Europe supports them, that their requirements
are righteous. In the very day Presidium of B&H declared the state
of emergency in republic and on the 8th of April imposed the state of
military menace. As early as 7th of April, 1992 Bosnia was acknowledged
by the USA, EC and Croatia. On the 22nd of May B&H became a member
of the UNO. Serbian Republic in Bosnia and Herzegovina had also declared
independence but not in the right time. Serbs found ourselves as hostages
of world capitalist empires big policy. But previous to this:
10 April – First Meeting of the NATO Military Committee in Cooperation
Session with Chiefs of Defence and Chiefs of General Staff of Central
and Eastern European States, of course not everyone was invited.
21 April – bloody war in Mostar had waged. At the beginning this war is
against Yugoslavian army, then between Muslims, Serbs and Croats themselves.
By the 21st of April the number of refugees and displaced persons in B&H
according UN reached 230 thousand and each day it has been increased by
30 thousand . Number of refugees outside the republic reached 350 thousand.
Presidium of B&H called for military assistance (Turkey in particular)
announcing Yugoslav army as aggressor. Again it happened.
22 April – Muslims engage gunning on Serbian district around city of Ilidge.
Barracks were blocked in the city; they fired an aiming fire on military
hospital, barracks, they attacked military.
End April in B&H there was two centers of power – in Pale (Serbian)
and in Sarajevo (Mussulman). 27th of April, Presidium of B&H asked
Yugoslavia to draw out its army from the territory of republic.
Meeting of CSCE held in Helsinki set an ultimatum to Yugoslavia – to draw
out its troops from B&H by the 29th of April. The Republic of Yugoslavia
met set requirements and made a decision to draw its troops from both
B&H and Croatia within 15 days.
After withdrawal of Yugoslav army from Croatia its commanders still believed
that army in B&H should be strengthened. Serbs from Bosnia which remained
in Yugoslav army formed a source for the army of Serbian Republic (SR).
4th of May, Visit to NATO by Japanese Minister of State for Defence, Sohei
Miyashita. Japan wants to get a right position in a changing world, to
choose the right group. 7th of May, Meeting of Russian Secretary of State
Gennady Burbulis with Acting Secretary General of NATO Amedeo de Franchis
at NATO Headquarters. 20-22 ìàÿ NATO Defence Conversion Seminar with Cooperation
Partners, two months later after adoption of the NATO Work Plan. The sooner
you can do with military industry and military programs of yesterday rivals
– the better.
12th of May, 1992 local parliament of Serbian Republic made a decision
about establishment of its own army. Croats in B&H did not expect
to fight, believing that making of confederation with Croatia will be
Yugoslavian troops were still in Bosnia. However on the 18th of May in
Sarajevo the agreement about evacuation of Yugoslav army was signed. Departure
of Yugoslav troops from Sarajevo has started. Since that time military
encounters had been extending. Situation is complicated by the participation
of three sided in military activity. On the 27th of May an explosion occurred
in Sarajevo just in a queue, lots of people died. Security Council blaming
Sarajevo passed a resolution on implementing sanctions against United
Republic of Yugoslavia (URYO. The operation planned by Muslims has brought
On the 4th of June the meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Oslo announced
their readiness “to support conventionally” peacekeeping mission under
guidance of OSCE on a basis of cease-fire. Ministers also made a statement
about crisis on the former Yugoslavia territory (it became “the former”
in all documents) and about crisis in Nagorny Karabakh, Armenian-Azerbaijan
border. It is notable that on the 5th of June this meeting was attended
by representatives of Georgia and Albania as watchers of North-Atlantic
Council on Cooperation (NÀÑÑ). These two countries have particular relations
with NATO leadership.
On the 21st of June Croatian army attacked positions of Serbian national
defense forces near plateau Milevachki south to Drnish and moved ahead
for a few kilometers. Croats entered protected zone and killed 48 Serbian
soldiers. «Blue helmets» didn’t react, neither Beograd come to rescue.
The UN Security Council call for withdrawal of Croatian troops from UN-protected
zones wasn’t realized at all. This caused response gunning of city Shibenika
by Serbian soldiers and counter-strike by Croatian forces on the 22nd
of June which put to gunning city of Knin within the limits of southern
sector. Witnesses of continuing assassinations on the territory of Croatia
were not sounded publicly. There were camps for Serbs on the territory
of Croatia. The “World community” didn’t notice brutality in Croatia freed
“from communism”.
On the 2nd of July the USA informed their allies about completion of withdrawal
nuclear weapons from Europe in accordance with initiative announced on
the 27th of September, 1991 about taking away all tactic nuclear missiles
from all US navy and attack submarines. Herewith nobody wants to reduce
critically military budget nor USA, neither NATO. The means are to spend
now more sophistically.
On 3rd of July, 1992 in B&H Croatian community Herzog-Bosnia (CCHB)
was proclaimed that is actually legalized status quo when south-western
Bosnia in fact does like “southern Croatia”. Ont the 28th of August, 1993
parliament of Bosnian Croats reformed CCHB to Croatian republic Herzog-Bosnia.
It was established irreciprocally.
10th of July, at the conclusion of the Helsinki CSCE Follow-Up Conference
at Summit Level, leaders of the 51 participating nations approve a Final
Document (“The Challenges of Change”) addressing, inter alia, support
for CSCE peace-keeping activities by NATO and other international organisations.
The North Atlantic Council in Ministerial Session in Helsinki agrees on
a NATO maritime operation in the Adriatic in coordination and cooperation
with the operation by the WEU, to monitor compliance with UN sanctions
imposed on Serbia and Montenegro by Security Council Resolutions 713 and
757. Those resolutions are about SC UN sanctions and about embargo on
weapons supply.
In 1991-1992 weapons to Muslims went via Croatia. Embargo on weapons supply
set by Resolution No.747 on 25th September 1991 was visibly followed by
Bosnia and never by Croatia. Western countries especially USA closed their
eyes when Croatia had been received arms via Slovenia and Hungary by sea
and air. At the same time it has agreed to get weapons for Muslims in
Bosnia as well but has taken 50% of each line, and sometimes more asking
money compensation. Disbranched off the whole world Bosnia & Herzegovina
had agreed to this . Well, they couldn’t disagree when NATO forces exercised
psychological pressure on the conflict parties: NATO military air bases
in Italy (Aviano, Istrana, Vicenza, Geda, Villa Franca and Cervia); in
Adriatic sea – three air craft carriers, including “Saratoga” (USA) and
“Ark Royal” (UK) and cruiser “Dale” (USA).
From April 1994 to April 1994 Croatia purchased weapons for $600 mln.
On the 27th of October 1992 after many months of fighting Serbs entered
Yaitse town. Taking up of Yaitse was the last big acquisition by Serbs
in this war.
Many Islamic countries expressed their solidarity in Bosnian war. 2000
of professional military (Malaysia, Pakistan – ‘Taliban’, Algeria, Libya
and others) took part in this war on muslim side as it was pointed in
newspapers. . Modjaheds were differenced by extreme cruelty: while killing
their victims they used knife not bullet and obligatory beheaded people
very slowly. They scarified population by putting people on a ganch or
roasting someone on a spit. They performed terrorist and sabotage acts,
took part in training of military and actively supplied weapons to Bosnia
and Herzegovina. Capital could manage to pit people by national or religious
Delivery of weapons to Muslims and Croats went by several ways: 1) via
Croatian ports and within the territory of Croatia and Herzog-Bosnia;
2) by NATO airplanes; 3) with humanitarian convoys (!); 4) from Albania
via Kosovo. The main suppliers were Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Already on the 26-28 of August in London there was a conference on the
“former” Yugoslavia. It is clear that conclusion of such meeting have
been prepared in advance. That is why on 2nd of September North-Atlantic
Council had agreed on measures for Alliance to be take by available means
to support UN, EC and CSCE efforts in establishing peace in the former
Yugoslavia including protection of humanitarian assistance and UN’s watching
on heavy weapons.
12-13th of September, UN begins monitoring of heavy weapons in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. NATO Allies express readiness to support the UN in this
endeavour. Distance between ‘express readiness’ to full replacement of
UN troops in most operations wasn’t very short. To express “readiness”
by 2nd of October in Billefeld city they put into operation a new military
squadron for Rapid Deployment Forces of European Alliance NATO Commandership
(Germany). Thus Rapid forces replaced “quick rockets”.
14th October, WEU Permanent Council meets at Ambassadorial level with
eight Central and Eastern European countries. The North Atlantic Council
authorises the use of a NATO airborne early warning force (AWACS) to monitor
the UN-mandated “no-fly” zone in effect over Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hence,
from “readiness to support” UN NATO goes to performance of its functions.
20-21st October, NATO Ministers of Defense meeting in the Nuclear Planning
Group (NPG) at Gleneagles, Scotland, focus on the implications of the
Alliance’s role in peacekeeping activities for NATO’s collective defense
planning. New political guidelines providing for reduced reliance on nuclear
weapons are also adopted. Here they adopted new political principals supposing
not to rely very much on nuclear weapons.
6th November, NATO supplies UN Protection Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina
with an operational headquarters, including a staff of some 100 personnel,
equipment, supplies and initial financial support. From now on the UNO
is handed over under “guardianship of NATO”, but so far to a small extent,
so UN became some NATO ‘affiliation’, ‘daughter’ company.
11th of December, Defence Ministers participating in NATO’s Defence Planning
Committee state that support for UN and CSCE peacekeeping should be included
among the missions of NATO forces and headquarters. And by the 15th of
December UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali requests access to
NATO contingency plans for possible military operations in former Yugoslavia,
including enforcement of the no-fly zone over Bosnia and Herzegovina,
establishment of safe havens for civilians in Bosnia, and ways to prevent
the spread of conflict to Kosovo and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
So, for the first time the strategic target was sounded – the “key” to
cahier Yugoslavia is Kosovo province. NATO quickly used the prompt. And
yet on the 16th of December Albanian President Sali Berisha meets with
Secretary General Manfred.
18th of December, NACC Foreign Ministers and representatives agree to
exchange experience and expertise on peacekeeping and related matters
and issue the 1993 NACC Work Plan for the year 1993. More and more often
you may face in this “Plan” with the following words: peacekeeping, security,
consultations, partnership, cooperation, dialogue. There is also extension
in ‘NATO military operations’ in the sphere of culture, information, political
discussions and economic seminars. In other words NATO realizes invasion
into public conscious of his ‘partners’ and future members of Alliance
by wider frontline.
It is remarkable that new annual plan include meetings of Regional expert
groups of partners with NATO experts. In defense issues there is addition
concerning military exercises as well as consultations “on concepts of
modernization of command and control systems, including communications
and information systems”. Another issue is already got closer to operational
readiness and mobilization both active and reserve forces. This plan also
contains such crops as “democratic control over the armed forces”.
In this Plan they mentioned exploratory study of the need and feasibility
for establishing a data base on defense industry to be converted in cooperation
partner countries. Attendance of scientists from cooperation partner countries
in the new Advanced Research Perspective Programme activities (ARPP) and
in Advanced Study Institutes (ASI) and Advanced Research Workshops (ARW)
had increased by approximately 2,000 scientists from cooperation partner
countries; Participation of scientists from cooperation partner countries
in the Collaborative Research Grants Programme raised by 130 grants. And
so on.
Eventually by the end of 1992 NATO was transformed to independent institution
from being an assistant instrument of UNO and it drawing back UN from
her working functions in burning points of Europe. Substitute is not visible
as it seems but leads to far reaching effects already in 1993. Yesterday
partners of NATO become active participants of its scientific, political,
diplomatic and finally military “activities”. New role of NATO in Europe
and in the world is getting clear. The year of 1993 is closing in.
On the 14th of January, 1993 Allies agree on plans for enforcement of
no-fly zone over Bosnia and Herzegovina, if requested to do so by the
UN. 21st of January, Signing of the agreement on conditions for employing
the European Corps within the Alliance framework by NATO Supreme Allied
Commander Europe and the Chiefs of Defense of France and Germany.
On the 22nd of January, 1993 Croatian troops exercised a wide scale intervention
in sector “South” close to the bridge in Maslenitsa. In this attack on
Serbian defense positions different arms took place: infantry, tanks,
rocket stations and artillery. Croatian side did not follow the agreement
on security zones systematically and disrespectfully. As a “result” Serbska
Krajina is proved under pressure to start negotiations on economic cooperation
with Zagreb (Croatia). And civil war doesn’t calm down.
10th of March, The North Atlantic Council directs NATO Military Authorities
to develop contingency options for possible implementation of a UN peace
plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina. So, ‘by request of UN general secretary”
NATO develops its reserve plans. On the 2nd of April the North Atlantic
Council directs SACEUR (Commander in Europe) to take preparatory steps
to implement UN Resolution 816, authorising enforcement of the no-fly
zone over Bosnia and Herzegovina. On the 12th of April they start the
operation. Fighter and surveillance aircraft from several allied nations
participate, as well as aircraft from NATO’s Airborne Early Warning Force
19th of April, US search and rescue units join Russians in Siberia in
the first US-Russian joint training exercise on Russian soil since the
Second World War.
22nd of April, UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali meets NATO Secretary
General Manfred Woerner in Brussels, to discuss the situation in former
Yugoslavia, NATO’s role in peacekeeping and NATO-UN relations in general.
Hereway, NATO Headquarters as the new center of world polic(e)y US Secretary
of State Warren Christopher arrives on the 6th of May to discuss the Bosnia
22nd of May, Joint Action Programme on Bosnia and Herzegovina announced
by members of the UN Security Council (France, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom,
United States) to stop the fighting, including provisions for “safe areas”.
Consequently, Security Council makes decision instead of the whole world
while NATO acts in the name of the UN.
10th of June, at the Ministerial meeting of the North Atlantic Council
in Athens, NATO Foreign Ministers offer to provide protective air power
in case of attack against UNPROFOR in the performance of its overall mandate,
if so requested by the UN.
18th of June, The UN Security Council approves deployment of 300 US troops
to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to join the 700 UN troops
already there as a preventive measure to keep the Bosnian conflict from
spreading. From now on US troops pretend to be UN troops. For Macedonia
it means that those 300 persons will turn soon to military base in Macedonia.
Promotion of the “war” commodity keeps going.
9th of August, the North Atlantic Council approves the operational options
for air strikes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as called for by the Council
on 2 August, to be implemented on the authorisation of the UN Secretary
General. A month later (1st of September) NATO Secretary General Manfred
Woerner meets with UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali in Geneva
to discuss prospects for a peaceful settlement in Bosnia and Herzegovina
and NATO’s role in support of the UN’s peacekeeping mission in the former
Yugoslavia, as well as the development of closer links between NATO and
the UN. Notable fact that at present ‘peacekeeping’ is associated with
bombing and military invasion.
3rd of December, at the NACC Ministerial, NATO and NACC Foreign Ministers
approve a second report by the NACC Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping,
as well as the NACC Work Plan for 1994.
Again we see: ‘security’, ‘cooperation’, ‘partnership’, ‘dialogue’… NATO
comes in deeper and deeper to internal policy of ‘partners’, to their
military planning, to their military budget, to issues of management and
organization of national defense, to their training and education in compliance
with NATO standards.
Now they put in the plan: “exploration of options for joint training and
joint exercises; exploration of options to create a clearing house for
training programmes; exploration of options for coordinating and enhancing
Language Training”. It is obvious that for the single commandership one
should learn common language of commands. As for the conversion of military
industry it is proposed to form a workshop, for interested countries,
to consider how NATO can realistically help in areas of defense conversion.
There we face with just pure business. The main producers of weapons and
ammo in the USA and Europe may help easily and stylishly to get rid of
their rivals at the world market of arms. In this case NATO can offer
to launch typical ‘pilot project’ leading to cooperation proposals.
NATO more actively gets in budget process, proposing the following topics:
interrelationship between defense expenditures/budgets and the economy;
modalities for transfer to civilian industry, including small and medium
enterprises, of military research and development. It is envisaged to
include for next year plan economic colloquium named “Privatisation Experiences
and Policies in NACC Countries in the field of defense industry, taking
into account privatisation experiences in other fields”, to be organised
by the Economics Directorate.
The year 1994 has come. Again he did not bring peace to Yugoslavia, to
Europe. The whole year 1993 NATO has been extending in its striving to
replace UNO, to fix the idea of NATO trooper as the only ‘peacekeeper’
in the world.
Assessing the result of the coming year of 1994 for NATO we can say that
the main achievement is outbreak of powerful NATO initiative at Brussels’
summit with a name “Partnership for Peace”. It was also the reason for
US and Europe world capital to break on other countries internal affairs
actively. Moreover the ‘initiative’ was supported straight by 30 countries
that were not members of the Alliance.
So, on the 10-11th of January, 1994, at the Brussels Summit, Alliance
Heads of State and Government launch Partnership for Peace (PfP), issuing
an invitation to all NACC partner countries and CSCE states able and willing
to participate. The PfP Framework Document is published. The concept of
Combined Joint Task Forces is endorsed, as well as other measures to support
the development of a European Security and Defence Identity. NATO Heads
of State and Government reaffirm NATO’s readiness to carry out air strikes
to prevent the “strangulation” of Sarajevo and other UN-declared safe
areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thus, partnership “for god’s sake” has
started not with concepts but with readiness to bomb Serbs or anybody
6 February, UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali requests NATO to
prepare for possible air strikes against artillery positions in and around
Sarajevo, following a mortar attack on a crowded market place in the city
with extensive loss of life. Let’s remember that the same activities of
Croatian troops did not have any reaction from the UN. So, the UN makes
an order to NATO to start with bombing of Serbian positions.
9 February, The North Atlantic Council condemns the continuing siege of
Sarajevo and announces that heavy weapons of any of the parties remaining
in an area within 20 kilometres of the centre of the city after 20 February
would be subject to NATO air strikes conducted in close coordination with
the UN Secretary General, consistent with the NAC’s decisions of 2 and
9 August 1993. By the 21 February Following expiry of the deadline of
9 February to withdraw heavy weapons from the Sarajevo exclusion zone,
NATO’s Secretary General announces that, because the objectives were being
met, UN and NATO officials had recommended not to use air power (bombing
lessons) at this stage.
Yet on 23 February the President of Albania, Sali Berisha, comes to NATO
Headquarters to sign the PfP Framework Document.
28 February, four warplanes violating the UN-mandated no-fly zone over
Bosnia and Herzegovina are shot down by Alliance jets
The US made Muslims and Croats to go on armistice and then to form federation.
Since beginning of March 1994 peace talks about the conditions of rejunion
of both sides that waged a cruel war with each other started in Washington
and Vienna. The reason for making a federation was the obvious task of
the West to set their control over the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and
to make two front lines instead of three ones uniting Muslims and Croats
in their fighting against Serbs.
18 March 1994, the solemn ceremony of signing agreement on establishment
of Muslim-Croatian federation on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
takes place in Washington at the pressence of B.Clinton.
Crisis around Gorazhde town. 28 March, Serbs opened gunning of the town.
Attacks didn’t stop even when NATO air forces undertook air strikes. Only
by 19 April under pressure of world community and menace of new NATO air
strikes Serbs were urged to sit at talks table. Oficially the end of Gorazhde
town crisis (where the weapon producing plant “Pobeda” is placed) was
named as “NATO ultimatum success”
29 March 1994, agreement about armistice is signed between Krajina and
Zagreb; in the beginning of December 1994 the agreement between Serbska
Krajina and Croatian on normalisation of economic relations is signed.
Krajina did not get any autonomy at all. On the contrary, Croatia was
engaged with military reinforcement for the Krajina to be reintegrated
by military way. And Croatia did so in 1995.
10 April, Following a request from the UN Force Command, NATO aircraft
provide close air support to UN personnel in Gorazde, a UN-designated
safe area in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
16 April. A British Sea Harrier jet is shot down while on a NATO close
air support mission to protect UNPROFOR troops in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It is more and more difficult for fighting sides to tell apart whether
these are UN troops or Alliance troops that are called ‘peacekeepers’.
Therefore everybody gets their portion of fire. The NATO responds to this.
22 April, in a response to a request of 18 April by the UN Secretary General,
the North Atlantic Council takes further decisions regarding the use of
air power to protect UN personnel throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and
UN-designated safe areas. The Council also authorises air strikes unless
all Bosnian Serb heavy weapons are withdrawn by 27 April from an area
within 20 kilometres of Gorazde.
26-27 May, Inaugural Conference on a Pact on Stability in Europe, in Paris.
European Foreign Ministers discuss a new initiative aimed at averting
conflicts over borders and the rights of minorities, promoting good neighbourly
relations in Central and Eastern Europe, and strengthening regional cooperation
and democratic institutions. They forgot to add: ‘good relations’ prodived
by UN troops, that is by NATO forces.
12 July, an important event for the NATO took place. The German Federal
Constitutional Court clarifies the constitutional basis for the deployment
of German forces abroad, removing constitutional objections to German
participation in UN, NATO or WEU peacekeeping missions. For the first
time since the end of the World war second Bundeswehr can make a war or,
in new terms, maintain security and ‘make peace’ abroad.
Meanwhile, on the 5 of August NATO aircraft attack a target within the
Sarajevo Exclusion Zone at the request of UNPROFOR, after Bosnian Serbs
seize weapons from a UN collection site near Sarajevo.
13 August, Death of NATO Secretary General Manfred Woerner in Brussels.
Deputy Secretary General Sergio Balanzino assumes duties as Acting Secretary
1 September, Russian troops leave Berlin, completing their withdrawal
from German territory like it was done in 1991-1992 in Lithuania, Latvia
and Estonia. Simmetrically the USA, France and UK took out the rest of
their troops from Berlin. What if this partnership will be allways of
this type? Unfortunately it is not the case.
1 September, the first group of international police forces arrived in
Mostar. These forces should put to rights this town where was the atmosphere
of provocations, dislike, permanent confrontations. Both Muslims and Croats
used to open fire in town, did not allow for people or vehicles enter
their territory. Situation could be bursted out.
13-14 September 1994, the meeting of B&H and Croatian delegations
headed by A.Tudzhman and A.Izetbegovich takes place. The purpose of the
meeting is to refresh Federation of B&H and Washington agreement,
to review the issues of cooperation of B&H and Croatian, Federation
of B&H and Croatia. As for the ‘federation’ issue they agreed upon
establishing transition authorities.
12-16 September, the first joint training exercise under PfP (Cooperative
Bridge) is held near Poznan, Poland, with participation by soldiers from
13 NATO and Partner nations. Meanwhile Rapid Deployment Forces do exercises
in Denmark from 17 October tî 8 November.
21 November, NATO aircraft attack the Udbina airfield in Serbheld Croatia
at the request of and in close coordination with UNPROFOR, in response
to attacks launched from Udbina against targets in the Bihac area of Bosnia
and Herzegovina. As it is said, following attacks against NATO aircraft,
NATO forces carry out an air strike on a surface-to-air missile site south
of Otoka, in accordance with self-defence measures previously announced.
24 November, the North Atlantic Council issues a statement condemning
recent attacks on the UN safe area of Bihac by Bosnian Serb and Krajinan
Serb forces; and announcing measures being taken in support of United
Nations negotiating efforts. However, nor UN neither NATO have been ingnoring
Croatian activity in this war.
In November 1994 Croatia and the USA made an agreement on military cooperation.
State secretary W.Cristopher cynically fastened all the blame for Croatian
aggression to Serbs which undertook attack on Bikhach. Croats allegedly
just responded for this attack . The role of the USA in Croatian blitzkrieg
is not so simple. It is obvious that the U.S. is involved in preparation
for aggression in Croatia. According the Croatian minister of foreign
affairs M.Granitsa the US consulted Croatia on carrying out both operations
Germany did not condemn aggression as well but only expressed their wish
not to spread these military activity to avoid engaging Balkan war. Russia
sent three protests to the UNO with condemnation of Croatian aggression.
Russian president offered the initiative of setting a meeting in Moscow
with involvement of S.Miloshevich and F.Tudjman aiming to agree and to
sign a document about stoppage the war activity. The allegation was made
right at the moment when Knin town was taken over and Croatian MIGs begin
shooting of refugees’ columns. Tudjman refuse to come to Russian talks
since he was actively supported by the US and Germany which sanctioned
the plan of seazing Serbska Krajina. Another year of war and peacekeeping
went by.
1 January 1995. Four months cease-fire in Bosnia begins.
Austria, Finland and Sweden join the European Union.
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is established as the successor to
GATT. World of empires is changing a bit faster.
18 January. The NATO Council agrees on a NATO standardisation programme
to improve the coordination of allied policies and programmes for materiel,
technical and operational standardisation. Standartisation became a natural
consequence of extension and centralization of Aliance military activity
in Eastern direction. Therefore on 24 January the NATO Council agrees
on the establishment of a new NATO Standardisation Organisation.
Meanwhile the war in Balkans goes on. 6 March. Croatia forms a military
alliance with the Bosnian Muslim- Croat federation. UNPROFOR remains in
Croatia. 8 March Secretary General Willy Claes and US President Bill Clinton
meet in Washington to discuss a possible pullout of UN peacekeeping forces
from Croatia and Bosnia.
18-20 March, a Pan-European Security Conference meeting in Paris, attended
by 50 countries, adopts a ‘stability pact’ to eliminate the dangers of
crisis in Europe and agrees on a series of measures relating to borders
and the “rights of ethnic minorities”. Using this “ethnic sauce” NATO
and the allies from now on can make some bad thing being covered by such
international mandates.
Spring attack of 1995 was thoroughly planned by Muslim army and it was
widely announced. They have carried out excercises, purchased weaponry;
troops were redislocated according the outlined plan of attack. Given
the ongoing international embargo on supply of weapons American Herculeses
Ñ-130 have been delivering Tuzla airport with all sorts of weapons, field
machinery from Muslim and Western Europe countries. American and German
instructors have been teaching soldiers, assisting in tactic plans development.
25 May, In response to a request from the UN, NATO aircraft attack a Bosnian
Serb ammunition depot near Pale. This is followed by a second attack the
next day.
27 May, At a meeting, the North Atlantic Council demands that the Bosnian
Serbs stop their attacks on UN safe areas and comply with the UNPROFOR
ultimatum to remove all heavy weapons from the Sarajevo exclusion zone
or place them under UN control. It condemns the killing and detention
of UN peacekeepers.
2 July, Srebrenica receives heaviest shelling since being declared a UN
safe area. The UN War Crime Tribunal formally indicts Mr. Karadzic (leader
of Republic Serbska) and General Mladic with charges of genocide and crimes
against humanity. However none of such accusation was addressed to Croats
or Muslims. In NATO-UNO version they are victims.
After 6 of July Serbs started large-scale attack on Srebrenica and on
25 July they took over Zhepa. As early as 11 July NATO aircrafts attack
targets in the Srebrenica area of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Until surrender
of Srebrenica and Zhepa in July 1995 “the line of confrontation at main
strategic directions did not change at all” .
1 August, US House of Representatives votes to lift Bosnian arms embargo.
NATO launches Operation Deliberate Force, attacking Serb positions with
aircraft and artillery in response to the shelling of Sarajevo. It looks
like punishment “on behalf of the UN”.
30 August, NATO aircraft strikes against Bosnian Serbs positions near
Sarajevo. 1 September, NATO aircraft resume bombing of Bosnian Serb positions;
Bosnian Serbs respond by shelling Sarajevo. NATO aircraft attack Bosnian
Serb targets near Pale. NATO suspends Operation Deliberate Force after
Bosnian Serbs agree to withdraw heavy weapons from the 20 km exclusion
zone around Sarajevo. Agreement on the framework of constitutional arrangements
for Bosnia and Herzegovina is signed in New York. 2 September, NATO military
commanders are authorised by the NATO Council to resume air strikes on
Bosnian Serb positions at any time to counter further aggression against
UN-designated safe areas. 5 September, NATO aircraft resumed attacks on
Bosnian-Serb military targets.
In august-september of 1995 NATO undertook unprecedented by its cruelty
operation of Serbian military objects destruction, centers of communication,
anti-aircraft systems. All telecommunication systems of radio and television,
water reservoirs, agricultural farms, hospitals, refugees houses, bridges,
power transmission lines and other objects were annihilated. NATO air
strikes were accompanied by attacke of muslim-croat forces into western
parts of the country. Situation on fronts started to change flash-like.
Military sqads deprived from communication were desoriented.
Western analysts convinced that it were airstrikes which forced Serbs
to sit at talk’s table. What if these analysts can stand under bombs?
12 October, the cease-fire agreement was signed. Yet the fightings still
went on.
Meanwhile on 26 September NATO presents a draft proposal of a “Political
Frameworkfor NATO-Russia Relations” to Russian Ambassador Churkin.
À 28 September NATO presents the conclusions of the Study on NATO Enlargement
to NACC and PfP Cooperation partners ÍÀÒÎ. If we throw away the ‘wording’
about “enlargement” it gets clear that “enlargement” is an increase of
Aliance budget, the growth of the numbers of troops and scale of excercises
and othe ‘operations’. Changing of correlation of forces in Atlantic and
in Europe will require from smaller nations to make a choice between empires,
yesterdays and todays.
So what can we find in this document in Section A. Purposes of Enlargement:
«…Alliance's basic goal of enhancing security and stability throughout
the Euro-Atlantic area, within the context of a broad European security
architecture. NATO enlargement will extend to new members the benefits
of common defence and integration into European and Euro-Atlantic institutions.
The benefits of common defence and such integration are important to protecting
the further democratic development of new members. By integrating more
countries into the existing community of values and institutions supporting
democratic reforms, including civilian and democratic control over the
Promoting good-neighbourly relations, which would benefit all countries
in the Euro-Atlantic area, both members and non-members of NATO;
Fostering in new members of the Alliance the patterns and habits of cooperation,
consultation and consensus building which characterize relations among
current Allies;
Emphasizing common defence and extending its benefits and increasing transparency
in defence planning and military budgets, [made exclusively by national
national approach to to defense policty - AB].
Hence, with a help of NATO it was achieved super-concentration of European
capital, so some kind of United States of Europe werw formed and the formation
based on common military programmes and unified military commandership
of Europe. It is clear that unification on military foundation of different
type of states is hardly will pursue the purposes of peacekeeping in nations
and regions where the relations of possession, capitalist relations are
dominated. Ultimately giant military potential of “peacekeeping, stability
and safety” will be put in operation in order to create bigger alliance
of “peacekeepers” under NATO command which is in turn ruled by American
capital mostly. The US holds controlling interest in the Alliance.
« Study on NATO Enlargement » contains several items, in particular:
«Reinforcing the tendency toward integration and cooperation in Europe
based on shared democratic values and thereby curbing the countervailing
tendency towards disintegration along ethnic and territorial lines,… strengthening
the Alliance's ability to contribute to European and international security,;
strengthening and broadening the Trans-Atlantic partnership.». NATO takes
upon itself police functions to keep territorial integrity of Europe and
guarantees care about safety by military means, just like the UNO.
As far as the «Principles of Enlagement» are concerned we should note
the following:
Enlargement of the Alliance will be through accession of new member states
to the Washington Treaty (1949).
accept and conform with the principles, policies and procedures adopted
by all members of the Alliance at the time that new members join,… Strengthen
the Alliance's effectiveness and cohesion of Aliance,… Be part of a broad
European security architecture … Active participation in the Partnership
for Peace will play an important role in the evolutionary process of the
enlargement of NATO …Enlargement should :
Accord with, and help to promote, the purposes and principles of the Charter
of the United Nations, and the safeguarding of the freedom, common heritage
and civilisation of all Alliance members and their people, found on the
principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law. New members
will need to conform to these basic principles
Complement the enlargement of the European Union, a parallel process which
also, for its part, contributes significantly to extending security and
stability to the new democracies in the East…
New members… must commit themselves… new members will enjoy all the rights
and assume all obligations of membership under the Washington Treaty;
and accept and conform with the principles, policies and procedures adopted
by all members of the Alliance at the time that new members join; Strengthen
the Alliance's effectiveness and cohesion; and preserve the Alliance's
political and military capability to perform its core functions of common
defence as well as to undertake peacekeeping and other new missions… contribute
to the development of peaceful and friendly international relations… maintain
the effectiveness of the Alliance by sharing roles, risks, responsibilities,
costs and benefits … Enlargement will occur through a gradual, deliberate,
and transparent process, encompassing dialogue with all interested parties.».
If someone refuses he will be made to “dialogue” violently!
So, the NATO practice of “peacemaking” in Bosnia and Herzegovina got ideological
figuration as a Program for peace. Beautiful words help to charm hearts
of Europeans, to put more people under military flags of NATO for the
purpose of “peacemaking” as it is understood by world capital.
And at Balkans on 2 October Croats and Serbs strike deal over Eastern
Slavonia to place it under Croatian administration after a transition
period. Three Serb SAM sites are attacked by NATO aircrafts. The cease-fire
in Bosnia comes into effect. But time does not wait. 12 October, Visit
to NATO by President Sali Berusga of Albania S.Berusga, since the “crisis
in Bosnia” is close to an end.
27 October, a Memorandum of Understanding is signed between NATO and the
WEU to enable direct and plain communication between both organisations.
Visit to NATO by Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and
Special Envoy to NATO, Kofi Annan It seems that this diplomat, perhaps,
was found very promising.
1 November, Bosnian peace talks start in Dayton, Ohio. An agreement is
signed in Dayton on the reintegration of Eastern Slavonia into Croatia.
The UN Security Council suspends sanctions on the former Yugoslavia. So
Croatia took a piece of Serbian territory.
8 November, US Secretary of Defence William Perry and Russian Defence
Minister General Pavel Grachev visit NATO to discuss participation of
Russian forces in IFOR. This way Russia put her signature under the results
of “peacefull decision” of Bosnian question. Morover, Russia wanted to
take part in Bosnian “regulation” as an equal partner. Given that Russia
continues the war in Chechenia going the same stages of federal “peacekeeping”
and restauration of constitutional order.
5 December, the NAC meets at ministerial level. Foreign and Defence Ministers
of all 16 nations affirm their commitment to continue the Alliance’s efforts
to bring peace to Bosnia and Herzegovina. NATO formally endorses the deployment
of 60000 troops in Bosnia. The German Parliament votes to contribute 4000
troops. And on 14 of December President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia,
President Alya Izetbegovic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and President Franjo
Tudjman of Croatia sign the Bosnian Peace Agreement in Paris. 15 December,
the UN Secretary Council adopts Resolution 1031 on the establishment of
a Multinational Military Implementation Force. After that on 16 December
American troops arrived in Tuzla and on 20 December UN handed over commandership
of military operations in Bosnia to NATO leadership. Taking-over of UN
functions to NATO troops took place as a fact of history.
NATO commaner in chief L.Smith rejected the request of leader of Bosnian
serbs parliament to give a delay at least for nine months for handing
over of Bosnian serbs territory in Sarajevo under muslims governing. However
since the spring of 1992 to spring of 1995 Republic of Serpska Krajina
was under ‘blue helmets’ protection and battalions of peacekeepers were
dislocated along the border of Krajina and Croatia. Times had changed.
Suddenly France announced that it will suspend its membership in NATO
military Committee. So there is point of concern, this sort of peacekeeping
is ruthless well enough, ss-like.
The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina brought a lot of devastations and victims
among civil population. 200 thousan people died duting the war period
of which 90% are civil people. From 2,5 to 3 million people left their
hoses: 800 thousan serbs from Eastern Herzegovina, middle and Western
Bosnia, 800 thousan muslims from Eastern Herzegovina, Krajina and Eastern
Bosnia, about 500 thousand croats from middle Bosnia . The final result
of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina was finalized in Dayton wher in December
1995 peaceful agreements were signed which opened new page of Bosnia and
Herzegovina history.
Western countries especially USA in every way support newly formed federation.
On the 24 of January 1996 Presidium of Herzog-Bosnia made a decision on
gradual handing over of executive power to corresponding authorities of
Bosnia and Herzegovina federation. That was asked for from Muslim side
as well. Thus the first stage of a bigger Yugoslav war, or “the third
Balkan war” had completed.
During the years of the third Balkan war world capital presented by main
NATO countries acquired a lot of experience which was helpful for USA
and its alies for the final occupation of Balkan Peninsula. However, there
is a feeling that it has happened in history and not once. It is deja
Let’s remind at least the first Balkan war. It lasted since October 1912
to May 1913. Senescent Osman Empire faced with a wish of Serbia, Bulgaria
and Greece to get rid of Turkish Empire suppression. As a result territories
of Albania, Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria and islands in Aegeian Sea were
freed. It took less than month to engage new Balkan war which lasted since
June to August 1913. Bulgaria offended by the results of war faught with
Greece, Serbia and Osman Empire. Pieces of Bulgarian territory along the
perimeter went to Turkey, Greece, Serbia and Romania correspondingly.
Shortly before 1908 Austro-Hungarian Empire appropriated territory of
Bosnia and Herzegovina that was occupied in 1878. Territories of Balkan
Peninsula change hands, having being teared apart by empires, by parts
of empires that were a lot by the beginning of XX century in Europe. Young
European capitalism as the highest stage of capitalist development have
been started to try its strength toward “weak material”. In 1990s the
worst had started again. Nevertheless, let’s see what is going on then
in 1996.
Yet it is the 3rd of January, US Defence Secretary William Perry flies
to Sarajevo to discuss peacekeeping with NATO military officers and Bosnian
leaders. Natural consequence of NATO peacekeeping will remain here as
NATO military base that is why chief of Pentagon came here, as master.
Besides, Bosnians need to be instructed about further keeping peace.
5 January, Russian parliament votes in favour the deployment of Russian
forces to Bosnia to join the NATO-led peacekeeping mission. Special arrangements
apply to the command and control of Russian forces in IFOR. 13 January,
it’s a beginning of deployment of Russian troops supporting IFOR in Bosnia.
15 January, the UN Security Council authorises a 5000 men strong force
backed by NATO air power for Eastern Slavonia
13 March, Russia signs IFOR Participation and Financial Agreements. And
the HQ is visited by the presidents of old and ‘new democracies’, including
Poland, Estonia, Austria, Belarus, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia,
Malta, and Slovenia. Hence, NATO’s importance still increases after “successful
war”. 23 March, the Foreign Ministers of the contact group on the former
Yugoslavia meet in Moscow. Moscow therefore is also involved in ‘peacekeeping’
according NATO schemes.
The summer is relatively quiet: 18 June, following the termination of
the UN arms embargo on the former Yugoslavia, Operation Sharp Guard is
suspended. 19 July, the North Atlantic Council endorses an overall NATO
Standardisation Programme involving 50 harmonised standardisation objectives.
Standartisation in NATO terms means first of all military contracts for
mostly American corporations which can provide all military forces with
standard weapons, ammo and machinery. 13 August, NATO Secretary General
Solana and US Secretary of State Warren Christopher meet in Brussels to
discuss the Bosnian election, enlargement of the Alliance and relations
with Russia.
14 September, IFOR troops provide security for elections held in Bosnia
and Herzegovina to be monitored by the OSCE. The moneybox of world experience
of NATO peacekeeping is getting filled.
2-3 December, OSCE summit in Lisbon on European Security issues adopts
a Declaration on a Common and Comprehensive Security Model for Europe
for the 21st Century. And there is a fear that the running of this ‘model’
we saw already in Yugoslavia.
In the meantime on 10 December, Ministerial meeting of the North Atlantic
Council at NATO Headquarters in Brussels confirms NATO readiness to organise
and lead a Stabilisation Force (SFOR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, subject
to a UN Security Council mandate. Ministers also announce further steps
to be taken in the internal and external transformation of the Alliance
in preparation for the July 1997 Madrid Summit.
17 December, Kofi Annan becomes Secretary General of the United Nations.
20 December, Implementation Force is replaced with Stabilisation Force
(SFOR). In other words, peace and ‘stability’ came to Balkans.
If the year 1997 is considered we may say the following in general. At
the foregroung it is seen closer contacts between NATO and Ukraine, between
NATO and Russia, transformation of North Atlantic Cooperation Council
into Council of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation. NATO Enlargement to the “East”
develops successfully.
In the “formet Yugoslavia” Stabilisation Forces continue their work instead
of previously involved regulation forces.
Meanwhile conflict increases in the south, between Serbia and Kosovo Albanians
warmed up by the US CIA specialists that was known recently. NATO declares
that plays the “central part” in achiving peaceful political solution,
in supporting talks but ready to “get involved by military force to solve
conflict peacefully and stop humanitarian tragedy”. NATO on behalf of
NATO is more and more getting into taste of Big Lie. And now go into details.
19-21 January, first round of talks between Secretary General Javier Solana
and Russian Foreign Minister Yevgeni Primakov on a NATO-Russia Document
in Moscow.
4 February In his State of the Union address American President Bill Clinton
vows to pursue NATO’s enlargement by 1999 and to establish a “stable partnership”
with Russia. It is not clear why he ‘vows’ and why ‘by 1999’? Perhaps,
it is connected with some strategic plans of US and NATO toward Russia
and CIS nations.
And a week later after ‘president’s vow’ on the 10-14 February: NATO Secretary
General Javier Solana visits Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan
to meet Heads of State and government and other leading politicians. 18
February, newly-appointed US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright attends
her first NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting in Brussels and proposes the
creation of a permanent Russia-NATO brigade. It means we do with active
offensive on the territory of the former USSR for its peaceful conquest
to NATO flags. There is nothing personal, just normal business. One of
the empires only wants to take over perspective market with small losses.
20 February, NATO allies propose major changes to the CFE Treaty, which
limits conventional forces in Europe. NATO now accepts the principle of
limits on the arsenals of individual countries as opposed to regions.
The Alliance also accepts Russia’s wish on having territorial rather than
national limits on troops deployment, which effectively prevents NATO
from massing troops in one particular area near Russia’s borders. Depriving
“buffer territories and states” from excessive weapons NATO spares its
strength and means in its Eastern Enlargement. Moreover, those nation
or territories which are not agreeing could not resist NATO’s “stability”
and “safety”.
23 February, NATO Secretary General Javier Solana meets Russian Foreign
Minister Yevgeni Primakov for a second round of talks on a NATO-Russia
document in Moscow.
However it is difficult to suspect Alliance in unselfishness in their
Eastern direction move. 15 September, Operation Kozatskiy Step 97 under
Partnership for Peace begins in Ukraine, involving NATO, Polish and Ukrainian
troops. The exercise is designed to simulate an ethnic conflict. In closeness
of Russian this topic is very curious in NATO context.
26 September, NATO and Russian Foreign Ministers meet for the first time
as the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council. A Work Plan is approved, providing
for consultations on confidence building measures in armscontrol, joint
peacekeeping in Bosnia and the stationing of Russian military representatives
at NATO. Everybody found themselves. NATO is master; Russia is a “co-worker”,
1 October, at the request of the High Representative in Bosnia, SFOR takes
action against Serbian Radio and TV transmitters, following violations
and misuse. 9 October, Ukraine and Hungary become the first non-NATO countries
to open diplomatic missions to the Alliance. 25 November, Russian military
representative to NATO, Lieutenant-General Viktor Zavarzin, held his first
official meeting with NATO Military Committee Chairman, Klaus Naumann.
2-3 December, first meeting of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council
at Defence Ministers level. Military chiefs of staff from 44 countries
also meet in the framework of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council. «NATO
Enlarglement» gathers speed.
16 December, NATO Foreign Ministers sign Protocols of Accession for the
Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland in the presencen of their respective
Foreign Ministers.
NATO and Ukraine sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Civil Emergency
Planning and Disaster Preparedness. The year 1997 as a whole is successful
for the NATO. The invasion in Balkan area as well as in CIS area goes
on effectively. So the year 1998 is at the door now.
Part 2
Bradbury A. The
Ring of Revolution. Saint-Petersburg: Icy Island, 2002, 240p.
The first part of the book is a program
of information actions for those who name themselves as left radicals
of different kind, or as adherents of workers and communist movement,
provided that we live in the XXI century. The second part is an
example of utilisation Revolition Ring principles. It is an example
of intent analysis of world economy through the weakness of U.S.dollar
and world 'household' built on its basis.
Part 2
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