War in Yugoslavia became a turning point of NATO history as new instrument of world capital in their battle for re-partition of the world. During the full swing of air strikes in Serbia and Kosovo there was jubilation summit of NATO in Washington devoted to 50th anniversary of Alliance. Leaders of governments and nations confirmed there their “determination to put an end to repressions of Milosevic regime against the population of Kosovo province”. Kosovo became just a reason for the inoculation to the world mass consciousness of new rules for the world order. They were like follows:
Declaration of the summit on Kosovo confirmed again that NATO will enforce air operation against “Yugoslavian military machine unless president Milosevic fulfill legal requirements of international community”. In addition on the 25 April leadership of NATO countries met representative of Yugoslavia neighbour countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia). They discussed “crisis in Kosovo” its influence on region and long-term strategy of future security, prosperity and stability.
It was a glorious way to shape NATO members aggression as legal one at the international level. This way South East Europe Initiative (SEEI) was established which was aimed at far-reaching cooperation with NATO in region for it to be brought out to a new level with special attention in the region to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and “including when circumstances will allow Yugoslavian Federative Republic as well”. Thus the “operation” is not finished yet when neighbours together with NATO bosses have decided everything instead this nation.
Already in May 1999 European Community proposed Stability Pact which was adopted on 10 June at the international conference in Cologne and passed into service by OSCE. The Pact was designed for making contribution to the safety of the world, stability and prosperity in South-East Europe via agreed and coordinated activities”. “Agreed activities” were taken by many NATO countries willing to show their loyalty to NATO and to its “operation” in the South of Europe.
Even nations not involved in “Partnership for Peace” programme can receive aid within the framework of target NATO security cooperation programmes. Croatia for instance was a recipient of means before joining to Partnership for Peace (PfP) in May 2000. And Bosnia at the present time is a recipient of funds by the programme of cooperation on security started yet in 1997. NATO even established trust fund of PfP aimed at elimination of antipersonnel mines in Albania. There is no problem of wasting money as soon as the “fund” is established. NATO is searching for new ways of joint work with other international institutions within the frameworks of Stability Pact.
Cooperation with NATO by military reform makes countries of the region to face with practical financial and social tasks of the implementation these reformatory initiatives. NATO is providing advisors and experts for assistance in development of programmes together with the World Bank and other “donors” to favour “liberation” of military personnel in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania for their transition to civil employment and career. Otherwise to have an army in Europe is allowed only to NATO countries, the other may have by Alliance permission.
The Concept of “NATO extension” envisages closure of military bases and their conversion to civil purposes. The work was started from Romania, continued in Bulgaria, Croatia and Ukraine. Among the “donors” expressed their interest were listed the World Bank, European Development Bank Council, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In each case NATO used to help support interest of donors to proposals of countries-debtors via information, aid of their advisors and experts. In each case NATO used to help to countries-debtors through information, assistance of their advisors and experts. This way the “Big war in Yugoslavia” fed a lot of top level European bureaucracy, provided more financial and political dependence of Yugoslavia’s “neighbours” from NATO interest, from interest of world capitalism. The chief of NATO Robertson explained this as follows: «There should be perspective offered to the region in terms of return to the mainstream of Europe since the obvious lessons of the last 50 years prove that integration generates confidence, stability and prosperity». In fact different scheme worked there: Enlargement of capitalist block – aggravation of contradictions with competitors – war – demolition of economy – loans for rehabilitation – growth of new blocks and alliances of capitalists. All in all new conflicts and wars are looming at the horizon…
Alliance once again sold the potential war as a commodity to his members and to “sympathizers”, a war with those who “attack” member countries, who menace to them or who just “displease” by political or ideological predilections. The war is sold; please consume it!
From now on joining the NATO of joining its programs means in new history that actual conquest of country (territory) by capital which feeding NATO if we recall paragraph 5 of Washington Treaty of 1949 about establishment of the Alliance. The conquest seems to be “soft” and “almost voluntary”. NATO is the USA mainly, and USA is “euro-dollar”. Who contradicts dollar and its world monopoly on world trade and world economy is the one who against USA, NATO and “allies”. Those who oppose are international terrorists (since 11 September 2001). This is the logic of the coursed animal survival. He is ready to fight for his survival. Meanwhile the power of dollar and of the USA as we know now is overstated in many ways, it is bloated, fake one. The only material securing of it by today is a troops and weapons of the Alliance, their military bases, their partners, watchers and sympathisers. But it is until the first serious crash…
It was and ambitious task – to conquer Balkans but more important is extension. Military and political homogeneity is required for Alliance inside their frontiers. None should undertake something inside rear area of “allies” for not to spoil the thing of the world map repartition in accordance of capital size on behalf of Russian territory as well as of the rest of Eurasia. It means that it is no use to anticipate power of world euro-dollar economy as eternal one. It should be substantiated by new material assets which have to be taken away from effete rival.
And there are some reserves for these purposes.
By the end of 1980s the USA had about 1600 military bases and objects in 34 countries. In these places 500 thousand American military men were quartered permanently.
Only in Germany there are more than 200 big American bases and objects. American military bases are located in the other western European member countries as well: in the UK – 19, in Italy – 10, in Turkey – 7, in Spain – 6, in Greece – 4 etc. Total number of military equipped by modern weapon and nuclear one by the end of 1980s was about 350 thousand. After 1990 all nuclear rockets and missiles were deleted from Europe and they planned to reduce number of military troops up to 100 thousand persons (by 1995).
By the end of 2000 total fixed assets belonging to Pentagon on the territory of USA formed 919,5 billion US$ of which equipment ans software – 416,6 billion US$, buildings and structures – 502,9 billion US$, that equals 16% of all fixed assets of the US government property. Besides this there is a property of defense ministry abroad equals 426,8 billion US$. Total amount of defense ministry assets (which does not include FBI, NASA and NSA despite the fact that they have some military and half-military activity) formed by 2000 the sum of 1,34 trillion US$. Herewith 32,7% of «permanent military capital» (air force, rockets, ships, submarines, transport devices, electronics and communications as well as buildings and structures) is places beyond the borders of the United States.
The second US overseas grouping by its power is located in Far East and in Pacific basin close to the borders of the present CIS. In this area American troops use about 350 military bases and objects including 40 military bases in South Korea, 32 – in Japan, 11 – in Philippines etc.
Military presence is also extended in the Middle East and Persian Gulf. 20 thousand military are quartered there. Pentagon use military bases and objects situated in Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Diego-Garcia island.
American military presence in Latin America and Caribbean basin form about 20 thousand persons. The USA dispose military base in Guantanamo Cuba (it is the very prison for Afghan talibs) and also military bases and objects network in Panama, Puerto-Rico, Honduras and in Bermudas.
Until recently the former empires have a system of military bases abroad: the UK (Gibraltar, Cyprus, Falkland Islands and other) and France (Djibouti, Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, Gabon, Senegal).
American military bases and objects disposed also in Australia, Canada in some Atlantic islands. During recent time new bases were added in Bosnia, Yugoslavia (Kosovo) and Macedonia. Military facilities and NATO troops’ presence “voluntary” appeared in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan (in course of “Anaconda” operation in 2002) and in Georgia. Commanders of NATO in Europe and in USA are Americans in accordance to rating of country’s wealth in Alliance hierarchy.
Global military economy of the US Empire and their allies in dollar exploitation of the planet should not stand idle. Military machine have to be kept in working condition that is to be prepared for war in any second. Not only seminars and work groups and conference are required for it but also permanent military exercises. And certainly they are being held “ for the sake of peace”. Let us go through some details of NATO and partners exercises during the last three and half years.
1999 – 6 exercises. They were held in Norway, Germany, Romania and Lithuania. Both NATO members and partners took part in them. The subjects of exercises were: alignment of NATO forces in crisis situation for maintaining collective protection of their members; detection and monitoring of radiological danger or nuclear incidents; peace-keeping operations and humanitarian aid. Let’s remind that the troops before you are of humanism and kindness.
Small number and quite modest geography of exercises reveals the big secret of NATO block. War in Yugoslavia was planned long before March 1999. Practical elaboration of war was Battle Griffin 99 exercises in February with involvement of 20 thousand soldiers of all NATO countries. There are no details about some exercises that were defeated of cancelled. And the number of military exercises increased almost by three times.
2000 – 17 exercises. Geography of them has been extended. Except traditional Norway we find here: Ionic Sea, Kosovo, Hungary, France (although France is not a member of integrated NATO structures it takes part in military exercises on a level with other NATO members), South Atlantic, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Bosnia and Herzegovina and even Switzerland (for the first time).
The subject of exercises is getting more amusing: elaboration of joint land, air and navy activities amidst severe winter conditions; peace-keeping by the name of UNO; interaction and coordination of multinational forces during carrying out of antisubmarine military operations; support and maintenance of joint air force and quick reaction troops; border conflict between two states that are not NATO members; sea rescue and receiving casualties at the bank during shipwrecks; test run of anti-missile tactic means in the air force operations; exercises of submarines to work out joint security procedures for NATO members and partners; rescue of submarines; subjection of the rebels operation; peace enforcement operation; workup headquarter procedures and compatibility of multinational forces. Let’s notice that the question is still about “security”, “peacekeeping” and “stability”.
2001 – 17 exercises. What’s new in geography: Caribbean sea, Canada, UK, Greece, Albania, Poland, Baltic Sea, Bulgaria, Austria and others.
New in the subject of exercises is the following: antisubmarine military exercises; humanitarian aid after tropic storms and hurricanes; operational interaction of NATO members and participants of “Dialogue”; procedures of rescue from submarines suffering distress; practice of maintenance and operation of fighters aircraft; air and land exercises close to real warfare; underwater warfare; searching, rescue and detention of vessel operations in the sea; enemy air defense suppression and electronic war. The same year practical implementation of skills took place during the operation of NATO forces deployment against Afghanistan. It is not the case with Afghanistan. But the practice of NATO (or UNO) proves that there should be someone assigned guilty for the attack on New York. Let it be Afghanistan under the reign of talibs. As a result the brink between exercises and the war itself among the member of Alliance and the partners is getting hardly visible. By the way, since the spring of 2001 the USA carries out an active propaganda in order to commence National Anti-rocket defense. Terrorist attack in New York and Washington convinced those distrusting that dozens of billion dollars should be spend ‘for nothing’ as soon as possible. The question is agreed with NATO commandership there is no doubt. The war with talibs (2001-2002) in Afghanistan was worth about 10,8 billion US$ for USA within 9 months.
2002 – 14 exercises only during six months. To where and for what purpose this big armada is being prepared? It is not ease to find such number of terrorist in the world. This time exercises took place in: Ionic Sea, Norway, Poland, Netherlands, Sweden, USA, Denmark, Germany, Georgia, Romania, and Iceland.
War “exercises” were devoted to: warfare with surface and undersea fleet, coast guard; conduct of simultaneous operations on land, on sea and from air; operational interaction of multinational forces and civil services of different countries; air force logistics including training of ground personnel, resupply, security of operational air force weapon; mobile command post in military and humanitarian operations; elaboration of officership unity, control and communication in course of reaction to crisis; collective defense; strategy of communication and rescue-saving procedures given the reaction during volcano eruption.
Even the names of these military exercises are curious one: «shark», «quick response», «burning ground», «binded seas», «flexible structure», «smart hunter», «united spirit», «determine cooperation», «removal of discomfort», «disciplined warrior».
“Disciplinned warriors in a burning ground” looks very romantic. But modern world war became less romantic than two previous ones. First world war was remarkable in usage of bigger amount of infantry, by modest use of tanks and airplanes. Fleet at that time was not so effective as today rather it was bulky and clumsy both surface and undersea fleet. The most productive weapon of the First World War was poison gas by its deadly force and also artillery and machine guns. The Second World War was enriched with science and technology achievements. Aviation became impressive force: attack, air fight and bombing aviation and at last sea aviation. Airborne forces were added to aviation. Surface and undersea fleet has got more manoeuvrable. Ground forces are still remaining and important component for territorial conquest but their independent value is going down. Information intelligence and psychological processing of population are getting more and more significant. A heavy dot was put at the end of the war by two nuclear explosions in Japan. A final dot at the end of the second war was put by two atomic explosions in Japan. But this dot was quickly turned into a comma.
The Third World War did not keep waiting for a long time. Practically right after 6 of August 1945 at the day of nuclear air strike on Hiroshima the mankind started the Third World War, and not during several years after the end of the war when two empires faced to each other in Korea. American capitalism which was unsatisfied by the world re-partition after Second World War and having by that time an “absolute weapon”, nuclear bomb, was sure that the new repartition of the world map will take place soon. Nuclear blasts were a demonstration of power before “allies”. However the US nuclear monopoly was destroyed soon. And long stationary warfare which was titled as a “cold war” and in course of which new perspective and effective means of warfare of the first, second and third kind have been developing.
Before the equilibrium of “nuclear fear” was balanced after testing of the soviet atomic bomb two empires have been continuing their efforts to extent the areas of their interests. Both USA and USSR followed the similar scheme: bringing of troops, arrangement of military bases, establishing of manageable political regime, supply of military machinery and weapons (supply is connected with military loans), extension of trade and economic cooperation. It is worth to remind that after the end of World War Second soviet troops were deployed in Austria, Romania, Chekhoslovakia, Poland, Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria. Yugoslavia did not surrender to stalinist empire. US-empire subordinated the rest of the Europe and settled in Japan. But both “allies” remained dissatisfied by their territorial acquisitions and by new spheres of interests. Each empire wanted to get more. Therefore in any wars, conflicts as well as in information-psychological battles it was easy to identify two main rivals.
Civil war in China took place from the year 1946 to 1950. Specific Chinese “socialism” took over there, some petit bourgeois Maoist imperialistic socialism. China escaped from grasp of the USSR in order to join Yugoslavia and other countries in establishing so called “non-alignment” movement, that is “non-aligned” neither to US-empire, nor to USSR empire which enlarged their territories on behalf of their dependents in Europe.
Next in a queue “to be conquered” was Yugoslavia. On the surface the conflict between Stalin and Tito was just like disagreement of two regimes of one kind about “the ways of construction socialism”, like a conflict of two communist parties claiming for domination in world communist movement. Tito as well as Mao in China turned to smaller copy of stalin for Yugoslavia. By the fall of 1949 Yugoslavia was proclaimed in the USSR as “advance-guard of imperialism”, “fascist-Gestapo clique”. Yet on the 15 of March 1949 American ‘World Report’ have been forecasting that “USSR will make Albania and Bulgaria to enter the conflict with Yugoslavia and when the war will start Russian troops will invade Yugoslavia». On the 20th of March “New York Times” stated that “Russians will undertake major military preparations at Albanian border and on the bank of Adriatic sea to make a corridor via Yugoslavian Macedonia which would connect Albania and Bulgaria». (NATO followed the same scheme when performing the same in the Balkans in 1990). TASS did not refute information of the West.
Meanwhile secret information about USSR various military actions planed against Yugoslavia became known to European capitols and to Washington. Intelligence sources have been noted «increase in move of soviet troops and their partners as well», and date of action was defined as “autumn of the year 1950 – spring of the year 1951». CIA analysts have been evaluating soviet military equipment supply to Balkans in a quantity which could meet the requirements of soviet troops”. By the end of 1950 Washington, London and Paris have been abandoning themselves more and more to the idea of possible military-political conflict where USSR will take part a direct or indirect participation. In December 1950 in course of consultations with leaders of the Congress president Truman openly declared: “Kremlin may… decide that in fact this is the time for common war with USA”. In other words, the two empires already then were planning to clear the air in a foreign territory.
Besides, soviet method of war preparations strongly resembles «Kosovo (or Bosnian) method» of NATO against the object of expansion. Yugoslavia’s frontier with Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania was constantly subject to numerous provocations each posing a threat to burst into a war. Instances of such provocations increased from 937 in 1950 to 2390 in 1952. With purpose to «solve» Yugoslavian problem in Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, three international teams were formed. Bulgaria and Hungary hosted special schools for sabotage and espionage training in Yugoslavia. Besides, a lot of Yugoslavian officers in 1948 were trained at soviet military academies and special institutions for intelligence and counter-intelligence. Yugoslavian government, on its part, also prepared for “occupation” and guerrilla war. Supreme headquarters of guerilla movement was also established. Evacuation of kettle, food produce and population was envisaged from the territories that could not be protected. «Everything was ready for resistance to occupants immediately after their motorized unit cross the frontiers».
When the Western democracies recognized that Soviet-Yugoslavian conflict is not a provocative staging but a true reality, Yugoslavia started to receive financial and then military support from USA, UK and other countries. In autumn 1949 Yugoslavia put the issue to discussion at the UN General assembly. As Belgrade proceeded to receive military support, the planned intervention was becoming more and more touchy affair for USSR. The Stalin Empire’s hope for potential of «internal resources» failed. European and American capital bought over Yugoslavia and redirected the Yugoslavian «socialism» to western direction. The soviet sudden advance to Balkans failed. The final solution of «Balkan issue» was postponed by forty years.
Then a war was launched in Northern Korea where soviet troops were operating already from the territory of «friendly socialist» China since June 1950 until July 1953. The “enemy” involved France, Turkey and Great Britain. The resistance was offered by USSR, China and Northern Korea. The war resulted with Korea separated into Northern and Southern, into a “socialist” and “bourgeois”. Both having imperial military presence and military bases. USSR and USA spread their military services until western shore of Pacific Ocean and the balance was not ruined. Europe: Battle actions in Hungary in 1956. The first country risked to quit from socialist camp and became bourgeois again. The effort has been broken down by USSR troops, as similar as in Poland in 1956.
For the time being there is enough money for battle actions in Asia. In Vietnam: since January 1961 till December 1974. As well as related, almost simultaneous, battle actions in Laos: since January 1960 till December 1963; since August 1964 till November 1968; in November 1969 till December 1970. Soviet troops also had some war activities in Cambodia: April – December 1970. War in Indochina was again between the same two main rivals, by their weapons, in alien territory. The result: a soviet base in Vietnam, military advisors, military loans and supplies of weapons to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia. Americans, alternatively, had to withdraw their troops loosing 55,7 thousand killed in actions and died in non-military incidents.
As soon as both empires succeeded in production of missile carriers, they tried to threat each other on little occasions as usual. USSR deployed its ballistic missilery in Cuba in immediate proximity to American Florida. Such impudence. Caribbean crisis outbursted have been lasting since 1962 till 1964. USA succeed to force USSR to remove its missiles from Cuba. However American empire could not remove its military base and military advisors from Cuba. Moreover, Cuba then helped African people to shake off one colonial the yoke and put another on. Then was the turn of Nicaragua with Cuban military advisors, and soviet weapons involved. All this culminated with war since 1978 till 1989 of revolutionary General Ortega (soviet soldiers were also there) against American-oriented commandos and loss of another bridgehead in favor of USA.
Soviet empire was not satisfied with its role in Africa. Africa, divided in course of the first world war, was slightly remade in course of the second world war. Even seemingly less powerful European countries still had colonies here. USSR did not have anything there. For instance, when helping the Africans in their fight for national emancipation, supplying weapons, even not objecting to their “non-alignment” USSR was counting on its expansion in Africa. Our soldiers and experts committed in Algeria in 1962-1964; in Egypt (United Arab Republic) since October 1962 until March 1963, since 1967 until 1968, since March 1969 until July 1972, since October 1973 until 1974 and since June 1974 until February 1975; in Mozambique in 1967-1969, since November 1975 until November 1979; in Angola since November 1975 until November 1979; in Ethiopia since December 1977 until November 1979 and until 2000; in Somali in 1977, and also since 1994 until 2000. Finally Egypt until the murder of Nacer was “ours” and then went under America’s control. Angola and Ethiopia for a while experienced something like African-type socialism, but this finished with endless civil wars. Algeria surprised us with «Arabic socialism» that partially repeated in Libya with its own “Big Brother”.
Arabian East rich in oil and well located was also at gun’s point of soviet and American interests. Military operations also were held in Arab Republic of Yemen since October 1962 until March 1963 and since November 1967 until December 1969; in Syria since June 1967, in March-July 1970, in September-November 1972; October 1973; in Syria and Lebanon in June 1982. Soviet troops took part in Iran-Iraq war in 1980-1987. Some kind of «socialism», as USSR leaders understood it, was formed in Syria and Yemen. But this was not crucial for securing the Near East. USA already entered Saudi Arabia and Iran.
USSR managed to battle even in Bangladesh in 1972 - 1973 and Indonesia since 1961 till 1962. But the empire’s powers got weaker – too extensive the plans were. The Afghanistan war got it – since 1979 till 1989. Export of “state socialism” by military way did not work. Over-monopolized economy could not resist mighty competition with the USA and its allies in developed European countries as well as in Japan. Petrodollars gave a respite in endless arms race but did not save the military-camp-country. Following were the first signals of forthcoming changes. Besides, the Afghans were supported by mercenaries from numerous countries, in Pakistan CIA funded action agents training programs conducted by the British and Americans.
Czechoslovakia’s effort to reform its socialism caused military actions in Czechoslovakia in 1968 with participation of regular forces of the Warsaw Pact countries. In Hungary after 1956 it was already the second attempt to disobey Moscow. Open resistance to Moscow’s guardianship and interference tuned into an August military crisis in Poland in 1981, in the very heart of military block of “Socialism”. Meanwhile in 1966 China developed its own nuclear weapon. Economic situation was rather bad, and Mao initiated a Cultural Revolution, and then accused USSR in breakaway from Marxism and blamed in being a mainstay of “Social-imperialism”. This tense in relations burst into fights at Damansky island in March 1969 and around Zhalanshkol in August 1969.
Vietnam that received soviet military assistance for quite a long time, also adopted worst lessons of Stalin’s imperialism and took a shot as a small Indochina empire. In 1959-1975 North Vietnam participated in Laos civil war where it sent great number of troops against the government supported by the USA. Vietnam took part in Cambodian civil war in 1967-1975. Vietnam sent their troops to help Red Khmers and then fixed up its military presence in Cambodian territory. The third Indochina war in 1977-1991 required Vietnam’s military presence and invasion of troops in this territory. In reply to that China as Cambodian ally undertook attack on Vietnam in December 1978. This 29-days war was completed by the announcement of Chinese army victory and homing. But it was not the end. China attacked Vietnam again in February 1979 and wage a war for about month. China, however, got the frozen mitt. Vietnam was strong and experienced in warfare.. In course of 1980s they had periodical border conflicts. It was only unless USSR had lost its power for good and Warsaw Treaty collapsed. Then the world was ready to the next repartition.
Capitalism at imperialistic phase in characterized with parasitism taking the form of the most suitable financial parasitism. Economic parasitism of soviet empire does not differ by its nature from the bourgeois empires analogue. Specific character of “socialism” lies in the fact that government is a single monopolistic corporation by labour force exploitation in this territory. Although monopoly is good when its scientific and technical level as well as labour productivity remain reasonably high to oppose external competition. Otherwise it degrades gradually and turns into some repetition of feudal formation at a new spiral turn of evolution. It is not easy for government-feudal to force its vassals to leave in accordance to commodity production laws and to develop competition artificially. There is no stimulus and no objective need. Everything decays, congeals and falls to pieces. Only armed visibility remains after powerful state socialism.
What’s wrong with the USSR? It grew thin substantially. Russian Federation is still surviving as senescent empire eroded by total corruption and peculation. The only effect of the former hardiness are debtors mostly those provided by weapons along with loans: Algeria, Angola, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin (Togo), Burundi, Burkina-Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Mozambique, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Syria, Ethiopia. Accumulated violation of proportion between services sector (infrastructure and sphere of services) and material production has accelerated process that caused permanent reduction of employed in material sector. At that growth in military sectors and in MIC-related civil sectors increases governmental consumption with no influence to economic growth of national economy.
The United States on the contrary got stronger. However, the more they conquer the rest of the world the weaker or more dependent of it they became. It can be seen from the falling down of employment in material production inside the “empire”. Economic parasitism deeply affects social being and public conscience of empire. Empire turns to economy of service for its colonies and domains. It is notable that “military service” is also included in the list of services though in this case empire of capital serves its own interests. Military base, military presence, weapon supply and provision of loans for weapon purchases are the elements of such prevenance.
But there is one circumstance. The one who sells weapons and military equipment gains double benefit from such trade. Firstly, seller compensates his cost and gets profit; secondly, he destroys economy of weapon purchaser, make it more dependent on related military credits or even on ordinary food supply. Country purchaser of weapons annihilates its accumulations (or savings), reduces growth opportunities for its economy and increases parasitic strata of governmental and military officers. Budget deficit goes up, governmental debt also grows and national economy falls in pieces more and more. This the effect of weapons purchase at purchase’s side. On the contrary, weapons manufacturer and seller expands sphere of his impact, increases arms production that causes backward destroying action on his own empire economy, because military production as the most profitable pushes out the rest sectors and/or subjects them to military. Economic parasitism grows in geometric progression. Inflation and «corruption of money» (in a form of extremely overstated exchange rate) becomes common rule. Economic power more and more rests on military strength distributed all over the world. This way «rear areas» are found absolutely open for their total damage. Total economic and political crash of such kind “Roman Empire” is now an issue of the closest time and the issue of psychological credit of trust provided to “money fetish” of the Empire, to dollar, euro or whatever.
By the end of ÕÕ century it was found that nor jet aviation neither powerful fleet facilitated by aircraft carriers and by nuclear shock troops and neither even ballistic or cruise missiles can not manage to deal with or suppress the enemy’s will to resist. There are more reliable means to realize it: hanger, thirst, diseases, political and diplomatic or information-psychological intervention and financial colonization.
The third war is not fast flowing but limitless by its atrocity and cynicism. There is no need in bombing and menace of missile-bomb attack (these measures are required, say, to raise exchange rate), massive land invasion is also ineffective. Old means suit for retarded territories of the third world where sometimes there is no power supply or centralized water supply. For territories touched by technical civilsation it is enough to close sources of frech water or power supply and they prove themselves in the state of chaos. As far as destruction of fuel production and storage to be added to this then territory can be considered as conquered. Though these benefits will not bring result if there were no preparatory powerful psychological impact on majority of population, if political leadership was not oriented properly with regards to future lord, dollar, for instance; if local exchange was not collapse several times to prevent its recovery. Can we consider such activities as a war in traditional sense? Or it is easier to say about economic, information-psychological, financial or political conquest of certain object (country, region) required by group of capitals. Practically almost all Balkan countries, Middle Asian countries, Baltic States, Southern Caucasus were captured or conquered this way. There was one difficult place that is Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. And the mean was found for this country – massive bombing by “precision weapons” to force them to behave in a way acceptable for NATO-UN..
The third war is featured by “military activity” in the spheres of information and infrastructure. Therefore since 1999 NATO carries out policy of “transparency and openness” with regards to their actions creating positive image of military (aggressive) block before the eyes of their present and future partners. Victory in information war, in psychological preparation of any “action” with the use of global television and internet provides for actual conquest of required object: country, territory or nation. Utilisation of such wording as “peacekeeping”, “stability” and “security” is not accidental as well. NATO as an instrument of American and European capitals promotes their new commodity – “peacekeeping” to new markets. Alliance gathers scientific and intellectual elite of their future partners to their side. With a help of different scientific programmes, seminars or workshops discussing issues of environment, economy, policy, with a help of computer networks establishment for science and educational communities, via grants and scholarships this military block conquers civil population, nurses their unconditional supporters, and reviews prospective stuff for “reserve”.
The subject of specific interest for the third war military experts is infrastructure. On the ground of conferences, seminars and studies they collect actual data on transport (especially air one), on power industry, on means of communication, water supply system, fodder base of population – from agriculture and live stock to fish catching, on environment, meteorological data, governmental decision making system, demographic data, details on top level politicians (especially dirt), and scientific and creative elite. Different international department of capital are trying to work in close cooperation changing data – military, financial, political, ecological, demographic – then form the whole picture of potentially “free country” that is to be in faceless community of western democracies.
You don’t need a huge army for that. They can perform just after-war police function which is named as peacekeeping and security in accordance to the modern wooden language. There is no war actually but it takes place and continues daily.
You may ask, how about war tradition? «Air control» or whatever? – It depends on kerosene. Ground force invasion? – It is limited by food supply. Information impact via television and internet? – It is not possible without power supply. Availability and physical condition of military equipment, its quality and quantity? – It degrades due to the lack of interest expressed by parasitic empire to material production, due to natural destruction of own industry and science.
It is difficult to stay independent from permanent aspirations of world capital toward themselves standing on the field of its competition where any means to an end without live work of economy, without reasonable financial of lending policy, without clear educational and cultural training of population. Thus world capital can be demolished in its own lair by its modern means even if some nation had been conquered already psychologically or suppressed up to the stage of slavery before the myths of world capital likewise NATO, euro or dollar.
The Ring of Revolution mentioned above will help to everybody and to each person in particular to overcome civilization of property. World capitalism will blow out from the inside forced by growth of new productive forces appeared in XX century, and their capacity even global capitalism can not curb yet taking into account all its military power and all loyal reactionary regimes and yesterday’s politicians. World bourgeois formation that is presented by its degenerated case known as fascism is doomed to dying out. If all nations of the world are explained about how and for what different division of world capital are fighting for then people will be staggered back in horror staring at their masters and leaders.
It is not and idle question, whether Russia, China, India and other nations of Eurasian will be compliant to creeping conquering from the world capital centers as their capitalistic nations on their own. Sya, young capitalism of China beneath the ‘communist’ flag I ready to take their crack in future repartition of the world may starting from Taiwan for instance. Indian capitalism is also considering opportunity of taking part in territorial conquest. For this purpose they have nuclear weapon and rocket-carriers and range of new military units including those purchased in Russia air jets, ships, tanks and submarines. «Unsinkable air craft carrier» Japan, for instance, yet long ago trespassed the border of allowed ‘self-defense’ stated in their constitution and also want to revise its economic role in the world. The other countries of South-East Asia are ready to join any pre-war coalition either. As far as three former military blocks SEATO, ASPAC & ANZUS loyal to the USA are ceased to exist practically.
But the troops and weapons still remain. Japan have 149,000 soldiers in infantry, 150 navy units and 510 airplanes. Taiwan keep 240 thousand of infantry soldiers, , 370 navy units and 440 airplanes. Moreover, 21 thousand of American soldiers are located in South-East Asia, as well as 63 navy units and 270 planes. Besides this there are U.S. military bases in Okinawa, Sasebo, Yokosuka, Sagamikhara and Misawa; in Corea – namely in Kunsan and Sangtan and also in Guam Island. This armada is opposed by 2,1 million of Chinese ground forces, by 820 navy units and 4916 planes. China is seemed quite decisively in their willingness to conquer more space in this bourgeois world. Contribution of ethnic Chinese in this region GDP is quite big; Malaysia – 98%, Indonesia – 70%, Thailand – 35%. 31 August 1998 reminded the world about itself launching ballistic missile that flew over Japanese territory. Americans hereupon have been concerned of “NMD” idea.
It is possible that establishment of the CIS at the ruins of the USSR and then “Shanghai Five” is not just a will to develop friendship and neighbourliness but an effort to form a sort of military-political alliance for the case of unforeseen circumstances in the world policy. As long as not everybody ultimately sure in absolute power of dollar, Western Europe and American-European NATO block.
«Shanghai Five» was formed from the former “socialist” countries and their ‘fragments’ adding military-political formation of CIS countries which starts cracking by the middle of 1990s by the pressure of NATO expansion to the East. Short history of the “Five” repeats typical history of allies block.
«Shanghai Five» is the young regional association where the following countries entered: Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan. Kings got together for economic, information and military cooperation. Especially as is common for sacke of “security”. The result of the first meeting (April 1996) of “Shanghai Five” was signing and Agreement on measures of confidence in military sphere around the common border signed by five presidents. By this moment NATO already have military base in Bosnia and number of buffer countries in Central and Southern Europe controlled by Euro-American capital policy.
During the second summit (24 April 1997) in Moscow leaders of the “Five” signed pentalateral Agreement on mutual reduction of troops and weapons around the common border (at the Chinese border and the rest country-members). Documents defined mechanism of monitoring obligations for non-buildup of troops around the border. This circumstance allows all participants of the ‘Five’ to save money in current military outlays for them to be shifted to ‘capital investment’ such as weapons procurement, construction of united military infrastructure: firstly, with regards to special and police forces and then to military troops starting from air defense and air force and ending with ground forces. NATO in return is made for continue ‘enlargement’ in Eurasia involving new candidates to their orbit of Alliance partnership.
The third meeting of “Five” members was held in Alma-Ata in July 1998. The main topic of the meeting was extension of cooperation in the field of regional security and trade-economic barter proposed by Chinese delegation. There was an agreement fixed about active consultations on security issues with possible participation of regional countries. Participants supported proposal of Kazakhstan republic on calling a meeting devoted to interaction and confidence-building measures in Asia (CBMA).
The forth meeting of the “Five” was held in 24-25 August 1999 in Bishkek as a meeting of five leaders of country-members of Shanghai (1996) and Moscow (1997) agreements on CBM in military sphere and on mutual reduction of military forces around the border. Invasion of Chechen rebels in Dagestan had begun already. The same August everybody could see invasion of Islamic rebels in Kyrgyzstan. Extremists were based in Tajikistan. Results of the summit were fixed in Bishkek declaration signed by those five leaders. In October the “war with world terrorism” was started up and the arsonist ot war was Russian leadership. Population had supported this fake war called “operation” with all their hearts. Since that time all-world propaganda of “Antiterrorism” was commenced.
On the 6 July 2000 the fifth meeting of five countries leaders took part in Dushanbe with involvement of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan high representatives. Result of the meeting: «Shanghai Five» expressed strong support to maintain a Treaty on Missile Defense of 1972 as a basis for strategic stability in the world. It was stated in Declaration that multi-polarity of policy acquires “determinative meaning in new world order architecture”. However Euro-American empire ignore “multi-polarity” because each capital aspires monopoly, that is unipolarity of the universe.
Other outcome of the meeting is that the “Five” participants worked out unified approaches to struggle with international terrorism and extremism. With regards to this president V.Putin proposed “to put on war footing” package of legal acts which can increase efficiency of this struggle. Chiefs of the “Five” expressed their determination not to allow using of their territories for certain activity “harming sovereignty, security and social order in any of the five countries” and agreed that Chechen settlement is exclusively Russian problem. That means integrity of Russian and so forth.
On the 14 of June 2001 the sixth meeting of the “Five” was held. Leader of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan adopted joint statement about Uzbekistan entry into Shanghai forum as plenipotentiary member. After Uzbekistan entry in June 2001 they adopted a Declaration in Shanghai on establishment of “Shanghai Organisation of Cooperation” (SOC). Salient contribution in myth-creation about struggle with “terrorism” was Shanghai Convention on fighting with terrorism, separatism and extremism of 15 June 2001.
Two principal (almost military) partners in ‘five’ are Russia and China which have been discussing American NMD programme either. There is matter of concern Taiwan, South Corea, Japan are the islands with U.S. military bases “on board”. All these military facilities wait for application. As far as China has grew up substantially for the last twenty years after announcement of “four modernizations” at the plenary meeting of Chinese communist party central committee. By the way there was a short honey moon between USA and China at that time. However mutuality has gone as soon as Chinese economic potential got stronger and after China is tending to be new regional leader.
For now China consider not only Taiwan Island as its sovereign territory but also the major part of the South-Chinese Sea and all the islands there. In case of menace or any counter-action (political, economic or military) from U.S. side acting in terms of protecting American navy and jets or in terms of assistance to other countries China may consider this as a ‘blackmail’ and violation of ‘sovereignty’ and respond rigidly. Curiously, that China has a border disputes with 11 countries including Japan and India. Given this situation there is a hope to involve Russia in this conflict in military terms even as a potential enemy.
In 1950-s «Communist» China repetitively required Russia to «give back» almost all Russian Far-East, which, according to China, was “stolen” as a result on «uncompleted» contract of 1860. Russia, according to West, in such a way arms a potentially dangerous country, probably repeating a mistake of Stalin who sold weapons to Germany that eventually attacked Soviet Union in 1941. Thus, former friends by capital may be friends and fight again if their economical interests disagree.
Except for Uzbekistan, the challengers for membership in Shanghai forum included Pakistan, Mongolia, Turkmenistan and even India. These countries were not obliged to become sovereign participants of all initiatives within the organization whatever its name was, but could participate only in certain agreements. Smaller and bigger countries of Asia look for its camp, its military camp ante Diem the hot phase of the third war. Since there is no guarantee that the economical power of Euro-American capital is real but not virtual like the picture of its currency – “Euro-dollar”.
At this very summit the heads of states signed «Shanghai Convention for fighting terrorism, separatism and extremism». International terrorism becomes a vast and general category comprising mainly activities that tear up the foundations of existing governing powers. «Terrorism» is mostly scary to state fascism or any other economic order born on wreckage of state socialism in former USSR and fed mostly by bourgeois nationalism. The most important capitalist here is the state machine and “big private businesses” being its integral part. Russia is not an exception.
State method of production is quite die-hard. It existed in Ancient Egypt (and old China) for centuries. But as soon as the state capitalism bases itself on nationalism (or pathological patriotism) its days are numbered. Birth of fascism is linked to crisis of capitalism as its degenerate, extreme and critical case. However, with Nazism clothing put on the capitalism in its supreme form is fated to self-destruction. It is fascism ideology that concentrates the idea and strives of big business to re-plot the world using military way or a war. «Peaceful means» of capturing alien territories and resources are not enough. That is why a fairy-tale about “terrorists” has been burnt in to world’s common sense by a national leader. It is quite awkward to speak about social inequality and class war in «civilized countries».
In June 7, 2002, leaders of six Asian states had a seventh meeting. This meeting was marked by signing and Agreement between states-members of Shanghai Organization for Cooperation on Regional anti-terrorist structure of June 7, 2002, adopted at ShOC seventh meeting. Using the modern language, this idea of «anti-terrorism» embodied in state military structures means a creation of more or less “amorphous” antebellum block. It is more open compared to NATO and less «obligatory» from the point of view of military standards, command and budgetary requirements. And it is extremely important in new conditions, when NATO presence is a fact in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan. In addition to that NATO offers hard cash to SCO for using their airdromes for operations against terrorists in Afghanistan.
SOC member-countries build their relations within framework of appearing multi-polar system of international relations, collective decision-making of key problems, dominations of law and bourgeois democracy of international relations. Naturally, they continue to purchase weapons, military equipment, anticipating strong partner in new political block rather than “democratic” principles of fair competition in the form of war. Nobody has a firm assurance in attractive proposals about cooperation. That is why for some case they keep company and cooperate with all strong groups and state in Declaration that «SOC member-countries have inherent law of independent selection form and methods for provision of their security including arrangement of cooperation with other nations » (the leave an opportunity of participation in NATO and other structures). There is good reason for that. SOC is 1.46 billion person population (by the year of 2001), SOC is 1,25 trillion dollars of GDP in 2000, even if we know that dollar is just a counting unit, imperfect, but as it is; SOC is 800 million units of labour force, or more than 1,6 trillion working hours per year (employed mostly in material production)! Hardly USA and Western Europe together have the same power.
«SOC member-countries congratulate formation of new stable Afghanistan, free from terror, war, drugs and poverty, declare about their respect to cultures and traditions of all nations living in this country». In other words, the Alliance’s operation in Afghanistan is agreed by form, by methods and by results. Moreover, SOC member-countries judge from the fact that PRC is the only legal government representing the whole China and Taiwan is integral territory of China».
«Antiterrorism» is now the name of routine daily process of the third world war of world capitals and governmental groups against those countries and nations which are defined for upcoming repartition. This is modern type of fascism, more properly state fascism. «We can face with fascism without nationalism. It can not be vice versa. Any exclusiveness generates domination people over people: army, war, fascism”.
Leadership of SOC countries believe that globalization and national interest of country-members are “complementary” elements of developing world order. Nevertheless they do not remember that the pivot of globalization appeared to be giants of world capital, multinational corporations, inter-governmental alliances of leading bourgeois countries, likewise magnificent “seven”. They consider smaller national countries of unexplored Eurasian just like elements of their global strategy of conquering markets.
SOC country-members say that they are full of determination to cooperate in struggle with terrorism, separatism and extremism, organized crime, illegal drug trade and weapons either. They consider these phenomena as transnational threats. However they forget that formation of bourgeoisie had begun with pirates, robbers and assassins. Therefore modern “terrorists” if we mean normal criminals are the mirror of bourgeois world, its disgusting and exact copy. Solid residue of bourgeois mode of production is a murder of worker by capitalist in course of production, or normal war as a mean of sorting out economic growth problem on behalf of competitors.
Struggle with “terror” had required to combine the efforts of Shanghai block intelligence agencies. The first meeting of law-enforcement and intelligence agencies chiefs of SOC took part on the 1-2 December 1999 in Bishkek where Memorandum was signed on cooperation and interaction. At the same meeting they made a decision on formation of “Bishkek Group”, representatives of which met each other on 20-22 December 2000 in Moscow. Following this chief of law-enforcement authorities and intelligence services of country-members of SOC had a meeting on the 10-11 October 2001 in Bishkek.
It is worth to say that during 1990-2000s the third world war continues as “war of nerves”: who will be the first to fail when he deprived of freedom, space for maneuver, conditions and opportunities for economic growth and reproduction. The gangs of bigger capitals and groups of countries share weak and “buffer” countries when preparing to decisive clash of interests, to the hot phase of the third world war. More and more reasons – military, economic and psychological – appear for them to start with open conflict.